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Yr 4 Trip to Braeside Wed 6th June-Fri 8th June

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1 Yr 4 Trip to Braeside Wed 6th June-Fri 8th June

2 Staff The accompanying staff this year are: Mrs Jones Miss Cleveland
Miss House Mrs Thompson Mrs Flowerdew Mrs Harding The children will be split in to 3 groups led by school and Braeside staff. A letter will be sent to you before the trip informing you of your child’s group.

3 Objectives Geography- map reading, compass skills and orienteering.
Problem solving- working as a team, listening to others, finding different solutions Team building- building on and making new friendships. Supporting others. Personal development- trying new activities. Developing resilience especially when facing challenges. Independence and responsibility. Enjoyment- fun with friends, enjoying new experiences.

4 Programme of Activities
Wednesday Thursday Friday Children to arrive at school at 8.00am ( no earlier) Leave school approx 8:30am Morning – Visit Avebury Stone Circle and Museum including talk. Arrive at Braeside 12:15pm Lunch Afternoon – 2 rotations – Canoeing at Wharf/Low ropes/Problem solving Settling in time/unpacking 5.45 pm Fire Drill 6.00 pm Dinner Evening- Nightline/ Orienteering (rotate) Supper and Bedtime Breakfast- 8.15 Roundway walk – navigation – 2 groups Picnic lunch Mother Anthony’s Well Refreshments and Braeside shop Recovery time Evening activity- diaries and games Packing of luggage and Fri canoeists getting spare kit ready Strip beds/finish packing 8.15 am Breakfast - luggage into stables – collect lunches 10.00pm 1 rotation – Canoeing at Wharf/Low ropes/Problem solving 12.00 pm Picnic lunch at Braeside 12.45pm Debrief and organise luggage 1.00pm approx Depart Arrive back at school for normal school pick up at 3.15pm These are the activities on the letter. We have changed the programme this year. One group will do Lifeline before dinner and the other group afterwards.

5 Suitcase (A wheeled suitcase is most desirable as students are dropped off at the gate) Suitcase (A wheeled suitcase is most desirable as students are dropped off at the gate) Rucksack for day use Trousers x 3 (not jeans – jogging bottoms or similar are ideal) T shirts/tops x 3 Warm jumpers x 3 1 set of clothes for canoeing – tracksuit bottoms and a warm top – these may get wet Underwear plus spares as in some activities the children may get wet and or muddy. Comfortable walking shoes/trainers x2 (an older pair for muddy/wet activities would be ideal) Slippers or a pair of shoes that will only be worn inside Waterproof coat Warm hat and gloves Nightwear – pyjamas/nightdress Towel x2, shower gel, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste (no spray deodorants), hair brush and hair ties Torch Large plastic bag to keep dirty and clean clothes separate in suitcase Sun hat and sun cream Plastic water bottle (refillable) Lunch box (children will need to bring a packed lunch for the first day) What to bring It is really helpful if you pack this with your child. So that they know what clothes they have with them. Tell them which ones you want them to wear for canoeing – may be wet. Don’t wear best clothes on Wed – will be doing life line which could be muddy.

6 Rucksack Plastic water bottle (refillable)
Packed lunch in a lunch box- very important Book or something to do on the coach (no electronic items please) Children may bring an inexpensive camera on the understanding it is their responsibility. Rucksack needs to be big enough to put a towel and change of clothes to walk to canoeing. They will not have access to their suitcase until the evening so need to have lunch, drink etc with them.

7 Food Breakfast - cereals and toast
Lunch – packed lunch – children will need a lunch box and a refillable water bottle. The children need to bring their own lunch for Wednesday. Thursday and Friday they will get a packed lunch from Braeside. Dinner – main meal and a pudding. Evening drink before bed. Need to know dietary requirements in advance. Please talk to your child about how they may have to try things that they haven’t had before. Please do not send them with extra food/drinks unless has been arranged with me. Any food found will be confiscated – it’s not fair on the other children or staff.

8 Bedrooms The bedrooms vary in size from 2 beds to 9 beds. The boys and girls are on different floors of the house and have separate facilities. The children have shared with us names of three children that they would be happy to be in a bedroom with. All children will be placed with at least one person that they have chosen. We are limited by the size of bedrooms that we have been allocated – they are not all the same size. There is another school also visiting Braeside. They will be in a completely separate. We consider the needs of all children when allocating bedrooms – not an easy job. If you have any concerns about the sleeping arrangements please come and speak to me at the end of the meeting. Changes cannot easily be made when the list goes out as it affects the friends of other children especially as there are very few spare beds. The children will only be in their bedrooms for sleeping and staff will always be close by – staff bedrooms on each floor.

9 We can only give medicine if we have a completed form.
Mrs Jones and Mrs Thompson will be responsible for administering medication. Please bring a completed form with any medication your child will need to take with you on the morning that we leave at the latest (before would be preferable). The forms are available from the office- please collect one by Friday 25th May if required. We can only give medicine if we have a completed form. If anyone is taken ill then we will look after them at Braeside initially – we can give calpol – we will ring and let you know that we have done so. Most of the time they just need a rest – if more serious then we will ring you and arrange necessary arrangements.

10 Money There is a gift shop at Braeside, which the children will have the opportunity to visit. They can bring a maximum of £5 in a named wallet or purse. The highest priced item in the shop is £3. These will be handed in on Wednesday morning for safekeeping to Miss Cleveland.

11 Arrival on Wednesday Children to arrive at 8 am on Wednesday morning and come to Mapledurham Hall. Please do not arrive earlier than this as the staff will be busy with final preparations. Please be considerate if arriving by car so that the coach can get in and staff arriving for work. The children need to wear clothes suitable for their afternoon activities.

12 Return on Friday We will be back at school in time for normal pick up on the Friday afternoon. Collect your children as normal from their classroom. Please let us know if your child will be going to WWC that night. Please think about parking on Spurcroft Road so we can get through with the coach. Please ensure that the office has up to date contact details for you. We are planning on keeping parents updated through, Twitter and text messages.

13 Any questions ....

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