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Future Village development key requirements

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1 Future Village development key requirements
Middleton St George Parish Council Future Village development key requirements

2 Middleton St George Parish Council
Last Residents Meeting - Key Objectives to lobby the Borough Council Planning Department to: Take a more holistic view on the cumulative impact of all proposed developments. Ensure that infrastructure, facilities and amenities are improved to accommodate increased housing.

3 Middleton St George Parish Council
Parish Council action: Submitted papers to DBC on the: Impact of Cumulative Development. Proposals for the integration of future developments. In Oct 2016 carried out a Residents’ Survey on your likes, dislikes and wants.

4 Middleton St George Parish Council
Residents’ Survey Results 58% Stop/reduce development 52% Traffic/Roads: Speed cameras, speed limits, calming. 38% CCTV Improved policing Car parking near amenities and station 20% More shops. Café, Bakers, Butchers 16% Better bus service to Darlington & Yarm 14% Youth activities/club School places/ New school Improve village green, whinnies & safe play areas Doctors surgery clarification of future/improvement 12% Children's activities: Cubs/beavers, after school. 8% Water Park. Improve facility. Sports facilities: hall, outside gym, football, skate park. Improve/modernize Community Centre 6% Improve The Square

5 Middleton St George Parish Council
Outcome from lobbying activity: DBC initiated a Planning Workshop. ATLAS Consultants DBC planners Ward Councillors Parish Council Developers Outcome was a Vision and High-Level Objectives. Second Workshop – 15 June 2017 Parish Council to prepare and present village Key Requirements at next meeting. (3rd week in July).

6 Middleton St George Parish Council
Vision “By 2036 Middleton St George will be a sustainable and cohesive community where improvements have been made in terms of enhancing the quality of life and the local environment for residents. The village will offer access to local facilities and will be well connected via sustainable transport routes to Darlington town centre and the wider Tees Valley. The character and heritage of Middleton-One-Row Conservation Area is to be retained and enhanced over future years.”

7 Middleton St George Parish Council
3 Key Areas Community and Social. Transport & Infrastructure. Environmental & Place Making.

8 Middleton St George Parish Council
Community and Social Creation of an improved village centre in terms of local facilities and retail offer at Yarm Road / Station Road / Middleton Lane junction. Explore potential opportunities to expand this offer in the surrounding area. Development will be required to make a contribution to new education provision to accommodate the needs of future residents. This may be through a new facility with potential links to St Georges Primary School. Where appropriate new development shall assist in improving local facilities such as the community hall. Location and access of the new permanent location for the Doctor’s surgery.

9 Middleton St George Parish Council
Transport and Infrastructure Development proposals should consider opportunities to improve parking provision in the village centre, particularly to improve access to local shops and the railway station. Safe cycle routes and walkways should be incorporated into site layouts including links to adjoining residential areas / bridal ways etc. Existing routes should be enhanced where appropriate. Linkages for movement and transport should be pursued to support permeability. Improve public bus services in terms of reliability and frequency including links to Yarm. Public utilities and digital infrastructure requirements shall be considered holistically and improvements to existing provision encouraged where possible.

10 Middleton St George Parish Council
Environmental and Place Making Protection and enhancement of the village centre. Opportunities shall be explored for new hubs for local facilities and areas for recreation. Green infrastructure shall be defined and allocated as having both formal and informal functions. New green infrastructure shall be integrated into existing provision and other routes. Movement being key. Enhancement and potential rationalisation of existing open space provision, to improve the quality of recreational areas and to provide additional biodiversity / landscape value. Potential enhancement of allotments and opportunities explored for relocation and/or expansion.

11 Middleton St George Parish Council
Environmental and Place Making (Continued) All development to be of the highest quality in terms of layout, architectural design and materials that will create high value, high quality development. Design shall be focused on the village’s heritage and original character. The density of development shall be appropriate to the location within the village. There should be active frontages throughout development. Development proposals should protect and enhance the setting of adjacent heritage assets (Middleton-One-Row Conservation Area).

12 Middleton St George Parish Council
Assumptions Developments in various stages of the planning process could add 1153 dwellings (excluding ‘Called For’ sites). Rise in village population from current 4,700 approx. to 8,000 plus over the coming years.

13 Middleton St George Parish Council
What to do next? Put detailed proposals or options against each of the objectives. (WHAT WE NEED/WOULD LIKE.) Propose potential locations where appropriate. (WHERE WE WOULD LIKE IT.)

14 Middleton St George Parish Council
This is your chance to influence the future structure of the village. I doubt we will get all we ask for but one thing is certain. If we don’t put forward our requirements things will carry on as they have been with relatively uncontrolled development and little or no investment in infrastructure.

15 Middleton St George Parish Council
Village Centre facilities Local Facilities. Community Centre etc Community & Social New Education Provision Doctor’s Surgery

16 Middleton St George Parish Council
Roads Parking Bus Service Transport & Infrastructure Cycle Routes and walkways Utilities and Digital Infrastructure

17 Middleton St George Parish Council
Recreational Areas Village Centre Green Areas Environmental & Place Making Allotments Quality & Design Density & Heritage Protection

18 Middleton St George Parish Council
Please Join One or More Groups to Register Your Ideas and Suggestions.

19 Middleton St George Parish Council
Wash-up of Key Requirements.

20 Middleton St George Parish Council
Next Steps Present our requirements, proposals and options to the Planning Workshop. Recommence Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)? (Any plan formulated in the NDP will not be submitted without a village referendum)

21 Middleton St George Parish Council
Thank you for your assistance.

22 Middleton St George Parish Council

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