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Office Hours August 6, 2018 ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University.

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1 Office Hours August 6, 2018 ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

2 Agenda STATS DC debrief State tracking updates State questions
Open office hours ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

3 Katie’s reaction to the Department of Ed official talking about old guidance
Love this!

4 Setting the record straight…
1. The financial transparency requirement is a federal data collection. T/F 2. There is NO Department of Ed guidance or regulation related to the financial transparency requirement. 3. States must have a uniform procedure that dictates how each LEA records and reports expenditures. ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

5 Timing T/F 4. States can publish expenditure data on report cards after report cards are published with academic and enrollment data. 5. Which of the following are options available to states when reporting school-level expenditure data on report cards? A. Publish school year data on FY18 report cards B. Publish FY18-19 school year data on FY19 report cards, but include short description of how state will meet law on FY18 report card C. Publish school year data on FY18 report cards or data on FY19 report cards ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

6 T/F 6. The law requires that all LEAs code all expenditures in the exact same way (i.e. reading coaches always central, nutrition always at schools, etc.) and this is the best way to ensure “apples-to-apples” comparisons. ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

7 Takeaways from STATS DC:
No guidance  FT is a reporting requirement, not a federal data collection. Cross- state uniformity is not the goal. ‘Current expenditure/membership = per pupil expenditure’ as a formula is fine, but issues w/ using federal definition of current expenditures and membership (i.e. private school students & tuition) Anything else from STATS DC related to financial transparency that states would like to share? ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

8 Anything else a state would like a peer update on?
State tracking update Respond with correction in the chat box with # and Y/N: “WY, 1: Y, 2: N…” Anything else a state would like a peer update on? ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

9 Office Hours ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

10 State Questions Federal & state/local disaggregation: many states going by a grant/program expenditure dimension saying where the funds are coming from, but some maybe still struggling for a way to do this accurately and without significant burden -- ideas? (MI) ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

11 State Questions How are states engaging local working groups? (MT)
Budget transparency in relation to financial transparency – NJ requires voter approval of budgets, so not feeling like ESSA FT requirement will be meaningful for LEAs. Any other states in this boat? (NJ) Supplement not supplant: is your state following the SNS template in the Obama administration’s draft regulations? ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

12 FiTWiG Supporters Next virtual meeting: August 29, 1-2pm ET
Potential future topics: What to do when advocacy groups get the data? Steps to ensure smooth data collection from LEAs State legislation impacting FT reporting What to do with RESAs, Co-Ops, etc? FiTWiG Supporters ©2018 Edunomics Lab, Georgetown University

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