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C13.5 Global Climate Change – Greenhouse Gases

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1 C13.5 Global Climate Change – Greenhouse Gases

2 Learning Objectives: Aiming for 4: To be able to list 5 human activities which increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Aiming for 6: To explain the difference between global warming and greenhouse gases. Aiming for 8: To justify why scientists and the public disagree about the cause of climate change and use evidence to suggest if it is man- made or natural.

3 Greenhouse Effect Recap
Which gases are considered green house gases? How do these green house gases end up in the atmosphere? Methane, carbon dioxide and water Burning fossil fuels (carbon dioxide) Deforestation (carbon dioxide) Animal farming (digestion, waste decomposition) (methane) Decomposition of waste in landfill sites (methane)

4 Higher Task – Create a poster to include the following:
Use the internet to obtain data for concentrations of greenhouse gases. Evaluate the reliability of the data available on the internet. Research the process of peer review in reporting results/data. Use the internet to obtain numerical predictions for the effects of climate change. Using these predictions, suggest the possible effects on the Earth and atmosphere should the predictions become reality

5 Foundation Task: Read the following articles.
Highlight in red any information you would consider a solid fact. Highlight in green any information you would consider to be misleading (not backed up by any facts). Write an evaluation of both pieces of text. Which is more reliable? Why? (Think about the source of the text, one if a world renown leader in research, the other is a news paper) Link your opinions to examples from the text

6 Plenary – Peer Review Review the posters / text from your peers.
Write 1 WWW and 1 EBI. Allow correction / improvement time.

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