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What was the driving force behind European Imperialism in Africa?

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Presentation on theme: "What was the driving force behind European Imperialism in Africa?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What was the driving force behind European Imperialism in Africa?

2 Directions Read the background essay and highlight important information Now, share that info with your shoulder partner Next, write down as many observations as you can about the two maps


4 Directions Read the background essay and highlight important information. Now, share that info with your shoulder partner. Next, write down as many observations as you can about the two maps. Now, share these with your partner. Next, write ONE thesis statement about the two maps. Remember a thesis is a statement that can be supported by evidence.

5 Observe (What do you see. ) Predict (What assumptions can you make
Observe (What do you see?) Predict (What assumptions can you make?) Question (What is ONE question you have?) Document B

6 Observe What people/ objects do you see. What words are there
Observe What people/ objects do you see? What words are there? Reflect Which people/ objects are symbols? For what? What is the claim of the cartoonist? Question What is one question you have about this cartoon? Document C

7 Use a piece of evidence to support each statement: Europeans benefited from Imperialism in Africa. Africans benefited from Imperialism in Africa. Now, choose one piece of evidence to support with reasoning. Document D

8 Who is Kipling referring to when he says “the best ye breed”
Who is Kipling referring to when he says “the best ye breed”? Who is Kipling referring to when he says “Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child”? What does Kipling mean when he states “Fill full the mouth of Famine And bid the sickness cease”? What is “The White Man’s Burden”? Take up the White Man's burden-- Send forth the best ye breed-- Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild-- Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child… Take up the White Man's burden-- The savage wars of peace-- Fill full the mouth of Famine And bid the sickness cease; And when your goal is nearest The end for others sought, Watch sloth and heathen Folly Bring all your hopes to nought. Rudyard Kipling, The White Man's Burden (1899) Document E

9 Document F As you watch the video write as many questions as you can?
Share your questions with your partner? Next, go back to the background essay to see which questions you can answer.

10 What was the driving force behind European Imperialism in Africa?
Time to bucket!!! Document A Document B Document C Document D Document F Document E Rudyard Kipling, The White Man's Burden (1899)

11 Write your Thesis Thesis: restate the question + your answer (two reasons) Nuance your thesis beyond the buckets The driving for behind European imperialism in Africa was the belief that Europeans were superior to Africans and… Now share your thesis with your group

12 Separate Evidence & Reasoning
France and Britain had colonized much of North Africa by 1914. Belgium was exporting rubber, ivory and palm oil from Congo to make products in Europe. Cecil Rhodes helped to establish British power in Africa. Great Britain was exporting over 20 million pounds (money) worth of goods back to Africa by 1900. Rudyard Kipling called Africans “half- devil and half child” in the White Man’s burden. This shows, in part, that European Imperialism in Africa was driven by the belief that because Europeans were superior to Africans they had a duty to bring civility to them. This shows that imperialism in Africa was profitable for countries like Belgium because they had an opportunity to gain materials that they could turn into finished goods which made money for their nation. What this proves is that Europeans took over land from Africans because they felt they were far superior to Africans and therefore had a right to the land. What this shows how profitable imperialism in Africa was not only by getting resources to turn into finished goods, but because they could then sell those products back to Africans and make even more money. Since so many nations went looking for raw material in Africa to turn into products, France felt the need to compete with other nations and began to colonize.

13 Match the evidence & Reasoning
France and Britain had colonized much of North Africa by 1914. Belgium was exporting rubber, ivory and palm oil from Congo to make products in Europe. Cecil Rhodes helped to establish British power in Africa. Great Britain was exporting over 20 million pounds (money) worth of goods back to Africa by 1900. Rudyard Kipling called Africans “half- devil and half child” in the White Man’s burden. Since so many nations went looking for raw material in Africa to turn into products, France felt the need to compete with other nations and began to colonize. This shows that imperialism in Africa was profitable for countries like Belgium because they had an opportunity to gain materials that they could turn into finished goods which made money for their nation. What this proves is that Europeans took over land from Africans because they felt they were far superior to Africans and therefore had a right to the land. What this shows how profitable imperialism in Africa was not only by getting resources to turn into finished goods, but because they could then sell those products back to Africans and make even more money. This shows, in part, that European Imperialism in Africa was driven by the belief that because Europeans were superior to Africans they had a duty to bring civility to them.

14 Assessment A four paragraph essay that answers: What was the driving force behind European Imperialism in Africa?: 1st: Background AND thesis statement (two topics) 2nd: One body paragraph (one topic) supported by two pieces of evidence- Make sure to cite your sources!- and reasoning 3rd: One body paragraph (the other topic) supported by two pieces of evidence- Make sure to cite your sources!- and reasoning 4th: Conclusion paragraph that summarizes your points Use the checklist!

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