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Strategic Planning Process and Church Revitalization

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1 Strategic Planning Process and Church Revitalization
Dr. Jim Grant

2 Strategic Planning Why Strategic Planning?
Revitalization is necessary when the health of the Church is in question. Just as a doctor will make sure all tests and conditions are addressed before a solution is put in place, the Strategic Planning Process does the same for a Church Difference Between Strategic and Long Range Plans When to do Each SPT and LRPT How to Accomplish a Strategic Plan Dr. Jim Grant

3 Strategic Planning Why Strategic Planning?
Without a Plan the Goal is never achieved Strength and Authority with a Strategic Plan Provides a road map Provides accountability Provides for celebration/course corrections Provides for “Good Marriages” Dr. Jim Grant

4 Strategic Planning When to do a Strategic Plan
When there is no past ministry plan To develop new mission and vision statements Strategic Plan is much like a “Master Building” Plan The Strategic Plan basic tenets do not change Dr. Jim Grant

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6 Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Strategic Planning SWOT
Assesses current ministries and potential future plans Dr. Jim Grant

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8 Strategic Planning Difference between a SPT and LRPT
SPT is used to identify the Kingdom Purpose for the Church SPT is the Church manifesto SPT is the filter which all resources and decisions must pass through LRPT – an extension of the SPT Develops a 3,5 or 10 year outlook SPT is to get it right, the LRPT is to keep it right Dr. Jim Grant

9 Strategic Planning Must have ownership of: Constitution Currency Keys
Two aspects of a Strategic Plan Congregational Assessment Community Assessment Dr. Jim Grant

10 Strategic Planning Town Hall Meeting Church By-in
Hear what the Church thinks the problems are Evaluate all Ministries What would they do different? What would the eliminate [programs/processes] Document findings Report back to the Church Establish a Strategic Planning Team – Pastor/Staff Dr. Jim Grant

11 Strategic Planning Strategic Team Training No sacred Cows
Every aspect of church life evaluated Prayer, Prayer and more Prayer You may consider a revival time before starting process Dr. Jim Grant


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