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Environmental studies
Biosphere, biomes and ecosystem
Biosphere The biosphere can be defined as that part of the earth where the living organisms are found. It is made up of 3 parts. Atmosphere (air) Hydrosphere (water) Lithosphere (rock and soil) Dear Educator: You need to expand on the terms hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere> Give some examples and definitions. The next slide can be used as notes
Atmosphere The atmosphere is a layer of air around the earth’s surface
Lithosphere The lithosphere is all the soil and rocks that makes up the upper layers of the earth’s surface.
Hydrosphere Hydrosphere is all the waters of the seas, rivers and lakes. Here are some examples of the various sources of natural water on the Earth
Terminology: Biosphere: the part of the earth on which living organisms live. Atmosphere: layer of air around the earth’s surface. Lithosphere: the soil and rocks forming the upper layers of the earth’s surface. Biome: any region with a distinct climate and all the organisms that live in that area. Savanna: vegetation type with well developed grassy layer and an upper layer of woody plants. Endemic: organisms found in only one area in the world and no where else. Mutualism: relationship between two organisms in which both benefit. Lichen: a close mutualistic association between an algae and fungi
Biomes Different parts of the earth have different climates
Plants and animals are adapted to live in particular climates. Therefore different plants and animals will live in different regions. These regions with their particular climates and living organisms that are adapted to live in there is called a biome A biome can be defined as a region with a distinct climate and all the organisms that live in that region.
Biomes of Southern Africa
The map shows the biomes of the Southern African region. The countries that make up the Southern African region are: South Africa Namibia Botswana Lesotho Swaziland Zimbabwe Mozambique There 8 different biomes in this region. Dear Educator Use the map to ppoint out the different countries of the Southern african region. Also show the learners the different biomes on the map. Ask them a few questions on the biomes. The next slide can be used to reinforce the part regions and biomes.
The different biomes of the Southern African region
Grassland Savanna Forest Thicket Fynbos Nama-karoo Succulent Karoo Desert
The Grassland Biome This biome is found in parts of 5 provinces in South Africa and 2 countries in the South African region
Grassland: Temperature, rainfall and soil type.
Temperature and Rainfall The summers are hot with high rainfall. The winters are cold with frost. Soil The soil has a high humus content. Unfortunately in the areas with high rainfall the soil is easily leeched and becomes acidic.
Vegetation This biomes is dominated by grasses. There are 2 types of grasses here. They are the sweet grasses and the sour grasses The sweet grasses grow on fertile soil and therefore have good food value and are therefore preferred by the animals. The sour grasses grow on infertile soil and do not have much food value and are avoided by animals.
Animal Life Blesbok, black wildebeest and springbok are found here.
Also has a large variety of birds including the blue crane. The sun gazer lizard is also found here
Savanna Biome Savanna refers to a type of vegetation with a well developed grassy layers and an upper layer of woody plants. It is the largest biome in South Africa It is found mainly in Mpumalanga and Limpopo. Its also found in the coastal belt of KZN and Eastern Cape Province.
Savanna: Temperature, Rainfall and Soil
Temperature and Rainfall: In this area summers are hot and wet and winters are cool with little or no rainfall. Soil: The soil is mostly sandy. It has a moderate amount of nutrients. Some parts have very rich soil.
Vegetation: This biome is dominated by grasses, large shrubs and trees. The lack of sufficient rainfall and fires prevent the trees from being the main type of vegetation. This type of vegetation is suitable for grazing animals example: cattle and buck. The marula tree grows in this biome.
Baobab Tree Grows up to about 15m tall. The tree trunk can grow up to 30m wide.
Animal Life The mammals found in this biome are commonly known as the big five. This area is also home to many large birds of prey.
Forest Biome It occurs in patches in spread over four provinces. Something for you to do: Carefully study the map and answer the following question: Name the provinces in which this biome occurs.
