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TGn Opening Report Portland, Oregon, US July 2004 04/658
doc.: IEEE /0658r0 July 2004 TGn Opening Report Portland, Oregon, US July /658 Bruce Kraemer, Chair Garth Hillman, Secretary July 12, 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Plans for July Opening remarks Status of Call for Proposals
Meeting time allocation reduced to 16 hours for July There are no major technical voting issues pending. Many people want to work on proposals Opening remarks Agenda May minutes Other information items Status of Call for Proposals Technical Presentations Overall TGn timeline .19 liaison planning (joint meeting) Regulatory issues discussion with .18 .21 liaison planning (joint meeting) TGn organization/officer planning Planning for September Berlin Correction to CC Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards
July 2004 doc.: IEEE /0658r0 July 2004 1. IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – May 2004 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of essential patents and patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either: a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings
July 2004 1. Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – March 2003 Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Attendance & Voting Status
July 2004 1. Attendance & Voting Status Use 802wirelessworld to register attendance If you encounter Attendance Issues during the session send an to Harry Worstell – Questions on Voting status – see Al Petrick Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
May Plans & Accomplishments
July 2004 1. May Plans & Accomplishments Complete and adopt CCs Complete and adopt Usage Models Establish firm dates for Posting letter of intent Posting technical proposals to server Start presentations Complete Call for Proposals letter Review project time line Prepare for election of Tech Ed & V. Chair Receive technical presentations Disbanded FRCC subcommittee Released Call for Proposals Monday May 17 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
May to July Activities There were no conference calls.
doc.: IEEE /0658r0 July 2004 1. May to July Activities There were no conference calls. Call for proposals closed on June 18 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
TGn Document Summary –July 12
1. TGn Document Summary –July 12 Primary Documents Functional Requirements r12 Comparison Criteria r30 Usage Models r23 Channel Models r04 Call for Proposals Letter r06 Other helpful documents: Selection Procedure r09 FRCC Cumulative minutes r14 FRCC Comments resolution spreadsheet r11 TGn Schedule r02 Selection Procedure Minutes r02 May Minutes r00 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 1. TGn - July Schedule All sessions will be held in Hilton Grand Ballroom I Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00-10:00 P 10:30-12:30 1:30-3:30 4:00-6:00 7:30-9:30 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 1. TGn - July Schedule All sessions will be held in Hilton Grand Ballroom I Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00-10:00 Presentations Joint .21 Elections 10:30-12:30 Prep for .18, .19, .21 TGn timeline Plans for Berlin 1:30-3:30 Joint .18 Joint .19 4:00-6:00 Opening remarks Nominations 7:30-9:30 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 Agenda Detail 1. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Approval of Agenda Motion to approve agenda Move: Second: 1. July 2004
Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
May Minutes from 04-496r0 1. Abstract
July 2004 1. May Minutes from r0 Abstract Cumulative minutes of the High Throughput Task Group meetings held during the IEEE /15 Interim meeting in Anaheim from May 10 through 14, 2004. Executive Summary (see closing report doc r1): Completed all selection criteria steps required to issue a Call for Proposal (CFP) were completed as follows: Functional Requirement doc r12 was adopted in March Channel Model doc r4 was adopted Comparison Criteria doc r30 was adopted Usage Model doc r23 was adopted FRCC special committee was disbanded Key dates (GMT-5) in CFP timeline were agreed to as follows: Issue CFP – May 17 Deadline for Letters of Intent – June 18 Proposal documents submitted – August 13 First Proposal presented – September 13 CFP document, r7, was agreed to by the TG and presented to the WG on Friday Received 9 technical proposals (not related to FRCC) Plan for July meeting was generated and agreed to by the TG Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Approval of May Minutes
July 2004 1. Approval of May Minutes Motion to approve minutes as contained in r0 Move: Garth Hillman Second: Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Press & Articles Glad to arrange them, but
July 2004 1. Press & Articles Glad to arrange them, but None independent - only with WG chair Coordinated via Publicity chair Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
TGn Committee Report – Posted to Web
