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Important Information

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1 Important Information
New assigned seats. NO COMPLAINTS TODAY is the last day to turn in any work for Quarter 3!! Spring break is in 8 days…..

2 World War II

3 Legacy of Treaty of Versailles
Instead of securing a just and secure peace it caused anger and resentment The blame for the war and the loss of overseas colonies and border territories overwhelmed the new German government Without democratic traditions, people turned to authoritarian leaders

4 Nationalism Peace after WWI was short lasting
Economic depression led to the rise of powerful dictators who promised dreams of territorial expansion

5 Totalitarianism Government exerts complete control over its citizens
Individuals have no rights and the government suppresses all opposition

6 Fascism Stressed nationalism and placed the interests of the state above those of individuals Power must rest with a single strong leader and a small group of devoted party members


8 Hitler & Germany Nazism German brand of fascism
Based on extreme nationalism (pride or loyalty in ones country)

9 Hitler & Germany Hitler promised to bring Germany out of the chaos
Dreamed of uniting all German speaking people in a great German empire Enforced racial purification at home and territorial expansion to allow growth

10 World War II began with Hitler’s invasion of Poland in 1939, followed shortly after by the Soviet Union’s invasion of Poland from the east and the Baltic countries. Germany & Hitler

11 Hitler and Stalin Non-Aggression Pact: Both leaders agreed not to attack the other, allowing Germany to avoid a two-front war.


13 The U.S. Position The U.S. stayed officially NEUTRAL
Germany overran France, most of Europe, and pounded Britain from the air (the Battle of Britain). In mid-1941, Hitler turned on his former partner and invaded the Soviet Union. The U.S. Position

14 Neutrality Adapts The U.S. increasingly provided aid to Britain
war supplies and old naval warships (Cash & Carry) The U.S. received military bases in Bermuda and the Caribbean. The Lend-Lease Act - gave the President authority to sell or lend equipment to countries to defend themselves against the Axis powers. Franklin Roosevelt compared it to “lending a garden hose to a next-door neighbor whose house is on fire.”

15 Rise of Totalitarianism Activity
Part I Directions: On your own, answer the two Before Activity Questions. Annotate your reading, and complete the chart on your country.

16 Rise of Totalitarianism Activity
Part 2 Directions: In your groups, share what you learned about your country. **DO NOT JUST GIVE YOUR PAPER TO OTHERS TO COPY** 2. As your group members share, complete the rest of your chart.

17 Rise of Totalitarianism Activity
Part 3 Directions: Using your chart, complete the After Activity Questions

18 Stalin & the Soviet Union
Officially became communist in 1922 Lenin died in 1924 and Joseph Stalin took control Goals - agricultural and industrial growth Abolished all privately owned farms and established collective (government owned) farms

19 Spain General Francisco Franco rebelled against the Spanish republic
The Spanish Civil War broke out and resulted in Franco’s victory Spain became a totalitarian government ruled by a fascist dictator

20 Mussolini & Italy Rising unemployment and inflation caused strikes in Italy Middle and upper classes demanded leadership Benito Mussolini appealed to national pride

21 Nationalistic military leaders took control of the imperial government of Japan
Japan invaded and brutalized Manchuria and China, seeking military and economic domination over Asia. Japan U.S. refused to recognize Japanese conquests Imposed an embargo on exports of oil and steel Tensions rose both countries tried to avoid war.

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