Solution: The four provinces are: a. Western Cape: in the George-Knysna-Mossel Bay area b. KwaZulu Natal c. Limpopo d. Eastern Cape e. Mpumalanga and also occurs as f. Patches of forest in the deep river valleys
Forest Biome: Temperature, rainfall and soil:
Temperature and Rainfall Temperature varies form about 20⁰C to 30⁰C. Temperature can get higher. Rainfall seasons vary, in some forests it rains only in winter, while in other forests it rains in summer only and others it rains all year round. Soil This biome has a thick layer of soil and it may be shallow in other parts. The soil here is very rich, because it is mixed with the falling leaves, fruit and bird and mammal dropping.
Forest Biome: Vegetation
Dominated by large shrubs and trees. The largest South African Forest tree is the Outeniqua yellowwood. These large trees form a canopy, under this canopy large ferns and tall woody shrubs form the next layer. Herbaceous and bulbous plants, together with grasses form the ground level. The climbing plants and epiphytes are also found here. Dear Educator There are a lot of new terms introduced here. Spend some time on them and the next slide will help them practice these terms.
Something for you to do:
Herbaceous plants have… green, fleshy stems. woody brown stems. dicot stems broad, flat leaves. A canopy is a… roof like layer of leaves over the forest tent shading one from the sun part of a dicot plant lowest layer of trees in a forest
Something for you to do:
Epiphytes are A. Ground cover in the forest B. Plants with no stomata C. Climbing plants found in a forest. D. Plants with no leaves.
Solution: A C
Forest Biome: Animal life
Bush buck, bush pig, blue duiker, baboon, vervet monkey, and leopard are some of the larger mammals found here. Many birds are found in this biome. Some examples are: the fruit eating rameron pigeon, the insect eating paradise fly-catcher and seed eaters. The Knysna lourie and the Knysna woodpecker are some examples of endemic birds found here.
The Thicket biome It occurs in finger-like projections along the coasts of KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and some other areas. Most of the thicket biome occurs in the river valleys.
Thicket Biome: Temperature, Rainfall and Soil.
Temperature and Rainfall These areas experience fairly high rainfall. Since periods of little rain does occur , it means rainfall is not high enough the vegetation does not develop into forests. During the dry periods the life forms living here get their moisture from the mists and fog that often occurs in this biome. Dear Educator Please compare this biome with the forest as far as rainfall. Point out to learners how the lack of water affects the vegetation.
Thicket biome: Temperature, Rainfall and Soil
Soil There is a thick layer of soil. The falling leaves, fruit and droppings of birds and mammals mixes with the soil and increasing its humus content. This makes the soil very rich. This rich soil can support woody vegetation.
Thicket Biome: Vegetation
This biomes has many short trees, low intertwining shrubs and vines. The vines often have spines for protection. The vegetation does not have distinct layers like the forest. Common trees found in this area are the Spekboom and many species of Euphorbia. Cape honeysuckle and Plumbago are some examples of shrubs found in this biome. Spekboom-left Dear Educator Point out the names in italics and explain why they are written this way. Also show them how they would write down such names. Cape honeysuckle Plumbago
Thicket biome: Animal life
Some examples of animals found here are monkeys, birds and squirrels. These animals feed on the fruit of the trees. The black rhino, elephants and kudu were once found here in large numbers. Now they are only found in protected areas e.g.. Shamwari Private Game Reserve.
Nama Karoo Biome It is a semi desert area. It forms a large part of the ____________. Answer Northern Cape Province.
Nama Karoo: Temperature, Rainfall and Soil Type
Temperature and Rainfall This is a semi desert area. It receives very little rainfall Summers are very hot and winters are very cold. Soil The soil is rich in nutrients.
Vegetation Vegetation is dominated by grasses and dwarf shrubs. The stone plants are a group of plants that occur here that use camouflage, since it looks like pebbles around it.
