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Image Processing - in short

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1 Image Processing - in short
Image in  image out image = 2D array of pixels (pixel = img[x,y]) color : 3 values / pixel gray : 1 value / pixel value usually 0.0 to 1.0 (float) or 0 to 255 (byte) No 3D scene no sub-pixel sampling must work with given pixels (no extra info)

2 3 Kinds of Processes Local Neighborhood Global
out[x,y] depends on in[x,y] only Neighborhood out[x,y] depends on in[x,y] and pixels near in[x,y] Global out[x,y] depends on ALL pixels in out

3 Local Processes out[x,y] = f ( in[x,y] ) adjust colors, brightness
correct for acquisition bias eg, camera sensor with non-linear response no spatial filtering no sharpening, blurring

4 Brightness adjustment
out[x,y] = in[x,y] +  (clamp to 0-1 range) in K > 0 K < 0

5 Quantization out[x,y] = f( in[x,y] ) fixed threshold ordered dither 1
if in[x,y]>thresh[x,y] then out=1 else out=0 out in 1

6 Contrast stretch out[x,y] = f( in[x,y] ) more contrast less contrast 1
shallow slope steep slope in 1 in 1

7 Gamma Correction out[x,y] = in[x,y] in >1 <1 1 1 out out in 1
in 1 in 1

8 Histogram Equalization
Frequent pixels  higher contrast original (low contrast) high contrast (detail lost) histogram equalized (more details)

9 Histogram Equalization
1 : get color frequencies p(v) = (#pixels with color v) / (#total pixels) 2 : compute cummulative probability C(v) = fraction of colors  v = p(x) , for x v 3 : apply equalization out = C(in)

10 Histogram Equalization
more frequent in Pixel frequency less frequent less steep Cummulative pixel probability out more steep

11 Luminance (colorgrey)
Y-component of CIE X-Y-Z color in: 3 values/pixel (R,G,B) out: 1 value/pixel Y  0.3 R G B

12 Hue Rotation 1: in(R,G,B) (H,S,V) 2: H  H + 
3: (H,S,V)  out(R,G,B)

13 Adjust Saturation 1: in(R,G,B) (H,S,V) 2: S  S + S
3: (H,S,V)  out(R,G,B) S < 0 in S > 0

14 Neighborhood Processes
out[x,y] = f (pixels near in[x,y]) linear f( ) = linear combination of pixel colors non-linear f( ) = other function non-linear combination procedure

15 Linear filtering Equivalent to convolution Integral form:
out(x) = integral{ in(x - t) × g(t) × dt } out = in * g Discrete form: out[x,y] = i,j in[x + i, y + j] × g[i, j] out[x,y] = weighted sum of pixels g( ) = “filter kernel”

16 Filter Kernels Matrix of weights example: box filter
1D: g(x) = 1/a if (0  x  a) 2D: g(x,y) = 1/a2 if (0  x  a) and (0  y  a) discrete box filter (3 × 3), a=3, a2=9 g[x,y] =     ÷   1/a a

17 Discrete 3 × 3 Box Filter in out ×1/9 × 1/9 × 1/9 × 1/9 × 1/9 × 1/9
out[x,y] × 1/9 × 1/9 × 1/9

18 Discrete Convolution (2n+1) × (2n+1)
out[x,y] = in[x,y] * g[x,y] s = 0; for (i=-n; i<=n; i++) for (j=-n; j<=n; j++) s += in[x+i, y+j] * g[i,j]; out[x,y] = s; 3 × 3 : n=1

19 Convolution examples Smoothing (box, gaussian filters)
Edge detection (derivative, Sobel, laplacian) Edge enhancement Gradient

20 Remapping Convolution may change range Example : edge detection
in : originally 0 to 1 out : should be 0 to 1 too Example : edge detection in pixel: to 1 filtered pixel: -1 to +1 out = (filtered + 1) / 2

21 Smoothing sharp edge brighter darker 10 11 10 9 10 5 6 5 4 5
scanline in: 1 × 3 box filter scanline out: (details lost) 10 10 10 10 8 7 5 5 5 5 softened edge

