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From wavelengths towards weather –

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1 From wavelengths towards weather –
Redesigning Satellite Application Courses Vesa Nietosvaara Madalina Ungur

2 Wavelengths vs features: a non-meteorological example
X-Ray channel 0.001 to 10 nm Ultrasound channel 0.1 to 1 mm IR channel µm

3 Wavelengths vs features: a non-meteorological example
X-Ray channel 0.001 to 10 nm Ultrasound channel 0.1 to 1 mm Visible channel IR channel µm

4 Available for African meteorologists.
EUMETSAT & African partners organize Satellite Application Courses for operational meteorologists Available for African meteorologists. Versions in EN and FR. In 2013 a major change from a traditional classroom to a blended format.

5 Available for African meteorologists.
EUMETSAT & African partners organize Satellite Application Courses for operational meteorologists Available for African meteorologists. Versions in EN and FR. In 2013 a major change from a traditional classroom to a blended format. SAC-EN Online 2016: Lesson 1: Earth-Sun-Atmosphere energy system Lesson 2: Selective Absorption Lesson 3: channel selection Lesson 4: RGB recipes

6 We asked COMET to evaluate the courses and design a user survey for African Forecasting offices in 2016 Marianne Weingroff

7 Proposed changes: narrower goals clearer objectives
COMET evaluated the courses and designed a user survey for African Forecasting offices in 2016 Proposed changes: narrower goals clearer objectives alignment with BIP-M and satellite enabling skills guidance Activities consistent with objectives Marianne Weingroff

8 COMET evaluated the courses and designed a user survey for African Forecasting offices in 2016
An example: Learning Objective: “Explain brightness temperature, reflectivity and counts”. Marianne Weingroff

9 COMET evaluated the courses and designed a user survey for African Forecasting offices in 2016
An example: Learning Objective: “Explain brightness temperature, reflectivity and counts”. ?! Marianne Weingroff

10 The African Forecasting Office Survey Results
Biggest needs: detect and monitor convection, fog, and dust. And further on: Understanding single channel channels and products better Using new satellite products Using RGBs Using satellite data in the forecast process Using satellite data in conjunction with NWP

11 We used the evaluation and survey results to redesign the course
Action was needed! We used the evaluation and survey results to redesign the course We needed an expert group to create new meaningful activities

12 We used the evaluation and survey results to redesign the course
Action was needed! We used the evaluation and survey results to redesign the course We needed an expert group to create new meaningful activities

13 ASMET team worked September-December for creating weather exercises

14 ASMET team worked September-December for creating weather exercises
Emphasis on weather: Convection, Fog, Dust… …for different African regions: Tropics / Midlatitudes... … for various features (synoptic to meso-scale) Creating discussion topics for each weather feature COMET managed the process

15 We created altogether nine exercises

16 We re-designed the SAC course
Approach Replaced instrument based approach with weather based approach. ASMET exercises as a basis for practice cases. Objectives Re-defined the objectives. Updated the course activities to better match the objectives. Feedback Improved the feedback mechanisms: Forums, weekly learner feedback, participant self-reflections and instructor summaries.

17 We tested it in May-June SAC-EN 2017
Course delivered jointly by IMTR, SAWS, EUMETSAT. 55 participants from 30+ countries. Over 80% completed the course. Discussion Area

18 We tested it in May-June SAC-EN 2017
Course delivered jointly by IMTR, SAWS, EUMETSAT. 55 participants from 30+ countries. Over 80% completed the course. 2 weeks Synoptic Systems ASMET Exercises Systems Discussion Live Weather Briefing

19 We tested it in May-June SAC-EN 2017
Course delivered jointly by IMTR, SAWS, EUMETSAT. 55 participants from 30+ countries. Over 80% completed the course. 2 weeks Mesoscale Systems ASMET Exercises Systems Discussion Reflections

20 Participants Instructors Enjoyed the course in general.
Some Experiences Participants Enjoyed the course in general. Fairly low amount of technical problems reported. Participants wished for more interaction. Instructors Found the weather based approach meaningful. Overwhelming task to follow up and give feedback for huge amount of forum postings.

21 Adding interaction (suggestions welcome!)
Future Work Fixing bugs… Adding interaction (suggestions welcome!) Ideally organize the SAC around three components: Basic online self-paced, unfacilitated course. Available from 2018 (by COMET). Online facilitated course. Identification and interpretation of features. Classroom course for eligible participants. Putting the acquired skills in into practice.

22 External evaluation helped us to re-design the course.
Conclusion External evaluation helped us to re-design the course. Checking the users’ needs before re-designing a course was beneficial. The participants actively participated the re-designed course.

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