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Probabilistic Methods: Theory and Application to Human Anatomy

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1 Probabilistic Methods: Theory and Application to Human Anatomy
Anthony J Petrella, PhD Colorado School of Mines

2 Why Do Prob? Quantify risk and reliability
Reduce over-conservatism in design Identify critical variables and failure mechanisms Minimize variation sensitivity – more robust design Minimize physical testing – use testing to validate models Analysis can examine wider range of variables, scenarios Quantify reliability of high-consequence of failure systems Probability-based performance optimization Copyright SwRI® Copyright SwRI® Copyright SwRI®

3 Why Prob in Biomechanics?
Implant & device design Recent trends…subject-specific simulation

4 Why Prob in Biomechanics?
Simulation driving interventions Many parameters difficult to measure in vivo Understand uncertainty within subject-specific predictions Deterministic model → population Star Trek – advanced diagnostics and automated/optimized intervention

5 How to Do Prob Probabilistic simulation is not new
Monte Carlo methods perhaps best-known Named after famous Casino in Monaco Monte Carlo was a code name coined in the 1940’s at Los Alamos National Lab

6 How to Do Prob with Monte Carlo
Outcome Probabilities & Sensitivities Model Input Uncertainties Validated Deterministic Model Tissue Properties Probability Performance Metric External Loads Response and Failure Prediction Device Placement Sensitivity Factors

7 Monte Carlo Example: Recumbent Cycling
2D model with rigid links No co-contraction, no dependence on length or velocity Global origin at hip, ankle coincident with pedal axis

8 Monte Carlo Example: Recumbent Cycling
Inverse dynamic solution performed, resultant force and moment at knee computed Muscle forces and knee contact force estimated Focus on: FAP at 240°

9 Monte Carlo Example: Recumbent Cycling
quad tub_x tub_y ham_x tibia femur Probabilistic variables Assume all parameters normally distributed with a COV = s/m = 0.033 How does uncertainty in moment arms affect FAP?

10 Monte Carlo Results Results represent distribution of FAP at 240°
Other angles → upper and lower bounding curves

11 Monte Carlo Results Probabilistic sensitivity factors for the i’th input Sm (or s) > 0 negative correlation variability increased (or decreased in converse scenario) Sm (or s) < 0 positive correlation

12 Monte Carlo Results Sensitivity to changes in input mean values
Sm > 0 → negative correlation quad tub_y Sm < 0 → positive correlation

13 Monte Carlo Results Sensitivity to changes in input standard deviations Increased variation in inputs increases variation in FAP Factors that drive down uncertainty in outcome metric? variability increased

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