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Stand Firm For The Truth

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1 Stand Firm For The Truth
The Book of Jude

2 The Book of Jude The book of Jude is very similar to 2 Peter 2. Jude:
No one knows the time of the writing: Except that it was later than the writing of 2 Peter. Jude: A brother of the Lord and of James. Nothing else is known about him. Basic lessons of Jude: Stand firm for the truth, Because there are false teachers among you.

3 The Book of Jude Salutation (Vs. 1-2)
Contend for the faith, because false teachers are in your midst (Vs. 3-4). Prophesied and condemned… Seeking a license for lewdness… Denying our Lord.

4 The Book of Jude There are clear examples that God punishes the ungodly (Vs. 5-7). Unbelieving Israelites, Angels, Sodom and Gomorrah. Examples to you. False teachers do not learn the lessons from the examples (Vs. 8-9). They: Defile the flesh, Rail at sacred things.

5 The Book of Jude Jude describes false teachers (Vs. 10-16):
They are like: Cain, Balaam, Korah. They are destructive; of no value to anyone. Enoch warned that God will come in judgement. Remember the warnings concerning false prophets (Vs ): Mockers WILL come.

6 The Book of Jude Continue to be built up in your faith (Vs. 20-23):
Do not succumb to error, Help those in doubt, uncertainty, and sin. Beware lest you become polluted also.  Doxology (Vs )

7 The Book of Jude Stand firm in the truth, for there are false teachers among you! This epistle is a warning against false teachers. Counter false teachers by strengthening your faith, keeping yourselves in the love of God, and by praying in the Holy Spirit!

8 Stand Firm For The Truth
The Book of Jude

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