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TimeClock Plus Approver Basics

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1 TimeClock Plus Approver Basics
(October 2017)

2 What is an approver responsible for?
TimeClock Plus Approver Basics What is an approver responsible for?

3 What is an approver responsible for?
Adding, editing and deleting time segments, when necessary, based on departmental guidelines Correcting and approving missed punches Correcting conflicting segments Approving time Ensuring all of the above has been completed prior to the payroll export deadline set forth by your department

4 Accessing TimeClock Plus
TimeClock Plus Approver Basics Accessing TimeClock Plus

5 TimeClock Plus Approver Basics
WebManager Log in using the log in information given to you by the Payroll Department Browser recommendations: Firefox Chrome Internet Explorer 8 and above

6 TimeClock Plus Approver Basics
Employee Data

7 Employee Data Employee and position information can be viewed but not updated. From “My Dashboard” select “Employee”

8 Employee Data Select “Employee Profiles” Choose employee

9 Employee Data Click “Job”

10 Employee Data Employee position, approver information, and FTE (contract type) can be viewed but not updated.

11 TimeClock Plus Approver Basics
Missed Punches

12 Missed Punches A missed punch is when an employee fails to clock in our out. At the employee’s subsequent clock operation a missed punch is recorded. Missed punches must be corrected and approved prior to the payroll export or the employee will not be paid. This can be done from the Missed Punches utility from the Dashboard or through Individual or Group hours function.

13 Missed Punches Selecting “Jump to Group Hours” will give you the option of “Individual Hours” or “Group Hours” Hours are displayed fro weeks in an “open” status. Weeks (Sunday – Saturday) remain “open” until the payroll export has been processed for that pay period.

14 Missed Punches Choose “Individual Hours” or “Group Hours” Choose your criteria option, exception filter for missed punches, select filter and click update.

15 Missed Punches Time indicated in blue is a missed punch
Right click, Edit, Missed out punch is checked, change time out, Leave Comment, click save

16 TimeClock Plus Approver Basics
Pending Time Off Requests

17 Pending Time Off Request
When employees enter their request for time off, sick, vacation, comp used, etc you will need to approve the request in order for it to be added to their timesheet automatically. To approve Time Off Request select “Jump to Request Manager”

18 Pending Time Off Request
The calendar will open allowing you to see who is requesting time off on any given day. Right click on Pending box, Approve or Deny. Time will automatically be added to employee’s timesheet.

19 Pending Time Off Request
This is the same area that you would enter time off for an employee. Click of the plus (+) on the date that you will be entering leave for an employee Select Employee, date time was missed, number of hours missed, number of days, the appropriate leave code & comment. Click the Approve Request & Save. It will then be automatically added to their timesheet.

20 TimeClock Plus Approver Basics
Changing Schedules

21 Changing Schedules From the Dashboard choose Schedules.

22 Choose employee, Recurring. Edit,

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