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Respiratory Right Care

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1 Respiratory Right Care
Dianne Woodall, Public Health Portfolio Lead Durham County Council

2 RightCare RightCare is a National programme, aiming to make sure that each person has: right care, right place, right time whilst making the best use of available resources NHS England have analysed data from all CCG’s nationally to shine a light on unwarranted variation to support an improvement in quality

3 RightCare - Co Durham findings
National analysis shows that we spend more on respiratory care than most other CCGs High spend areas are COPD admissions to hospital Inhaler use 27 attendees at the event representing clinical, senior management, national and patient views across both the commissioning and provider elements of the respiratory pathways in place across County Durham and Darlington.

4 Task and Finish Groups How we are taking this forward
All groups are lead by a clinician – we are looking at improved patient pathways avoiding hospital if possible, educating patients more and staff within our GP practices Exploring telehealth with these pts to highlight early the risk Prevention is key and lifestyle opportunities – Smoking

5 Smoking is the main cause of COPD
Prevention Missed opportunities before a person gets to this stage.

6 Number setting a quit date
Opportunities Giving children the best start in life Number referred to SSS Number setting a quit date Number quit Number quit with Midwife BI Total quit 920 211 117 66 183

7 A systematic approach to tobacco dependence/ treatment across all healthcare settings
Every frontline professional to discuss/document smoking with patients. Stop Smoking support offered on site or referral on for support Strong emphasis on ‘stop before the op’ In-hospital management of nicotine dependency. Referral and access to local services on discharge No tobacco smoking anywhere in NHS buildings or grounds. But…If we don’t do first five bullets how do we expect the public to comply with fifth

8 What should health professionals say?
“Stopping is the best thing you can do for your health and wellbeing The most effective way of stopping is with a combination of medication and specialist support from a trained worker Can I arrange for you to meet a stop smoking specialist to have a chat about this? It will make the whole process so much easier

9 GP triggerer quit attempts


11 County Durham Stop Smoking Service Numbers
Setting a quit date and quitters by the three main intervention settings 2016/17

12 Stop smoking service successes 2016/17

13 Percentage quit with behavioural support and medication

14 Workshop discussion How can we ensure every health professional/health care worker has the discussion with smokers (smoking/secondhand smoke) How can we increase quit attempts and uptake to stop smoking services Especially in pregnancy Especially in our most deprived communities

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