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Composing with Images and Words Using Web. 2.0 Tools

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Presentation on theme: "Composing with Images and Words Using Web. 2.0 Tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Composing with Images and Words Using Web. 2.0 Tools
International Reading Association Pre-Conference Institute: Technology for All Minneapolis, MN May 3, 2009 Composing with Images and Words Using Web. 2.0 Tools DISCUSS WITH PARTNER What adjectives --- how does this boy make you feel? How does he feel? Description: what is happening? What will happen? How does this image relate to you? What’s the connection? Renee Hobbs Temple University Media Education Lab Philadelphia PA

2 Composing with Images and Words Using Web. 2.0 Tools
International Reading Association Pre-Conference Institute: Technology for All Minneapolis, MN May 3, 2009 Composing with Images and Words Using Web. 2.0 Tools EMOTION DESCRIPTION / PREDICTION CONNECTION Renee Hobbs Temple University Media Education Lab Philadelphia PA

3 What are the 21st Century Literacies?
Using Tools & Technology Resources Well Critical Analysis, Reflection & Ethics Teamwork & Problem- Solving Creativity & Expression What are the 21st Century Literacies?

4 Exploring mass media, popular culture and digital media
What is Media Literacy? ….the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate messages in a wide variety of forms

5 Activity: Create a Voice Thread that Addresses Five Key ML Questions
Brainstorm ideas & select an image Create a Voice Thread account Upload the image; name and tag the project Critically analyze the image Compose five comments using a combination of written text & spoken language Make your Voice Thread public Share, reflect and discuss

6 Analyze a Photo TITLE: Very Sticky


8 Activity: Create a Voice Thread that Addresses Five Key ML Questions
Brainstorm ideas & select an image Create a Voice Thread account Upload the image; name and tag the project Critically analyze the image Compose five comments using a combination of written text & spoken language Make your Voice Thread public Share, reflect and discuss Compose a short essay reflecting on the best ideas developed through the process of sharing

9 Digital Citizenship: Finding and Using Images Online
Are images copyrighted? How can I use them? How can I share them? FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING – to build knowledge and skills TRANSFORMATIVELY– as an integral part of making something new DECORATIVELY – to improve appearance or attract attention What is my ethical responsibility to provide attribution (cite source)? What is my legal responsibility to the author? CLAIM FAIR USE ASK PERMISSION PAY LICENSE FEE

10 Resources for Learning More
Creative Commons Image Resources Learning about Media Literacy, Copyright and Fair Use Online Community for Understanding Copyright in Education

11 Image Resources Multimedia / Images Flickr Flickr Storm

12 A democratic civilization will save itself only if it makes the language of the image into a stimulus for critical reflection, not an invitation to hypnosis. --Umberto Eco

13 Email: Web:
Renee Hobbs Media Education Lab Temple University School of Communications & Theater Philadelphia PA Web:

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