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What to Avoid When Applying to Graduate School (and Jobs!)

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Presentation on theme: "What to Avoid When Applying to Graduate School (and Jobs!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What to Avoid When Applying to Graduate School (and Jobs!)
Kisses of Death What to Avoid When Applying to Graduate School (and Jobs!) Amanda Taylor, MS Jeannette Stein, PhD

2 Variety of Graduate School Options for Psychology Majors
Psychology Programs Counseling Clinical Experimental/Research Industrial Organizational Alternatives Social Work Education Law

3 Admissions Can Be Competitive

4 General Application Process
*Long* before applying Course selections Faculty connections Research Experience Exploration Applying Application, transcripts, GPA, GRE, letters of rec, personal statement, interview, visit

5 Letters of Recommendation
What to avoid? Inappropriate sources Instructors who do not know you well Family, friends, clergy, therapists Anyone who may report negative characteristics Asking at the last minute

6 Letters of Recommendation
Ask only those who know you well enough to write a strong letter This does not include professors who have simply graded your work. Writers should be able to assess your work habits and provide evidence of your ability to succeed in graduate school Give your writers plenty of lead time Provide helpful information Vita Personal statement Program information Deadlines/submission details

7 The Personal Statement
What to avoid? Personal mental health Excessive altruism Excessive self-disclosure Professionally inappropriate information Avoid being ‘cute’ or too clever, avoid references to religion

8 The Personal Statement
Focus on professional activities such as research interests and pursuits, academic strengths, relevant experiences such as internships, volunteer work, extracurricular leadership roles

9 Lack of Knowledge About Programs
What to avoid? Vague, generic interests Being a ‘misfit’ Being ‘perfect’ without evidence

10 Learn, focus, find your fit!
To be ready for graduate school, you need to know who you are, your interests and how you want to spend your days Investigate your options thoroughly Check out the APA’s ‘Graduate Study in Psychology’ Find a good fit To receive maximum professional benefits from the mentor/student relationship, program fit is crucial for faculty and applicants. Personal statement should clearly address fit with evidence

11 Poor Writing Skills What to avoid? Spelling and grammar errors
Evidence of carelessness Poorly written materials Too long, too detailed, lacking structure

12 Writing Skills Proofread! Take advantage of the Writing Center
Have someone else check your work. Do *not* rely on spellcheck. Take advantage of the Writing Center Tutors can help with structure 3rd Floor Library Seek guidance from psychology faculty Faculty can help with content

13 Misfired attempts to impress
What to avoid? Being critical of other programs Blaming others Name dropping Insincere flattery

14 Let us help! Schedule an appointment to discuss your options with a faculty member whose background best aligns with your interests and goals. Clinical/Counseling: Taylor, Jarvis, Wrobel, Bellamy Community: Heinze Educational: Bedell Industrial/Organizational: Bedell, Bellamy Research Psychobiology: Broadbent Cognitive: Stein, Miller Developmental: McGrath (on sabbatical W18) Social: Horgan Forensic/Law: Molinaro Evolutionary: McKibbin Don’t see a match? No problem! Contact us. We can help.

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