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Information for Final-Year Undergraduate students 2018

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1 Information for Final-Year Undergraduate students 2018
HAVE YOUR SAY Information for Final-Year Undergraduate students 2018 Welcome – I’m Paul Lau/ I run the Student Experience and National Student Survey’s at St George’s. I’m joined by Bethany Agnew from the Student Union who will be presenting in a moment. We will be talking you about the National Student Survey. Not the most exciting of topics, but never the less a survey that is really important to the institution. I’m going to spend a little time talking abut the survey and then ask you to get involved and take part. Whether you do is completely up to you. I’m not here to influence what you say but only to encourage you to get involved so we can learn from your experiences. Hopefully by the end you’ll be eager to get involved.

2 What? Why? How? To soften the survey blow we’ve coupled this survey with your final year photo and a social in the SU bar. If you complete the survey I’ll issue you with a drink token for the SU Bar. Which can get you a beer, wine or soft drink. In the presentation we’ll cover what NSS is, why you should take part, and how you do so. Firstly can I ask if you’ve heard of NSS? Show of hands?

3 What? What is the National Student Survey (NSS)?
CONFIDENTIAL UK-wide survey which collects information about students’ academic experiences In doing so, it supports public accountability helps inform the choices of prospective students provides data that assists institutions in enhancing the student experience Is for final-year undergraduate students Results of the survey are published and made available to higher education providers and student unions (via a dedicated portal) prospective students (via the Unistats website) First it is good to know it is confidential. We’ll never know what you have said individually. It is completely anonymous. In completing the survey you are supporting students making choices on where to study. The results are published on the Unistats website. The results also play a big role in shaping your student experience. The results are taken very seriously and used to make improvements where needed. Your open comments in particular are invaluable. However, what we need to get better at is sharing this information and telling where changes have been made as a result. But we are trying to get better at this. Better at communicating what changes have been made. What I’m try to say is don’t think that no one will read and act on your comments, as they will.

4 Very important to note …
The NSS is an independent survey that seeks to gather honest opinions The NSS survey is independent of St George’s It is managed by HEFCE (soon to become the Office for Students) on behalf of the other UK higher education funding bodies It is run by Ipsos MORI, an independent research agency They will send you messages & reminders You will also receive messages & reminders from St George’s You should provide your true opinion of your course … …what you liked and did not like The survey is independent and run by Ipsos Mori. You may be familiar with the Ipsos Mori name, that run a lot of the pre-election prediction polls. So if you get an from them in the next few weeks, you’ll know it is about the NSS.

5 Core questions in 8 categories …
The teaching on my course Staff are good at explaining things Staff have made the subject interesting The course is intellectually stimulating My course has challenged me to achieve my best work Learning opportunities My course has provided me with opportunities to explore ideas or concepts in depth My course has provided me with opportunities to bring information and ideas together from different projects My course has provided me with opportunities to apply what I have learnt Assessment & feedback The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance Marking and assessment has been fair Feedback on my work has been timely I have received helpful comments on my work

6 Organisation and management
Academic support I have been able to contact staff when I needed to I have received sufficient advice and guidance in relation to my course Good advise was available when I needed to make study choices on my course Organisation and management The course is well organised and is running smoothly The timetable works effectively for me Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively Learning resources The IT resources and facilities provided have supported my learning well The library resources (e.g. books, online services and learning spaces) have supported my learning well I have been able to access course-specific resources (e.g. equipment, facilities, software, collections) when I needed to

7 Learning community Student voice
I feel part of a community of staff and students I have had the right opportunities to work with other students as part of my course Student voice I have had the right opportunities to provide feedback on my course Staff value students’ views and opinions about the course It is clear how students’ feedback on the course has been acted on The students’ union (association or guild) effectively represents students’ academic interests …and finally … Overall I am satisfied with the quality of the course Looking back on the experience, are there any particularly positive or negative aspects you would like to highlight? [open box comments]

8 Plus non-core questions on
Work placements Social opportunities Welfare resources and services Workload Assessment Employability and skills Additional questions St George’s has chosen What is the single most important thing that would have improved your university experience? [open box comments] My learning has benefited from modules that are informed by current research There are also some non-core questions that you have the option of completing. However, I would encourage you to do as and the information from these questions is often just as valuable as the main body of questions. Particularly around areas such as Placements. Something spend a lot of time doing. Also, one of my favourite questions is optional – What is the single most important thing that would have improved your university experience?

9 Why? Why is the NSS important?
The results of the NSS provide an important dataset for a range of users: higher education providers and student organisations to identify good practice and areas for enhancement. prospective students to inform decisions as to where to study. funding bodies and Government to inform policy and for regulatory purposes. third parties that provide public information, such as league table compilers and student information websites. Ok, now the WHY. If you are already convinced, I’ll just reiterate the points I said at the beginning about the data being published on Unistats to aid deciding when to apply and study. Secondly, that it makes a change to your course for the better.

10 In order for NSS data to be made publicly available to prospective students, a University needs to achieve for each subject a minimum of 10 respondents above 50% response rate To achieve these thresholds, all institutions are encouraged to promote the NSS to boost response rates … …including highlighting how your feedback makes a difference, how students’ opinions in previous years have resulted in change …

11 For Paramedic Science Teaching You said…
“The Science for Paramedics module in year 1 was too intense for one term”. We did… For the second year of the programme the Science for Paramedics module was extended over 2 terms. Now we are going to talk about the changes that have resulted from the feedback in past NSS/SES surveys. Chris is going to talk through the course specific improvements, before Bethany mentions the institutional improvements

12 For Paramedic Science Teaching You said…
“The simulation centre is under-utilised, and we would like to have more simulation.” We did… Greater use of simulation centre for relevant modules, including mental health and transition to practice scenarios. Increased utilisation of professional actors to provide realistic situations.

