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Title – Arial Bold 36pt Name of Presenter – Arial 24pt

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Presentation on theme: "Title – Arial Bold 36pt Name of Presenter – Arial 24pt"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title – Arial Bold 36pt Name of Presenter – Arial 24pt
Space available for additional unit insignia i.e. Senior Mission Commander at Garrison Title – Arial Bold 36pt Name of Presenter – Arial 24pt Date of Presentation – XX Month XXXX – Arial 24pt

2 Instructions For Building An IMCOM Briefing
Slide Data Format On all slides include a subject header (Optional sub header available) To change POC/AO, Slide Number, Classification and DTG… select VIEW then SLIDE MASTER. AO needs to change on BOTH Master Titles slides for this template. World Time Zone (S = Central STANDARD Time) Year DTG—Date-Time Group: DDHHMMSMMMYYYY Example: SMAR2016 Day Month Time Last Revised Date-Time-Group (DTG) when the brief was LAST REVISED—this includes the World Time Zone Name of the action officer doing the briefing and the contact information Slide # of # of slides Be sure to add Classification

3 Agenda Slide – Arial Bold 28pt, Black
Arial Black - 28 pt Second level - 24 pt Third level - 20 pt Fourth level - 18 pt Fifth level - 16 pt

4 Sub Header – Arial Bold 20pt, White
Slide Header – Arial Bold 28pt, Black Sub Header – Arial Bold 20pt, White Arial Black - 28 pt Second level - 24 pt Third level - 20 pt Fourth level - 18 pt Fifth level - 16 pt

5 Instructions For Building An IMCOM Briefing
General Always build your briefing based on latest IMCOM template. Don’t depend on your old briefings to be up to date! FY16, not FY 16, G1, not G 1 Spell out all acronyms Make sure margins line up Use Spell Check liberally Line spacing – lines that are close together are hard to read! Lines of text within bullets should have a “soft return” by holding down the SHIFT key, then RETURN – the line will wrap and align automatically without creating a new bullet, like this Otherwise, do not use the RETURN key except at the end of a bullet – text will wrap and font size will adjust automatically within all bullets, appearance is enhanced Use multiple slides to avoid crowding of bullets

6 Instructions For Building An IMCOM Briefing
General Bullets should not be sentences - “topical” - not whole story and generally no periods (.) Use small (s) for plural when using upper case, e.g. acronyms - MACOMs Be Brief Always use Arial font! Ensure that text box/content is properly aligned. Utilize the “arrange” feature under the drawing tool bar. Eliminate superfluous words like “a” and “the” Pictures, graphics - use only to enhance understanding of message, not as decoration. Briefing copies always B&W - color for special audiences only!


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