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Superintendent’s Hour

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1 Superintendent’s Hour
The Schools Our Children Deserve Superintendent’s Hour Dec 5, 2014 ManCom Meeting

2 4 Appropriate questions to ask according to Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC:
a. To what extent does a given school meet the basic psychological needs shared by all students? b. To what extent does it meet every child’s unique needs? c. To what extent is it likely to promote the general long term goal of our mission?

3 d. To what extent does it reflect a general sense of the purpose of education?
-Importance of school visits -Importance of M-V statements

4 What Furniture to Look for in the Classroom
Good Signs Possible reasons to worry Chairs around tables to facilitate interaction Comfortable areas for multiple “activity centers”. Open spaces for gathering Chairs all facing forward or (even worse) desks in rows

5 What to Look for against the Walls in the Classroom
Good Signs Possible reasons to worry about Covered with students projects Evidence of student collaboration Signs, exhibits or lists obviously created by students not by teachers Information about and personal mementos of, the people who spend time together in the classroom Painted with colors that are simple and appropriate Clean and elegant in their simplicity Nothing Commercial posters Students’ assignments displayed that are : a) suspiciously flawless, b) only from the “best” students, c) virtually are alike List of rules created by an adult or punitive consequences for misbehavior Sticker chart-or other evidences of student ranking Policies e.g This is a drug-free school, This is a CFSS etc are painted on the wall Announcements through fast food chain-sponsored banners

6 What to Look in the Classroom
Faces, sounds, teachers and students Good signs Possible reasons to worry about Faces Eager, engaged Emphasis on thoughtful exploration of complicated ideas Students ask questions at least as often as the teacher does All exchanges involve (or directed by) the teachers; students wait to be called Sounds Frequent hum of activity and ideas being exchanged The teachers’ voice is the loudest or most often heard Location of teachers Typically working with students so it takes a few seconds to find him/her in the classroom Typically front and center

7 What to Look in the Classroom
Faces, sounds, teachers and students Good signs Possible reasons to worry about Teachers’ voice Respectful, genuine, warm Controlling and imperious Condescending and saccharine-sweet Students’ reaction to visitor Welcoming, eager to explain or demonstrate what they’re doing or to use visitor as a resource Either unresponsive or hoping to be distracted from what they are doing

8 What to Look in the Classroom
Class discussion, stuff, Tasks Good signs Possible reason to worry about Class discussion Students often address one another directly Emphasis on thoughtful exploration of complicated ideas Students ask questions at least as often as the teacher does All exchanges involve (or directed by) the teachers; students wait to be called Emphasis on facts and right answers Students’ race to be the first to answer the teacher’s “Who ca tell me…?” queries.

9 What to Look in the Classroom
Class discussion, stuff, Tasks Good signs Possible reason to worry about Stuff Room overflowing with good books, art supplies, animals and plants; science apparatus; “sense of purposeful clutter” Textbooks, worksheets and other packaged instructional materials predominate; sense of enforced orderliness Tasks Different activities often take place simultaneously Activities frequently completed by pairs or groups of students All students usually doing the same thing When students are not listening to the teacher, they are working alone

10 On what to look for around the school
Good signs Possible Reasons to worry Appealing atmosphere: a place where people would want to spend time Students’ projects fill the hall ways Library is well-stocked and comfortable Restrooms in good condition Faculty lounge is warm and inviting Students helping in lunchroom, library and with other school functions Stark, institutional feel Awards, trophies, and prizes displayed, suggesting an emphasis on triumph rather than community

11 Thank You

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