July 2004 1. TGn Committee Report – Posted to Web The following report is based on TGn closing report which is contained in the slides above. TGn (High Throughput) achieved a significant milestone by completing the generation of its 4 selection criteria documents for Usage Models, Functional Requirements, Comparison Criteria and Channel Models. In compliance with TGn’s Selection Procedure, completion of these 4 documents allows the Task Group to release a Call for Proposals. The Call for Proposals will be issued on Monday May 17. Specified within the CFP are three key dates The posting of Letters of Intent (Friday, June 18) Posting of Proposals and related documentation (Friday, August 13) Presentation of Proposals (Monday, September 13) 9 Technical presentations covering various suggestions for High Throughput MAC an PHY improvements were heard as well. Activities planned for July include Status of Call for Proposals Technical Presentations Overall TGn timeline .19 liaison planning (joint meeting) .21 liaison planning (joint meeting) regulatory issues discussion with .18 TGn organization/officer planning Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
IEEE P802.11 - TGn Backgrounder
July 2004 1. IEEE P TGn Backgrounder TGn will define the next generation standard for high speed wireless LANs. The group's basic goal is to develop a standard capable of providing at least 100Mbps throughput at the MAC service access point. This is expected to provide roughly three times the throughput of current standards g and a. TGn has defined comprehensive Functional Requirements, Comparison Criteria, Usage Scenarios, and Simulation Environments which must be addressed by the proposals in order to be considered for the final standard. Complete proposals must address all of the requirements. Partial proposals, will most likely address various aspects of the MAC or Physical layer, but do not need to fulfill all the requirements indicated in the complete complement of reporting documents listed above. A call for proposals was issued on May 17 and closed on June 18. Following the close date of a formal call for proposals, the chair of Task Group n (TGn), Bruce Kraemer, has compiled and issued the list of individuals who have indicated that they will present a proposal. The list of respondents includes 21indicating they will make complete proposals and 41 who wish to make partial proposals. Proposals must be posted for membership review no later than August 13. At the upcoming IEEE meeting in July TGn will plan for proposal presentations which will begin at the meeting in September. Past experience with previous calls for proposals would indicate that due to consolidation and mergers the total number of presentations will be less than 61. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Countries Represented
July 2004 2. Letters of Intent 62 Letters of Intent 21 Complete 41 Partial Countries Represented Canada Finland France Germany Ireland Japan Korea Netherlands Singapore Sweden Taiwan US Update from initial announcement which stated 61 total: 22 complete, 39 partial One was initially lost. One proposal was listed as complete – should have been partial Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Call – Notification Process
July 2004 2. Call – Notification Process Announcement of results via letter to reflector (1812 members) Created mailing list of primary presenters and mailing list of secondary Next critical date : posting August 13 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Letters of Intent - Complete
July 2004 2. Letters of Intent - Complete Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Letters of Intent - Partial
July 2004 2. Letters of Intent - Partial Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July Planned Technical Presentations
3. July Planned Technical Presentations Monday LDPC vs CC over 11n channels Huaning Niu r0 Samsung Performance comparison of antenna selection and DSTBC Henry Horng r0 Samsung Physical Layer Approach for n Mustafa Eroz r0 Hughes NS MAC Overview John Ketchum r0 Qualcomm MAC Performance Results John Ketchum r0 Qualcomm Tuesday PHY Design for Spatial Multiplexing MIMO John Ketchum r0 Qualcomm Link Level Sim results for Spatial Multiplexing MIMO John Ketchum r0 Qualcomm Synchronization Reqts for n John Kowalski r0 Sharp 40/20/10 MHz Channelization John Sadowsky r0 Intel Wednesday 4pm IEEE n MAC Design Considerations Daqing Gu, J Tao r0 Mitsubishi Antenna selection for MIMO systems Andy Molisch r0 Mitsubishi LDPC coding for MIMO systems Jianxuan Du r0 Mitsubishi 40MHz/20MHz Interoperability Jeff Gilbert xx Atheros Xx Bart van Poucke xx IMEC Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
No later than midnight GMT -5 No later than midnight GMT -5
July 2004 4. Time line You are here Monday May 17, 2004 IEEE 802 Sessions Open Monday Sep 13 No later than midnight GMT -5 Friday June 18 No later than midnight GMT -5 Friday Aug 13 80 days 30 days 50 days 30 days Event #3 Documents posted on IEEE server Technical Proposal CC Compliance Report FR Compliance Report Event #1 Issue call for proposals Event #2 Intent to present Full or Partial proposal notification submitted Event #4 “All?” Proposals Presented in TGn Session Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Project Time line reviewed July 2003 (03-488r0) Schedule Highlights