Nama Karoo: Animal Life
The animals that are found here are those that can survive extremes of temperature and very little water. Some examples of the animals found here are: Foxes, jackals, dassies and hares.
Succulent Karoo Biome Found on the west coast of the Northern Cape Province and the northern parts of the Western Cape Province.
Succulent Karoo: Temperature, Rainfall and Soil type.
Temperature and Rainfall. Hot in summer and cold in winter. Rainfall is very low. Soil The soil is very fertile. It is red clay with rocks in between. There are large parts of shale in other parts. White quartz pebbles can be seen
Succulent Karoo: Vegetation
This area is dominated by dwarf shrubs. 40% of the species are endemic to this area The Namaqualand region of this biome is world famous for the colourful wild flowers. Annual plants germinate, grow, flower and seed in the moist winter and spring. They die off in the dry months with the seeds surviving and grow again the next winter.
Succulent Karoo: Vegetation
The perennial plants survive the dry season by using water stored in the leaves or stems. These plants are called succulents. These plants are adapted to reduce transpiration by having a: thick waxy cuticle reducing the number of stomata. The non-succulent perennials have very small leaves to reduce water loss by transpiration. Those with large leaves lose their leaves during the dry months.
Succulent Karoo: Animal Life
Animal life is not as abundant as the plant life. The bat eared fox, the meercat and the barking gecko are examples of the animals found here.
Fynbos Biome Found in the major parts of Western Cape.
Fynbos Biome: Temperature, Rainfall and Soil
Temperature and Rainfall Hot and dry summers Winters are cold and wet. Soil The soil is very varied of different pH and quality The soil is sandy and alkaline along the coast The soil is sandy but acidic inland In the lowlands the soil is fertile and more or less neutral. The soil on the mountain tops are acidic and of a very poor quality Dear Educator Explain to learners the importance of this varied soil quality and pH.
Something for you to think about
How does the varied quality and pH of the soil in this biome affect the plant life? A. Has no effect of the plant life B. Ensure there is a wide variety of plant life. C. Reduces the number of plant species in this biome. D. Prevents the plants from reaching their full growth.
Solution: How does the varied quality and pH of the soil in this biome affect the plant life? A. Has no effect of the plant life B. Ensure there is a wide variety of plant life. C. Reduces the number of plant species in this biome. D. Prevents the plants from reaching their full growth Dear Educator Please remember here in your discussion of the solution to let the learners know the following: That plants grow in particular pH. Different pH would mean a wide variety of plant species. The different quality of soil would also be able to attract a wide variety of species. The concept emphasized here is: Variety increases biodiversity.
Fynbos Biome: Vegetation
Fynbos refers to dwarf shrubs with fine leaves. However when it is used to describe a biome it refers to all the vegetation found in this biome. This includes: dwarf shrubs large shrubs trees There is very little grass here but Leafless tufted grass plants occur here. Dear Educator Refer to the pictures in your discussions. The one on the left is of fynbos in the Cape. The one on the right is of the shrub land
Fynbos: Animal Life There is a limited variety of species found in this biome. Examples of animals found in this biome are: Grysbok, klipspringer, bontebok There are a large number of bird species.
Desert Biome This biome occurs mainly as the Namib Desert. The Namib desert is found along the west coast of Namibia Some scientist believe that the Succulent Karoo Biome and the very parts of the Savanna Biome form parts of the Desert Biome.
Desert Biome: Temperature, Rainfall and Soil
Temperature and Rainfall Average temperature in the Namib Desert ranges from 20⁰C to about 34⁰C. The rainfall is low and unpredictable. The air is very dry because of the high temperature and low rainfall. Therefore it has a very high evaporating power. Soil The soil is sandy and has a very low water holding capacity.
