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Welcome to Mrs. Curtis’ 2nd grade classroom where you will go on new adventures and make new discoveries every day!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Curtis’ 2nd grade classroom where you will go on new adventures and make new discoveries every day!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Curtis’ 2nd grade classroom where you will go on new adventures and make new discoveries every day!

2 NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.

3 What is a procedure? A procedure is a routine and not a rule.
NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. What is a procedure? A procedure is a routine and not a rule. Procedures help us have an efficient and orderly classroom, so learning can take place.

4 Why do we have procedures?
NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Why do we have procedures?

5 Our Morning Routine Walk in quietly to your desk
Take out blue folder, books, snack Turn in homework or notes from home Get sharpened pencil Begin morning work

6 Morning Work Morning work will be on your desk Do independently
Mrs. Curtis will call your table group to hang up backpack and make lunch choice Quickly return to your seat and complete morning work If finished, read silently at your desk

7 Backpacks Listen for your group to be called
Take empty backpack to coatroom Make sure you have everything Place on your hook

8 Lunch Choice Locate your lunch magnet Do not move others
Decide on choice one or choice two Place magnet in correct section Packed? Place your magnet in the packed section and lunchbox in milk crate.

9 Notes for Teacher Basket on my desk Notes from home (change of plans)
Absence excuse Permission slip Fundraising

10 Tardy Parent/Guardian must sign you in to office for tardy slip
Enter class quietly Place tardy slip in “Notes from Home” basket Unpack Get to work

11 Early Pick Up Place parent note in “Notes from Home” basket
Take work you will miss and complete at home Pack up quickly and quietly

12 Absent Daily work and handouts on your desk.
It will remain there until you return Parent can call office and ask that I leave it at front office for pickup Parent can call office and ask that I send it home with another student Missed tests will be kept in a folder at Mrs. Curtis’ desk. The missed test will be given during recess.

13 Weekly Classroom Helpers
Assigned every Monday Door Holder Line Leader/Helper Teacher Helper

14 Emergency Procedures - Lockdown
Stay calm and stop all noises immediately Walk into coat room Stand close and do not make any noises Mrs. Curtis will lock door and join you

15 Emergency Procedures - Fire
Stay calm and be quiet Turn right and go out the exit door nearest our room Line up on white bus line and face the building Take attendance Listen for all clear announcement Walk back into the classroom

16 Emergency Procedures - Tornado
Stay calm and quiet Walk into hallway toward cafeteria Face wall and squat down Cover head with hands

17 Attention Signal Mrs. Curtis will say “Class, class.” You will say “Yes, yes.” Immediately stop what you are doing. Look at Mrs. Curtis. Listen for instructions.

18 Blue Folder Keep Side Return Side Back Side Finished work
Do not return this to school Return Side Homework Permission slips Papers to be signed by parents Back Side Weekly newsletter

19 Paper Heading Write first and last name on first small blue space
Skip one line every time Write date by spelling the name of the month, the date, and year In upper right hand corner, write your student number

20 Unfinished Assignments
“WIP” – Work in Progress No more than 3 pieces of incomplete assignments per day Check regularly so you stay caught up Complete at recess (clipboard) Any unfinished work becomes homework and is due the next school day

21 Phone Calls and Cell Phone Alarms
When the phone rings, please lower your voices to a whisper if you are talking. I set alarms on cell phone to keep our class on schedule. Mrs. Curtis will be the only person to answer phone or turn off alarms.

22 Bathroom Please use the bathroom before coming to the classroom in the morning. We will go before morning playtime. We will go before lunch or after lunch. We will go before afternoon recess. .

23 Pencils We have 2 pencil cans on my desk.
When you need a new pencil, take your dull or broken pencil and put it in the dull pencil can. Take a sharpened pencil from the sharpened pencil can. Quietly walk back to your seat and continue working.

24 Desk Care Keeping an organized desk helps you locate things easily.
It saves learning time Takes one minute Unwanted papers go in trash Snacks wrappers go in trash Wet wipe once a week

25 Turning in Papers Name and number must be on paper
Place in tray on teacher’s desk Return to seat

26 Finishing Work Early Start Off - Finish Off Chart
Start Off column must be done in order Only do what is listed when you finish assignment List will not always be the same Start Off Finish Off Do your assignment Complete any unfinished work Check your work 2. Write story in your journal OR 3. Turn it in 3. Read your chapter book

27 Transitions in Classroom
Listen for chime. Chime signals 3 minutes Finish one task Prepare for next task Refocus on new task

28 Morning Meeting Meet at carpet Greet each other
Review schedule of events Discuss student concerns (do not mention students’ names when discussing issues) Begin opening lesson

29 Class Discussions Many class discussions Respect speaker
Everyone gets a turn

30 Group Work Assigned groups May change Specific location assigned
Listen for directions Move desks and chairs if necessary Question? Ask your group members Help each other Ask teacher as last resort Return materials Move desks and chairs back

31 Classroom Library Set book selection time Select “good fit book”
Take to your desk If you finish work early, quietly take book to carpet or read at your desk Sit at arm’s length from others at carpet Silent reading only – no talking to classmates Take book back to your desk when lesson resumes

32 Test Taking Use “Privacy Walls”. Eyes on your own paper. Remain quiet.
Check work for mistakes or unanswered questions. Turn test over and put “Privacy Wall” down. Tests will be collected as soon as all privacy walls are down. Remain seated and begin next assignment. Read chapter book silently.

33 Snack Healthy snack Easy and quick to eat Remain seated while eating
All wrappers and uneaten snacks in trash NO FOOD ON CARPET PLEASE!

34 Water Bottle Open carefully Put lid back on water bottle
Do not poke holes in bottle Water only due to spills and ants

35 Walking to Another Location
Listen for teacher’s announcement. Line Leader lines up first. Next is Door Holder. Wait for teacher to call others to line up. Stay behind person in front of you. Keep hands behind your back. Walk quietly. Keep up.

36 Classroom Visitors Principal Parents Other School Workers New Student
Continue working Stay seated Please do not interrupt unless it is an emergency so I can quickly get back to our lesson

37 Playground Follow lining up procedure Take water bottle
Do not go out door until teacher is there Play safely and nicely with others No zip line or big red swing Line up with water bottle quickly when teacher rings bell Walk back to classroom Use bathroom BEFORE going outside. We only have minutes outside. Playground

38 Remember… I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it, too! Have an awesome year! Mrs. Curtis

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