doc.: IEEE /0658r0 July 2004 4. Time line - History Project Time line reviewed July 2003 (03-488r0) Schedule Highlights Issue First Letter Ballot on Draft July 2004 Issue First Sponsor Ballot Jan 2005 Complete Sponsor ballot – accepted by ExCom July 2005 Publish Oct 2005 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
July 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
802.11 Example Project History
July 2004 Example Project History Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Time line - Proposed Schedule Highlights
July 2004 doc.: IEEE /0658r0 July 2004 4. Time line - Proposed Schedule Highlights Issue First Letter Ballot on Draft July 2005 3 sessions to review edit (Sep, Nov, Jan, Mar) Issue First Sponsor Ballot Mar 2006 3 sessions to review & edit ( May, July, Sept) Complete Sponsor ballot – accepted by ExCom Nov 2006 Publish Mar 2007 Revisit on Tuesday Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD Bruce Kraemer, Conexant
.19 Joint meeting Logistics and Topics
July 2004 5. .19 Joint meeting Logistics and Topics Wednesday 1:30 – 2:30 pm in Hilton Grand Ballroom I. The proposed 802 P&P changes to address coexistence How those rules could be interpreted for n What is a Coexistence Assurance Document? r0 LMSC presentation r4 Proposed Rules Change Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 TAG 19 –part r4 Overview The introduction of a new or amended wireless standard creates the possibility of interference between the new standard and present standards. The purpose of these proposed changes to the LMSC policies and procedures is to establish a process in IEEE 802 to assure that the proposed standard and existing standards will coexist. A Coexistence Assurance (CA) document is used as a tool for the WG and LMSC executive committee to assess coexistence with other users of the medium. Coexistence is in the domain of MAC/PHY interactions between dissimilar systems. The criteria for a system resiliency to interference is ultimately dependent on the expected application of the proposed standard or amendment. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 TAG 19 –part r4 The role of TAG in this process is to act in the following ways: Establish and maintain a set of methodologies giving guidance to the WGs on how to develop a CA document to characterize effects on users of the common medium, including the new standard or amendment. Act as a resource to WG to help them decide which methodology is appropriate for their standard or amendment. Assist the WGs in evaluating the results of their CA analysis when requested. Evaluate the validity of the CA analysis WGs have completed in preparation for forwarding standards and amendments to sponsor ballot. This evaluation does not address if the proposed standard will adequately coexist. It does evaluate if the methodology was appropriate, executed, and reported correctly. LMSC makes the final determination on the level of coexistence necessary for the standard or amendment. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 TAG 19 –part r4 The process establishes what a wireless working group shall do at two steps in the standards development process: At the PAR approval (or PAR corrigendum) phase a wireless working group (WG) shall indicate that it intends to submit a CA document or explain why it is not needed. If the WG committed to create a CA document, the WG must submit it to the TAG prior to requesting that the SEC forward the draft to sponsor ballot. The TAG will offer its technical comments to the wireless WG and the LMSC. When a wireless working group has a draft standard and has developed a coexistence assurance document, the wireless working group may submit the coexistence assurance document to the TAG for preliminary review. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 TAG 19 – part r4 Proposed addition to PAR process (procedure 2): 6.6 Coexistence For a wireless project to be authorized, the WG is required to produce a Coexistence Assurance (CA) document to be submitted with their draft unless there is a compelling reason to omit this step. Working Group will submit a CA document with the draft Working Group will not submit a CA document If no CA document, state reason: _________________________ Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
TAG 19 – part 5 Proposed addition to LMSC standard procedures:
July 2004 TAG 19 – part 5 Proposed addition to LMSC standard procedures: Procedure 11 PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL TO FORWARD A DRAFT WIRELESS STANDARD In the process of preparing for Sponsor Ballot, the WG shall provide the coexistence assurance (CA) document to the TAG no less than 60 days prior to requesting that the LMSC SEC send the draft to sponsor ballot. The LMSC recommends that the WG provide the CA document to prior to WG letter ballot. The TAG shall give its technical comments on the CA document within 45 days after receipt. The TAG will evaluate if the CA methodology was applied appropriately and reported correctly. The LMSC shall make the final determination on whether the coexistence necessary for the standard or amendment, as defined by the WG, has been met. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