13 For Paramedic Science Teaching You said…
“We would like some smaller group lectures”. We did… Trial of smaller group lectures with PP2 module. For 2018 timetable teaching will be mainly small group, with students in most lectures, rather than the previous maximum of 140.

14 For Paramedic Science Personal Tutors You said…
“Some of us have not seen our APL tutors and do not have access to personal tutors.” We did… New system of booking personal tutor slots via Moodle introduced for all year groups.

15 For Paramedic Science Personal Tutors You said…
“The simulation centre is under-utilised, and we would like to have more simulation.” We did… Greater use of simulation centre for relevant modules, including mental health and transition to practice scenarios. Increased utilisation of professional actors to provide realistic situations.

16 For St George’s at university level
Student voice, closing the loop, student engagement You said… “[Course x] students only have 2 opportunities for feedback” “I don't know what issues are discussed to be acted upon, so I wouldn't know if there have been some changes or if they've been implemented. [Make it] clear to students what's been discussed so that we can take a note of any changes made and then give feedback on that, whether its a good change or not.” We did… Developed a new student online teaching feedback scheme across all programmes, for each module and each teacher, launching in January (not clinical placements, yet). built in “closing the loop” reflection on feedback and actions by module leader Introduced Student-Staff Liaison Groups for each programme, plus Environment & Learning Resources, from Spring 2018 Launched new Education Community Network meetings for staff and students, monthly.

17 - Virtual learning environment
You said… “Moodle is a very awkward system to use and is slow and not responsive on mobile devices.” “Moodle is entirely un-user friendly and not intuitive” We did… Introduced a new VLE (Canvas) in September 2017 with all courses using Canvas by September 2018

18 - Feedback You said… “Informal feedback (e.g. from personal tutors, lecturers, clinical teaching staff or clinicians on placement) is usually excellent. The majority of staff are more than happy to help or point students in the right direction…. As far as formal feedback is concerned, there are several discrepancies. It would be very helpful if feedback were to be constructed in a more positive manner - ways to improve technique, ways to ask questions etc …” “There is no preparation given for exams no constructive feedback for after exams. They don't give you any past papers and you never know when you are going wrong.” “Results and feedback on certain assessment took too long.” We did… Wide-ranging internal audit on feedback headed by Prof Deborah Bowman completed last term; recommendations and implementation pending.

19 -Library & study space You said…
“The library is so loud it's almost impossible to concentrate. People who talk should be asked to leave .” “There is sometimes shortage of rooms available for studying at St George's and this makes it hard to find adequate study environment when in the university” “Weekend library opening times should be as long as week days” We did… Employed security to staff during the day to control noise and conduct; moved main library entrance to reduce noise from social learning space Redesign library foyer to provide a better working environment Redesigned the SU bar to provide social study space during the day Opened up teaching rooms on Lv1 Jenner out of hours Extended opening hours to 24/7 from October 2017

20 - Environment (physical & virtual)
You said… “Bad facilities in terms of places to study, eat on site, get coffee, etc.” “SGUL is a wonderful university that gets so much right.  I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.  It just feels, sometimes, that SGUL isn't very proud of itself, but it should be!  From my perspective, the only thing that lets it down is the lectures and the lecture theatres.” “Some of the lecture theatres could do with a refurb!” “We did… Refurbished LTs A, B & C [“I am pleased lecture theatres a,b,c,etc have had an overhaul.”(SES, 2017.  Yr2 physio)] Brought in PRET x 2 Created new, modern, small group teaching rooms from research space in Jenner New website being built during 2018 to transform internal info/coms and project St George’s effectively to the outside world

21 How? Dates and key facts summary The survey is open
You’ll receive an s from Ipsos MORI from Thursday 8th February if you haven’t completed the survey by then Non-respondents will receive a couple of follow up s from Ipsos MORI, and may be contacted by telephone to take part We will also be ing St George’s reminders (to everyone) We will be in touch with regular updates about completion rates The survey is confidential - information cannot be linked to an individual It doesn’t take long to complete It closes on 30 April 2018 The survey is now open. Hopefully you will be happy to get involved and complete it today. If you don’t Ipsos Mori will next week to take part, and if you still don’t then they will call you. If you take part this stops. I will also be in touch after today. And said you updates on completion rates. The idea is to make it as competitive and possible between programmes and issue the completion rates. We are going to have charts up on the 6th floor and in the student centre. There is also a gift to aid the competitive edge. Which I’ll tell you about in a moment.

22 We want to hear from everyone
To encourage participation … There will be posters and info sessions like this You will get a free branded St George’s Notebook for completing the survey KEEP HOLD OF YOUR COMPLETION FROM Everyone on a course (those that completed the survey) with a completion rate over 85% will get a St George’s branded hoodie. (It’s yellow this year!) 85% is high. But to give you an idea of previous response rates. Due to the course change from Foundation Degree to a 3 year BSc there were no final years to do the survey last year. However, I have the data for 2016 when you had a completion rate of 64%. Not the best. Though last year we had a institutional completion rate of 77%. We’ve sat the barrier high but we believe it can be met.

23 If you would like to complete the survey now …
ANY QUESTIONS? If you would like to complete the survey now … Computer Rooms H1.8 & H5.2 are available Be back for 4.30pm for your final year photo!!

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