22 5 × 5 Box Filter in out Boundaries blurred, detail lost

23 Gaussian Filter 1D: g(x)= 1/(2) × e-x2/22
2D: g(x,y)= 1/(2) × e- (x2+y2) /22 4 Discrete 5x5 gaussian: (=1.4)

24 Gaussian Filter in 5x5 box filter 5x5 gaussian (edges sharper)

25 Edge Detection edge f(x) df(x)  f(x+h) - f(x) dx h scanline
out[x,y] = in[x+1,y] - in[x,y] g[x,y] =       df(x) dx (must remap result to range 0-1)

26 Derivative sharp edges brighter darker brighter 10 11 10 9 10 5 6 5 10
scanline in: values 0-10 -1 1 g[x]= = {in[x] - in[x-1]}/2 + 5 scanline out: 5 5 4 4 5 2 5 4 7 5 dark pixel bright pixel

27 Better Edge Detection Use neighboring scanlines
avoid single-pixel edges g[x,y] =     (vertical edges)   g[x,y] =     (horizontal edges)  

28 Sobel Edge Detection Neighboring scanlines have less weight
g[x,y] =     (vertical edges)   g[x,y] =     (horizontal edges)   endpoints of edges less blurred

29 Horizontal Derivative
in simple df dx derivative amplifies noise! (why?) Sobel df dx

30 Gradient P = [P/x, P/y] P/x = horizontal derivative
P is height of terrain P is “uphill” vector |P| is terrain slope P/x = horizontal derivative P/y = vertical derivative |P| = gradient strength ignores orientation uphill P/y P/x

31 Oriented Edges in |P| , Sobel (all edges) simple df dx
(vertical edges only)

32 Gradient + Blur in |P| , Sobel features lost gaussian blur,
then |P| Sobel less noise

33 Laplacian Non-oriented edges 2P = 2P/x2 + 2P/y2 (2nd derivatives)
scalar, not a vector Estimate for 2nd derivative g[x,y] =    |   where did this come from?

34 Estimated 2nd Derivative
df = f '  f(x+h) - f(x) dx h d2f = f ''  f '(x+h) - f '(x) dx h  f(x+2h) - 2f(x+h) + f(x) h2  f(x+h) - 2f(x) + f(x-h) (shifted left) h2 d2f  f(y+h) - 2f(y) + f(y-h) (in Y direction) dy h2

35 2nd Derivative Edges original: two edges gaussian blur
inflection points: f '' = 0 first derivative second derivative: zero crossing at edges

36 2nd Derivative Edges More robust to noise Smoothing : removes noise
but blurs edge 2nd derivative: curvature edge at inflection point zero crossing

37 Edge Enhancement AKA “Sharpening” out[x,y] = out[x,y] - α × edge[x,y]
Find edges, amplify them, add them back out[x,y] = out[x,y] - α × edge[x,y] g[x,y] =  0 -α 0 -α 1+4α -α | (laplacian)  0 -α 0

38 Edge Enhancement in out

39 Non-linear Processes de-speckle median bilateral filter

40 De-speckle get in[x,y] and neighbours compute standard deviation 
if ( < threshold) out[x,y] = mean value (ie, apply blur) removes single-pixel noise dust spots noise removal

41 Despeckle in out

42 Median Filter get in[x,y] and neighbours out[x,y] = median value
also removes noise preserves edges (does not bring in new colors) better than blurring

43 Median Filter median, 3x3 neighbourhood in median, 5x5 neighbourhood

44 Fourier Filtering Fourier Transform modify in[], apply inverse F.T.
in[x]  F.T.  in[] convert to frequency image in[x] = color of xth pixel in[] = strength of  frequency modify in[], apply inverse F.T. uses WHOLE image per pixel global process

45 Frequency filtering sinusoid in(x,y) = 1+sin(1/x) filter: low-pass
high-pass band-pass

46 Fourier Transform F.T. in two copies of frequency zero frequency
at center repeating bands higher freqs. on edges

47 Fourier Low-pass filter
F.T. in high freqs suppressed out inverse F.T. blurred, ringing

48 Fourier High-pass filter
F.T. in low freqs suppressed out inverse F.T. edges detected

49 Remove Periodic Artifacts
frequency peaks in F.T. inverse F.T. out peaks zeroed out

50 Arithmetic operations
(Binary images) a b NOT b a OR b a AND b a XOR b a - b

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