.18 Joint meeting Logistics and Topics
July 2004 6. .18 Joint meeting Logistics and Topics Wednesday 2:30 to 3:30 pm in Hilton Grand Ballroom I TGn question: Regulatory views on acceptability of MIMO and extended channels and xxx Two prong approach: What do current regulations allow? How to promote changes if needed? Proposal to invite experts via .18 Julius Knapp to November meeting (San Antonio) (approved by ExCom) Andy Gowan of UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) Other suggestions Need to prepare topics for discussion – send to guests ahead of time Recommend sub-committee to prepare topics for review Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
.21 Joint meeting Joint meeting plan: 10 minute presentations
July 2004 7. .21 Joint meeting Thursday 8 am to 9 am in Hilton Grand Ballroom I. Questions from perspective, I would be interested in understanding the following: 1. Time frame for the development/publishing of the standard, which would help us determine by when certain inputs have to be ready in either direction. 2. An understanding of: Is it an amendment to the existing MAC/PHY defined by .11a/b/g or is it a completely new MAC/PHY. In case of former, what can/cannot be changed. 3. What input would TGn like from such that TGn is enabled for handover across heterogeneous networks. Joint meeting plan: 10 minute presentations TGn overview .21 overview Q & A between members Plans going forward for September, November, … Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
.21 Overview PAR and 5 Criteria are on the IEEE website
July 2004 .21 Overview PAR and 5 Criteria are on the IEEE website IEEE is developing standards to enable handover and interoperability between heterogeneous network types including both 802 and non 802 networks. PAR: The purpose is to improve the user experience of mobile devices by facilitating handover between 802 networks whether or not they are of different media types, including both wired and wireless, where handover is not otherwise defined and to make it possible for mobile devices to perform seamless handover where the network environment supports it. These mechanisms may also be useable for handovers between 802 networks and non 802 networks. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 .21 - More Par Detail We define handover as the maintenance of sessions and/or service flows while connectivity is moved from one point of attachment to another. The scope and purpose are derived from the need to address the following three problems that were identified during the study group phase: – #1 Detection of a useable attachment to a network is impacted by the ambiguous indicators of network attachment in certain 802 MACs. Thus there is a need to develop a standard that allows a mobile terminal to optimize detection of a useable attachment to a network above the LLC. – #2 The information necessary to make effective handover decisions is lacking in part because the 802 networks provide insufficient information to the upper layers. Thus there is a need to develop a standard that permits information exchange between mobile terminals and/or networks to enable mobile terminals and/or networks to make more effective handover decisions. – #3 There is no standardized mechanism in 802 for information exchange between mobile terminals and network attachment points. This impacts the ability to make informed decisions to select between disparate network attachment points or to initiate handover between heterogeneous network types or between administrative domains within a single network type. Thus there is a need to develop a standard that permits mobile terminals and network attachment points to access information on which to base effective handover decisions. Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Officers Call for nominations opened for Technical editor Vice chair
July 2004 8. Officers Call for nominations opened for Technical editor election planned Thursday morning July 15 Vice chair election planned Monday November session Procedure: 5 minute speech by each candidate Single elimination voting rounds to obtain final candidate Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Berlin – Logistics r0 Session time # of presentations
July 2004 9. Berlin – Logistics r0 All presentations will be heard in September Speaking + discussion time = Speaking Order established by random number generator Friday Sept 10 (adjust time allocation on Monday morning based upon last minute mergers) Final presentations must be posted by xxx? Discuss further in Thursday session Session time # of presentations Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
Correction to CC67 Editorial error discovered
July 2004 10. Correction to CC67 Editorial error discovered Adrian Stephens will provide additional detail Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
July 2004 End Opening Report Kraemer, Conexant; Hillman, AMD
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