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Cohort 2 June Workshop – Day 1 Presentations This slide deck is composed of 2 types of slides. One type gives the instructions and the other is an example.

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Presentation on theme: "Cohort 2 June Workshop – Day 1 Presentations This slide deck is composed of 2 types of slides. One type gives the instructions and the other is an example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cohort 2 June Workshop – Day 1 Presentations This slide deck is composed of 2 types of slides. One type gives the instructions and the other is an example Instruction slides have a grey background. Delete when finished. Example slides have a white background. The examples are from Highline College – replace with your information and data. It’s fine to personalize the slide design. You should have 5 or more slides that “paint a picture” of your program – key program characteristics; relevant course-outcomes data, and connections to program needs, opportunities, and your action plan. Think about what you want to share with the group. Slide #1 – Context of your program (What do others need to know to understand your data) Slide #2 – Demographic data for participation in your program (as a whole) vs your institution (we provide your institutional data from IPEDS on last slide) and key take-aways Slide #3 – Success rates for different geoscience courses and key take-aways Slide #4 – Success rates by demographic categories and key take-aways Slide #5 – Optional: Other data relevant to your specific setting and/or action plan Slide #6 – What you learned from the data and how that relates to your action plan (goals/needs) and specific strategies. Include any questions you have for the group.

2 Name of your school and program
Key pieces of information that provide context about your setting and will be helpful in understanding the data  Some things that you might include (your choice) # faculty courses Student information How your program fits into the institution. You may want to refer to your team web page

3 Geoscience at Highline College
Departments: Geology is in Physical Sciences Department (Eric’s department) Oceanography and Environmental Science are in Biology Department Faculty: Geology has 1 tenured, 2 full-time on renewable one-year contracts, and 2 adjunct faculty. Environmental Science and Oceanography are taught by a variety of full-time and adjunct faculty Students: Almost all students are seeking distribution/gen-ed requirements No declared majors at Highline in most areas (e.g., no geology majors). Students who want to major in geoscience transfer to several different institutions with different programs and thus different program requirements. Courses: Most courses are 5-credit science courses, some with a lab. A few 1-credit field classes Geology has many different courses offered at least once a year.

4 Comparison of demographic data for your program vs. your institution
Data for your institution is at the end of this slide deck. If you are at a college with multiple campuses and have access to individual campus data, feel free to use that instead of the institutional data provided. In the example slide, I have shown multiple terms. If you have only one term of data, just show that one term. I have marked with red circles the data that I think are important for my action plans/activities in the future. Please do the same. You can edit the chart/graph and input your own data within PowerPoint if you want. Right click on the chart/graph and select “edit data.” The table is not linked to the chart/graph.

5 Participation (enrollment) for Fall 2016 and Winter 2017
Students Asian African American Native American Hispanic White Other/ Mixed Women Highline 6750 15% 11% 1% 13% 29% 59% Geoscience F16 340 12% 4% 36% 49% W17 287 8% 3% 35% 37% 54%

6 Success rates by course
Include the course, the number of students in the course, and the % of students who get a C or higher. On the example slide, I included additional information (the “% 1.0 or higher grades”) because it was relevant for me. You do not need to include this additional data. I have marked with red circles the data that I think is important for my action plans/activities in the future. Please do the same. Note

7 Success rates (grades) by course over 5 quarters
Note: I added this last column – not required Course (Over 5 quarters) Department Number of Students “C” or Higher Received Credit (1.0 or above) ENV SCI 103 -Global Environmental Issues Biology 111 86% 91% ENV SCI 101 -Intr. Environmental Sci. (L) 248 88% 92% OCEAN 101 -Oceanography (L) 135 79% GEO 100 -Environmental Geology (L) Phys. Science 74 66% 72% GEO 101 -Physical Geology (L) 159 67% 81% GEO 103 -Intro. Paleontology (L) 47 68% GEO 105 -Shaping The Earth (Geomorph) 353 64% 82% GEO 107 -Geologic Hazards 180 59% TOTAL 1379 71%* 81%* (L) Indicates class that meets lab science requirement *% of total students If we had averaged by course, the total for “C or higher” would be 69% (rather than 71%) and for “received credit” would be 77%.

8 Success rates by course and demographics
Feel free to show the demographics you think are most important for your program. Some categories will have very low numbers and may not, as a result, be relevant. Feel free to omit those (or not). I have marked with red circles the data that I think are important for my action plans/activities in the future. Please do the same.

