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Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews

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1 Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews
The Dawn of Christianity Between the Testaments and the Early Church Age Lesson 8 Resurrection and the Birth of the Church Steve Plaster

2 Lesson Structure Clash of Cultures: Judaism and Hellenism People of the Book The Sacred Writings Apocryphal Literature, Messiahs, and Resurrection The Essenes and the Maccabees The Herodians, the Romans, and the Prophets Trials and Tribulations of Jesus Resurrection and the Birth of the Church Paul’s Missionary Journeys Paul’s Letters and Trials Jewish Revolt Groups and the Temple Destruction How We Got the Bible


4 The Rising of the Son and the Birth of the Church (30-33AD)
The Rising of the Son and the Birth of the Church (30-33AD). Resurrection implies the continuity of a person from life to death to life and a discontinuity of a physical body to an immaterial body. Appearances after burial substantiated the claim of victory over death and differentiated Christ from Enoch and Elijah.

5 Acts chronicles 30-62AD. It contains 24 speeches recalled and recited by Luke. The number of pilgrims visiting Jerusalem about 30AD was 540,000 during Passover. Pentecost occurred in 30AD. As Saul persecutes Stephen, he is stoned to death and the church is scattered.

6 The Roads from Jerusalem (33-37AD)
The Roads from Jerusalem (33-37AD). Phillip evangelizes the Samaritans who were a half breed mix of Jew and Assyrian ever since 722BC. Samaritan beliefs: (1) animal sacrifice, (2) holy mount is Mt. Gerizim, (3) belief in only the Pentateuch, and (4) belief in a Messiah-like Moses (Deut. 18:18). Phillip converts the Ethiopian treasurer and eunuch.



9 Saul was born in Tarsus but raised in Jerusalem, a Pharisee, educated by Gamaliel. Nabatean king Aretas IV exercised control over Damascus (II Corinthians 11:32). Paul was converted in Damascus in 34AD. He proselytized in Arabia (Nabatean desert surrounding Petra) until 37AD. Paul served between Tarsus and Jerusalem between 37-46AD. The persons who became a bridge between synagogue and church were non-Jews practicing Judaism and who were called God-fearers and proselytes.

10 Dark Passages (37-47AD). Caligula came to power in Rome in 37AD and began to persecute the Jews because he wanted to be worshipped as a god which they refused to do. Herod Agrippa I was appointed king of the Jews in Samaria and Judea in 41AD. He was responsible for the beheading of James the son of Zebedee to curry favor with Jews. The leading figure in Jerusalem among the Jewish Christians from 37-48AD was James the brother of Jesus. He wrote the book of James in the early 50’s serving the church until his death in 62AD.

11 Antioch was the Roman capital of Syria being founded by Seleucus I in 300BC and named after his father Antiochus. It had a population of 500,000 with a large Jewish contingent.

12 The Dawn of Christianity
Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews The Dawn of Christianity Between the Testaments and the Early Church Age Lesson 8 Resurrection and the Birth of the Church Steve Plaster

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