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AP Psychology Review: Day 1

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1 AP Psychology Review: Day 1

2 Unit 1: History What is psychology? A Brief History Important issues
Some Important Psychologists and their theories

3 What is psychology? Study of the mind and behavior.
In other words: Everything

4 A Brief History: Ancient: -Confucius -Part of Philosophy -Plato/Aristotle -Descartes -Non-Scientific Modern: -Started with Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig -Scientific Method -Research Based -Issues Based

5 Important Issues: What is “normal” Nature Versus Nurture
Clinical Issues Ethical Issues Cultural Issues

6 Edward Titchener: Structuralism
Study of the conscious experience and its structure Studied using experiments and introspection

7 Max Wertheimer: Gestalt
Describes the organization of the mental representation “The whole is greater than its parts” Observation of Sensory and perceptual phenomenon

8 Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis
Explain personality and behavior Develop techniques to treat mental disorders “Unconscious Mind” Case Studies

9 William James: Functionalism
How the mind allows organisms to adapt to their environment Not to be confused with evolutionary psych Naturalistic Observations

10 John B. Watson: Behaviorism
Study of observable behaviors and explaining how behavior is learned Observation of relationships between behavior and stimulus Experimentation

11 Unit 2: Research The scientific method Types of research Variables
Sampling and Bias

12 The Scientific Method An approach to studying scientific phenomenon in a logical and repetitive fashion. If repeatable it is Reliable.

13 Types of Research: Experiment
A researcher will manipulate certain variables while keeping other variables the same. The researcher then compares the results of the manipulation of that variable.

14 Types of Research: Case Study
When a researcher observes, questions, and works with a singular patient or a small group. Usually used for incredible rare cases.

15 Types of Research: Naturalistic Observation
When a researcher observes a person or group’s behavior while the subject is not aware By observing these behaviors, psychologists can create theories.

16 Types of Research: Correlational Study
When a researcher collects statistical data to attempt see if there is a correlation between 2 variables CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION!!!!!!

17 Types of Research: Surveys
A well designed survey can ask people questions in an attempt to collect data about a subject This data can be used to examine psychological theories and ideas

18 Variables: Anything that can be changed or “varied” in an experiment is called a variable. Independent Variable Dependent Variable Confounding Variable Random Variable Experimenter Bias

19 Sampling and Bias: Representative Sampling Random Sampling
Biased Sampling Double Blind Procedure

20 Unit 2: Statistics Mean, Median, Mode, Range Standard Deviation
Correlational Coefficients

21 Mean, Median, Mode, Range:
These are all representative statistics They are also measures of central tendency Mean Median Mode Range

22 Standard Deviation and SKEW:
A measure of central tendency that measures the average difference between each score and the mean of the data set Skew refers to a situation when the data favors one direction or another.

23 Correlational Coefficients:
A statistic, r, that represents the relationship between one variable and another There can be a positive or a negative correlation These can be weak, strong, or non-existent CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION!!!!

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