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Kentucky Alternate Assessment-Alternate K-PREP

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1 Kentucky Alternate Assessment-Alternate K-PREP 2013-2014
Click here to download the Administration Guide (Required for completion of this training) Kentucky Alternate Assessment-Alternate K-PREP Welcome to the first required training module for Kentucky’s Alternate Assessment (Alternate K-PREP) based on Alternate Achievement Standards Part This module includes information that is pertinent to both components of the alternate assessment and provides an overview of the entire system. Important information contained in this module includes participation guidelines, grade level requirements, the Alternate Assessment Accountability Folder or AAAF, Code of Ethics, and an orientation to the various assessment materials. If you have not done so, please open or print the Administration Guide located at –Assessment and Accountability– District Support-Alternate K-PREP. Once all 5 sections of the Overview and AT training are complete, you may then take the certification quiz. Alternate Assessment Overview Part 1.1

2 Transition Attainment Record
ALTERNATE K-PREP Reading Mathematics Science Social Studies Writing Attainment Tasks Reading/English Language Arts Transition Attainment Record Kentucky assesses students taking the general assessment on many content area subjects as well as the ACT series – Explore, Plan and ACT. Therefore, an alternate assessment must be provided for each of these areas as well. The Alternate K-PREP includes two assessment types: attainment tasks for reading, mathematics, science, social studies and writing as assessed by Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP) and a transition attainment record for the EXPLORE, PLAN and ACT.

3 Attainment Tasks November-December Assessment Window
Reading Mathematics Science Social Studies Writing Attainment Tasks Mirrors the Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP) November-December Assessment Window April-May Assessment Window Teacher Read Student responses first provided on score sheet (file in AAAF) Student responses then entered into the Student Registration Database (SRD) Scripted with broad accommodations allowed The Attainment Tasks are developed to mirror the K-PREP. The re-authorization of the Individuals with Disability Education Improvement Act of 2004, IDEIA, calls for an alternate assessment for any required district or statewide assessments. This assessment is a performance type event based on an authentic scenario such as guiding students through a museum. The teacher reads the information, questions, and answer choices to the student and enters the student’s response in the Student Registration Database (SRD). The SRD will then score each response as correct or incorrect. As needed the teacher adapts the materials to make them accessible to the student.

4 Transition Attainment Record
Reading/English Language Arts Mathematics Science Transition Attainment Record Meets IDEIA Requirements for the ACT series Year long administration (September – May) Checklist completed by educational team (IEP Team/ARC , Transition Team) Performance rated on observations and other documentation The Transition Attainment Records (TAR) are developed to mirror the ACT series of Plan, Explore, and ACT required at grades eight, ten, and eleven. The TAR is a checklist completed by members of the educational team rather than by a single teacher. Team members might include the special education teacher, the general education teacher, speech pathologist, etc. The team members rate the student performance based on previous observations and documentation. The TAR window opens on September 16th; if an IEP team meeting occurs before the window opens, the IEP team can discuss student information and include it during the window.

5 Participation Guidelines
All students participating in alternate assessment must meet the general guidelines found on page 6 of the Administration Guide. The majority of students will participate in Performance Dimension A Very few students will participate in Performance Dimension B  Every student in Kentucky must participate in a state assessment unless it has been medically approved by KDE. Students can take the general assessments the same as all peers, take the general assessment with accommodations as determined and documented on the IEP, or can take the alternate assessments. Once it has been determined that a student will participate in the Kentucky Alternate Assessment, the IEP team must determine if the student matches the description to participate in Dimension A or Dimension B. Review the participation guidelines which can be found in the Alternate K-PREP Forms located on the Alternate K-PREP Web-Page.

6 All students participating in the Kentucky Alternate Assessment must meet the participation guidelines found in Alternate K-PREP Forms. Participation is determined by: Participation should never be determined by: Admission and Release Committee decision (IEP team) Student’s chronological age Student’s ability to complete the Program of Studies Student placement (e.g., general education, resource room, self-contained class) Student’s developmental age Student’s assessment scores or history of scores Just a small percentage of Kentucky students participate in the Kentucky Alternate Assessment. Annually, the IEP team must determine the manner in which the student will participate in the statewide assessment and then document the decision on the IEP. If the student is to participate in the alternate assessment the student must meet all the guidelines listed in the participation guidelines which are located in Alternate K-PREP Forms. Participation in the alternate assessment is not determined by the student’s placement (i.e., general education class placement, resource room, or self-contained classroom). Placement should NEVER be determined based on a student’s participation in the alternate assessment. How well a student will score on the assessments should also not be a determining factor in participation. The participation guidelines form is now an addendum to the IEP. It can be found under forms (in Infinite Campus) or on the Alternate K-PREP web page which can be accessed via the link at the bottom of the page.

7 DIMENSION A ARC decision
Based on communication level, not cognitive level Students who are using or beginning to use symbolic language to communicate DIMENSION A Dimension A is for the majority of students who participate in the alternate assessment. The students matching this description have some form, even if inconsistent, of symbolic language. This could be oral speech, single words, repeating words, use of picture symbols, textures, augmentative communication device, pointing, gesturing, etc.

8 DIMENSION B ARC decision
Based on communication level, not cognitive level Students who are not using symbolic language to communicate Very small percentage of students who participate in the alternate assessment Students who match the description for Dimension B are students who do not have any form of symbolic language. They still communicate, as do all people, but do it in a non-symbolic manner. This may include crying, laughing, facial expressions, change in muscle tone, etc. Even when participating in Dimension B, the goal should always be to teach the student to communicate symbolically and then move the student to Dimension A. The only difference between Dimension A and Dimension B is on the Attainment Tasks; Dimension A students have four answer choices and Dimension B students have three choices. Both groups of students complete the same number of assessment items. Please continue with Part 1.2 of the Alternate Assessment Overview. Click here to continue to Part 1.2

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