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Created By: Karina Madrigal End Human Slavery !. Human trafficking has become the fastest growing criminal industry on the globe, yet we the people are.

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Presentation on theme: "Created By: Karina Madrigal End Human Slavery !. Human trafficking has become the fastest growing criminal industry on the globe, yet we the people are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created By: Karina Madrigal End Human Slavery !

2 Human trafficking has become the fastest growing criminal industry on the globe, yet we the people are fighting against it. NOT FOR SALE prepares and enables smart activities as they take action to find solutions to stop slavery all over the world. Every individual has a skill to free an enslaved person, and together, we can end slavery in our lifetime.

3 Slavery occurs when one person completely controls another person, using violence or threat. Use them economically without rewarding them, and they cannot walk away.

4 Human Trafficking has 3 key points: The ACTION of Trafficking- transportation, transfer, harboring or recruitment The MEANS of Trafficking- which includes threat of or use of force, or abuse of power. The PURPOSE of Trafficking- utilizing humans for ones own convenience.

5 Our mission is to create a world where no one is for sale! Not For Sale fights to stop slavery around the world, and prevent slavery to those who are at risk.

6 It ought to concern every person, because it is a debasement of our common humanity. It ought to concern every community, because it tears at our social fabric. It ought to concern every business, because it distorts markets. It ought to concern every nation, because it endangers public health and fuels violence and organized crime. Im talking about the injustice, the outrage, of human trafficking, which must be called by its true name modern slavery. ~President Barack Obama

7 Many companies work together to provide the following, all over the world: cotton in our t-shirts, the metals in our laptops and cellphones as well as the sugar in our desserts. The businesses selling all these items dont really know where these raw materials are coming from, or who is producing the products. Not knowing is what causes unregulated production, unsafe, or illegal practices in the workplace, including slavery!


9 Every dollar you give will help the global movement to end slavery in our lifetime. Your donation will help: To allow these services to reach some of the most innocent people across the globe. Offer services to survivors that will help overcome psychological trauma. Create new futures for survivors Investigating on human trafficking locally.

10 Based on information gathered in 2012 about enslaved victims: 68% of victims were females More than 50% of individuals are between the ages of 13 and 25. 95% of victims over 18 years of age were unemployed 57% were uneducated 60% came from poor developing countries Across the world, more than 30 million people are currently enslaved. Sex trafficking is most common than domestic servitude.

11 5701 Not For Sale services are being provided around the world. Services around the world: Thailand- 133 Peru- 748 Romania- 121 South Africa- 19 India- 16 Netherlands- 413

12 Meet Aini…… Aini from the Philippines, lived in poverty. She did not have opportunity to study so went out for work. A friend helped her out and took Aini to the Netherlands. There she was forced into domestic labor and was sexually abused by her boss. Her earnings were very little but feared to do anything about it. After months, she was later identified as a victim and placed in a shelter. Now she has completed her internship in professional culinary training at Not For Sale!

13 It is very important to be clear and know what is going on around the world. Slavery and human trafficking has be an issue over the past few years. Innocent people suffering from slavery are in need of help right now, and only with the help of a community we can fight to end unfair, illegal human slavery!

14 Slavery Today:

15 (Impacts) (2012 Impacts) (Donate) (Mission) (Obama Quote) (Intro) (video)

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