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6C. Patterns of Inheritance (Part 2 – Codominant & Incomplete Traits)

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1 6C. Patterns of Inheritance (Part 2 – Codominant & Incomplete Traits)
Chapter 7.1 & 7.2

2 Incomplete Dominance In incomplete dominance, neither allele is completely dominant nor completely recessive. B = Blue and b = Green BB = Blue bb = green Bb = Teal When both alleles are present (heterozygous) the traits blend Sometimes, you may use two different letters Example: B = Blue G= Green

3 Codominance In codominance, both alleles are dominant. B = Yellow and b = Black BB = Yellow bb = black Bb = Yellow & Black When both alleles are present (heterozygous) then both traits show Sometimes, you may use two different letters Example: Y = Yellow B= Black

4 Review & Compare Red Pig Red & Blue Pig Purple Pig In Flying Pigs
A = Red a = Blue If the trait was normal inheritance, what would the phenotype be for a “Aa”? Red Pig If the trait was Codominant, what would the phenotype be for a “Aa”? Red & Blue Pig If the trait was Incomplete Dominance, what would the phenotype be for a “Aa”? Purple Pig

5 Many genes may interact to produce one trait.
Polygenic traits are produced by two or more genes. Example – AaBbCCDd code for one phenotype Order of dominance: brown > green > blue.

6 AaBb aaBb Aabb aabb Black Yellow Chocolate Yellow
An epistatic gene can interfere with other genes. For example – in Labs you can have either a Black, yellow or chocolate lab B = Black b= Chocolate BUT a = yellow and it is epistatic, which means if the dog inherits a “a” the dog is yellow, it doesn’t matter what if they are BB, Bb, bb What color is the dog? AaBb Black aaBb Yellow Aabb Chocolate aabb Yellow

7 The environment interacts with genotype.
Phenotype is a combination of genotype and environment. The sex of sea turtles depends on both genes and the environment Height is an example of a phenotype strongly affected by the environment.


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