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Ambient Intelligence -by Internal Guide: M.Preethi(10C91A0563)

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Presentation on theme: "Ambient Intelligence -by Internal Guide: M.Preethi(10C91A0563)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ambient Intelligence -by Internal Guide: M.Preethi(10C91A0563)
Prof. G. Charles Babu CSE-B HOD-CSE

2 Introduction Scenarios AmI concepts, technologies and characteristics Architecture Applications Challenges Conclusion References

3 Introduction Vision of AmI is that the people will be surrounded by intelligent objects that can sense the context and respond according to the desire of the people Ambient Intelligence: Environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people.

4 Scenario – I: Home Environment
Personalize the living space of humans Ease access to Information and Resources On-demand Large scale network of computing devices

5 Scenario – II: Automotive Intelligence
Online concierge services Tele Diagnosis Safety – auto braking for active collision avoidance Route Planning

6 Key Concepts Adaptive. It can change in response to you
Embedded. Many networked devices are integrated into the environment Context aware. The system can recognize you and your situational context. Personalized. The system can tailor itself to meet your needs Adaptive. It can change in response to you Anticipatory. The system anticipates your desires without conscious mediation.

7 Key Technologies Unobtrusive hardware -Miniaturization, Nanotechnology, smart devices, sensors Seamless mobile/fixed communication -interoperability, wired and wireless networks, service-oriented architecture, semantic web Dynamic and massively distributed device networks-service discovery, auto-configuration, end-user programmable devices and systems Human-centric computer interfaces -intelligent agents, multimodal interaction, context awareness

8 Key Characteristics Ubiquity-embedded is present everywhere.
Awareness-everyone is aware of the technology Intelligence-helps it in correct and appropriate responses Natural Interaction-just like interacting with another human

9 Architecture

10 Components of AmI Ambient Intelligence Ubiquitous Computing
Communication Ambient Intelligence Intelligent User Interface

11 Application Areas Health-related Public transportation
Education Services Emergency Services Production-oriented places

12 Challenges Interoperability-is the ability of making systems and organizations to work together . Saturation-they cannot saturate because the technology keeps on changing. Security-security concerns affect the AmI

13 Conclusion Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is growing fast as a multi-disciplinary topic of interest which can allow many areas of research AmI envisions a world where people are surrounded by intelligent and intuitive interfaces embedded in the everyday objects & physical environments . Technology will not be the limiting factor in realizing ambient intelligence

14 References Philip’s vision of ambient intelligence ( The European Union report, Scenarios for Ambient Intelligence in 2010 (



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