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What is Your Net Worth? Wikipedia

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Presentation on theme: "What is Your Net Worth? Wikipedia"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Your Net Worth? Wikipedia
“The value of all non-financial and financial assets minus the value of all outstanding liabilities”. Wikipedia

2 Examples of Typical Assets
What is Your Net Worth? Examples of Typical Assets Monetary – Money, Savings, Money Market Property – Homes, Cars, Personal Possessions Businesses – Selling Goods or Services for Profit Other Financial and Non Financial Assets

3 There are Great Diversities of Prosperity Among People
What is Your Net Worth? There are Great Diversities of Prosperity Among People Some are Blessed with Families who have Wealth Some are Blessed with the Achievement of Wealth Some Spend Their Lives in Pursuit of Wealth Some Are Poor and Will Never Gain Wealth

4 What is Your Worth to God?
“The value of our faith, our spiritual qualities and talents, our zeal and commitment minus our love for the world, pride, attitudes and selfishness”. God’s Word

5 Spiritual Worth is Much More Important that Physical Wealth
What is My Worth to God? Spiritual Worth is Much More Important that Physical Wealth One Does Not Have to Have Riches One Does Not Have to Have Social Status One Does Not Have to Have Educational Degrees One Does Not Have to Be Eloquent of Speech One Does Not Have to Have Physical Beauty

6 Spiritual Worth is Much More Important that Physical Wealth
What is My Worth to God? Spiritual Worth is Much More Important that Physical Wealth One Must Possess a Love for God One Must Possess a Love for the Souls of Man One Must Abide by the Word of the Lord One Must Put Serving God Above All Else One Must be Faithful Until Death

7 What is My Worth to God? Are we Spending More Time and Effort on Our Physical Assets Than We Are on Our Spiritual Worth?

8 “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matt. 16:26

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