Desert Biome: vegetation
A large part of this biome has no visible plant life. However they do carry seeds. When there is sufficient rainfall, these seeds will germinate and grow into grasses very quickly. The land will now be covered by large amounts of golden coloured grasses and will not resemble a desert at all. Flowers in the desert after rainfall The desert biome after high volume of rain The desert in times of no rain
Desert Biome: Vegetation
Shrubs grow in areas into which water drains. Welwitschia is an example of such a shrub. A few trees may also grow here. The African moringo, camelthorn, mustard trees and Euphorbias are examples of some of the trees that grow here. Welwitschia camelthorn African moringo
Desert Biome: vegetation
The large variety of lichens are also found in this biome. A lichen is a very close association between a fungi and an algae. They have such a close relationship that they actually form a new organism. The fungi provides the algae with water and the algae uses the water to make food by photosynthesis. The algae then provides the fungi with food. The fungi gets the moisture from the dew and fog. This is an example of mutualism. Dear Educator: Bring in photosynthesis here. Ask questions and explain why the fungi can’t photosynthesize. Also spend some time discussing mutualism. Use the next slide to reinforce what they have learnt about mutualism.
Something for you to do:
A quick question for you to answer: Explain what is mutualism and why the lichen is an example of mutualism.
Solution: Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship between two organisms in which both organisms benefit. The lichen is considered to be an example of mutualism because the fungi is heterotrophic and unable to make its own food, but it is able to absorb water. The fungi provides the algae with water. The algae uses the water to make food and provides the fungi with food because both organisms benefit this is an example of mutualism.
Desert Biome: Animal life
There are many endemic species of animals are found here. Some examples of organisms found in this biome are lizard, geckos and snakes. Golden mole Peringuey’s adder Web foot gecko
Something for you to do Write down the correct biological term for each of the following: The part of the earth in which living organisms are found. The soil and rocks of the upper layers of the earth’s surface. A region with a distinct climate and all the organisms living their Southern Africa's largest biome. Species occurring in one area only and no where else in the world The name given to the vegetation found in the Western cape only and nowhere else in the world
Complete Activity 3.1.1
Other types of biomes Aquatic biomes: water covers a major part of the Earths surface, these became home to many different biotic species. 2 types of aquatic biomes: Fresh water region: low salt concentration, includes ponds, lakes, streams and rivers and wetlands. Marine regions: Oceans, which cover nearly ¾ of the Earths surface. Estuaries: partially enclosed areas where salt water and fresh water meets
Ecosystem An ecosystem is an area in which there exists relationships between living organisms themselves and the living organisms and the non-living environment. Some examples of ecosystems are: a river, a grassland, a fallen rock. The study of all the relationships in an ecosystem is called ecology.
Characteristics of Biotic components
Respiration Movement Reproduce Produce offspring
Ecotourism: South Africa is a country that is rich in biodiversity.
There two reason for this rich biodiversity. These two reasons are: a. The country as a very varied climate, for example the tropical weather b. The country also has a very varied topography: the low lying belt of the coast, the escarpment and finally the plateau inland. Varied climate and environments varied vegetation varied animas. This rich biodiversity attracts people from all over the world to come to South Africa.
Ecotourism: Ecotourism is the attraction of visitors to ecologically sensitive areas. This type of tourism benefits the local people, the visitor and the environment.
Benefits of ecotourism
For local people: Job opportunities and business opportunities For the visitors: enjoyment and learning experience of what the country has to offer For the environment: knowledge and awareness of environmental issues are created; monies received from ecotourism can be used to build more protected areas.
Ethical issues While ecotourism can have many benefits such as promoting public knowledge, creating awareness and even job opportunities, some tour operators use ecotourism to promote their own business.
These tour operators are guilty of the following:
The local people are employed at the lowest level and in the lowest paying jobs Accommodation and catering are usually contracted to large international companies therefore these business do not contribute to the economy of the country. Very little or no attempts are made to create interest in the local culture. Usually the tour activities has a negative impact on the environment Only a small percentage of the profits or none at all is used for activities that protect the biodiversity.
Activity 3.1.2
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