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Safety and Security programs for Education

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1 Safety and Security programs for Education

2 Safety and Security Programs in Education
These slides present the Safety and Security programs in Education carried out by University of Turku, Department of Teacher Education. Research Manager is professor Eila Lindfors. To get further information, please contact senior research fellow by Brita Somerkoski

3 Teacher safe Aims: Enhancing teachers' safety expertice is a reasearch and development There is a need for new teacher´s safety competence with knowledge and attitude but also the practical skills to add safety education to the curriculum of teacher education so that teacher students, when they graduate are able to develop actively the safety culture in schools. Activities: curriculum analysis practical actions for safety development The best examples of how to introduce safety education into the curriculum of teacher education

4 Teacher safe 2013-2015 Curriculum analysis Results:
Teacher job is very practical by it´s nature, but the activity builds upon deeper understanding The expertise is shared – group work and social skills are needed What was in the teacher education curricula? Focus on social skills, empowerment and co-operation; lack of other safety skills: first aid, traffic safety, fire safety Best practices: The curricula for the University of Turku, teacher education in Rauma unit were renewed. This is preparing the teacher students to act safely when working at the school. As a part of their studies the prospective teachers participate to educational lessons or debates safety walks fire-drills monitoring of unintentional injuries

5 Teacher safe II Aims: Enhancing teachers' safety expertice is a reasearch and development To study, develop and implement safety measures in teacher education To enhance the co-operation between the local fire department and the university Activities: Conducting safety audition Creating Massive Open Online Course for fire safety (MOOC) Developing sustainable safety and security measures in the teacher education Creating the best practices to introduce safety education into the curriculum and in the practice of teacher education

6 Teacher Safe II Coordinating partner: University of Turku, Department of Teacher Education Partners: Teacher Education Departments of University of Eastern Finland, University of Tampere and University of Helsinki Local Fire and Rescue Services in the regions of Rauma, Tampere, Helsinki and North Karelia Partly Funded by the Finnish Fire Protection Fund

7 TUKO 2016 - 2017 – Safe School – R & D project for comprehensive education
Aims:In the project, the safety culture of comprehensive schools is studied and developed. The aim is to establish co-operation between the safety authorities, schools and third sector at the local level. the aim is also to design a model to enhance the safety in a sustainable way in the school context.

8 TUKO 2016 - 2017 – Safe School – R & D project for comprehensive education
Acts: best practices are developed for risk and safety management, based mostly on the fire safety issues. Four schools (n=4) are audited by an audition model designed by the Helsinki Rescue Department. An external audition is conducted in each of the schools. The audition discussions are taped and analyzed. Also, reporting system with the help of software Green Cross is conducted. With this software the risks and near-miss cases are reported and analyzed. A questionnaire about safety competence is carried out for the pupils. An intervention with the third sector, such as is conducted at the school. After these measures, the students are tested with the questionnaire. Results: While the project is still going on we still don´t have the final results yet. The initial analysis of the injury report tool is carried out. The study shows that injuries at school are somewhat unpredictable and connected to human factor using products or acting against the norms or regulations. The most injuries happened during the recess and during the physical education lesson.

9 EDUSAFE 2016 - 2018 – Occupational safety in teaching profession
Aims: The aim of the research is to evaluate and improve safety management, safety culture and safety competencies in the educational context.  -safety management, safety culture and safety competencies at the organizations involved are supported (resilient working methods) Acts: Two questionnaires and interviews at the organizations involved are carried out. Intervention material is designed and developed further. The intervention procedures carried out are the Change workshop, Green Cross Digital Application, and Debriefing working model. 

10 EDUSAFE 2016 - 2018 – Occupational safety in teaching profession
Expected results: The project will create knowledge of the status of safety management, development needs as well as methods and materials that enhance safety competence and safety management in the working environment. These will support the development of safety culture in organizations within the educational context. School should be safe also teachers!

11 EVAPREM 2017- 2018 - Developing an evaluation model to assess prevention measures
Aims: The aim of the project is to develop a comprehensive and systematic model (system of performance indicators) on the basis of academic research to assess the prevention measures in the rescue services. Partners:Estonian Rescue Board (CO); University of Tartu, Estonia ; State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia; Frederiksbourg Brand og Redning, Denmark;Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania ; University of Turku, Teacher Education, Rauma Unit, Finland Acts: to provide an implementation model of prevention measures based on the local level collaboration with the actors - a safety pedagogic point of view will be provided as well as practical models how to conduct accident prevention effectively

12 EVAPREM 2017- 2018 - Developing an evaluation model to assess prevention measures
Expected results: The unified evaluation model required for the effective prevention planning has been developed and implemented. A model on evaluating the public’s safety readiness as a general index system in all areas of prevention (fire safety, water safety, explosives safety, risk awareness, etc.) has been developed. An evaluation model for determining the impact of prevention measures (campaigns, public safety training, safety consulting) on the public’s awareness, attitudes and actions. The evaluation model and its application guide enables the comparison of prevention results in accidental death cases with other countries participating in the project. A model for implementation how to enhance the safety culture at local level.

13 The Developing Network of Safety Culture in Schools (OPTUKE)
The network was established 2010 to advance a wide, systematic and open safety culture in schools. Especially school, youth and fire authorities as well as social care workers, NGO´s and researchers are welcome to join this open network. The strength of the network comes from it´s multi-agency and multi science co-operation. Implementing safety culture/Somerkoski

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