9 Success rates (C or better) by course & demographics
Shading indicates Success rates (C or better) by course & demographics More than 20 students Students Fewer than 10 students (Omitted) More than 20 students Students Fewer than 10 students (Omitted) 1379 students total Asian/ Pac. Isl African American Native American Hispanic White All Students ENVS 103 –Global Environmental Issues 87% 79% 75% 89% 86% ENVS&101 - Intr. Environmental Science 92% 90% 81% 85% 88% OCEA&101 - Oceanography 82% 65% GEO Environmental Geology 56% 78% 71% 66% GEO 101 – Physical Geology 68% 53% 73% 64% 67% GEO Shaping The Earth 55% GEO 107 – Geologic Hazards 39% 38% 74% 59% OVERALL 72% 60% % of students in each category who received a C or better

10 Highline Geoscience – A goal of my action plan Increase participation by under-represented minorities Students Asian African American Native American Latino/ Hispanic White International Other/Mixed Women Highline 6750 17% 11% 1% 13% 29% <1% 20% 59% Geoscience (ES, Geol and Oceans) 213 2% 15% 40% 6% 7% Environmental Science 83 12% 8% 42% 63% Geology 109 22% 9% 3% 19% 38% 56% Oceanography 21 10% 0% 24% 43% 5% 57% This is an extra slide. You would not need to include a slide like this one, but I included it as I thought it is a useful way to illustrate data that shows the need/opportunity for action. It seems that there are good opportunities to do better with African American students in Geology and Latino/Hispanic Students in Environmental Science.

11 Other data related to your program action plan
Optional slide Other data related to your program action plan Relate to relevant goals and/or needs Some possibilities: Changes in student retention over time Number of students taking Oceanography who need another science class to finish a degree Changes in numbers of students attempting or declaring a geoscience degree/major Amount of time/engagement/success in meeting outcomes for different lab exercises or activities Measurements of students meeting specific outcomes in courses Changes in out-of-class support options (e.g. advising times, tutoring hours, club meetings, social gatherings) Changes in faculty meeting time or collaborative practices You can find your action plan here: I do not include an example slide. Southern California 2 Oregon: Willamette Valley (Chemeketa CC) Massachusetts D.C. Metro Michigan Western Washington Oregon: Willamette Valley (Linn-Benton CC)

12 What did you learn from these data and how are they relevant to your action plan?
What are the important takeaway points from these data? Based on these takeaways, what specific strategies you are planning to implement? How do these data influence your action plan? For example, what, if anything, will you revise in your action plan? Or will you change the emphasis of any of your action items? If you have questions you’d like to ask the group, please include those.

13 What I learned and what I will do / plan to do
There is an opportunity to attract more African American students to Geology (9% of enrollments) and Hispanic students to Environmental Science (8% of enrollments). They are the most under-represented in these courses relative to the rest of the institution. I will work with all of my colleagues to make the course descriptions more attractive to a broader audience. I will meet with the Multicultural Office to ask their advice on making our program as welcoming as possible. I will talk with the ESL/ABE instructors about suggestions on implementing changes in the course to better meet the needs of those students. Geology 107 (Natural Hazards) has a lower success rate overall (68%) than other geology courses, driven by very low success rates of Hispanic and African American/Black students. I will incorporate more metacognitive strategies into the course I will use a broader range of evaluation methods to allow students to show their mastery of course content in different ways. I will carefully structure all feedback to all students with the message “I’m giving you some critical feedback because I expect that you can do the work.” I will emphasize the place-based nature of the course and assignments. Geology overall has lower success rates (high 60%) than Oceanography and Environmental Science courses in the Biology program (80-90%). Perhaps there are things to learn from Environmental Science and Oceanography. I will talk with colleagues in Environmental Science and Oceanography about their techniques and strategies.

14 Institutional Data – From IPEDS. Also available as file: https://www
instnm Percent of undergraduate enrollment under 18 (DRVEF2016) Percent of undergraduate enrollment (DRVEF2016) Percent of undergraduate enrollment (DRVEF2016) Percent of undergraduate enrollment over 65 (DRVEF2016) Percent of total enrollment that are American Indian or Alaska Native (DRVEF2016) Percent of total enrollment that are Asian (DRVEF2016) Percent of total enrollment that are Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (DRVEF2016) Percent of total enrollment that are Black or African American (DRVEF2016) Percent of total enrollment that are Hispanic/Latino (DRVEF2016) Percent of total enrollment that are White (DRVEF2016) Percent of total enrollment that are Race/ethnicity unknown (DRVEF2016) Percent of total enrollment that are Nonresident Alien (DRVEF2016) Percent of total enrollment that are two or more races (DRVEF2016) Percent of total enrollment that are women (DRVEF2016) Total enrollment (DRVEF2016) Percent of full-time first-time undergraduates awarded Pell grants (SFA1516) Bellevue College 18% 51% 31% 0% 1% 17% 4% 10% 45% 9% 8% 6% 55% 13506 29% Cape Cod 3% 56% 41% 2% 7% 70% 5% 59% 3319 40% Chemeketa 58% 36% 25% 42% 10797 Delta College 60% 80% 9132 Highline 22% 47% 30% 15% 11% 13% 6750 37% Linn-Benton 73% 26% 64% 50% 5775 Mt San Antonio 68% 62% 52% 29446 49% Northern Virginia 12% 57% 16% 21% 38% 50835

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