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Polygamous Relationships

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1 Polygamous Relationships
Where a person is married to more than one spouse at the same time.

2 Where a MAN has two or more wives at one time.
Polygyny Where a MAN has two or more wives at one time. This is the most common form of polygamy. Common in a number of Islamic societies, including in some regions of contemporary Africa and southern Russia. Government officials in Africa estimate this accounts for 20 percent of marriages.

3 more husbands at one time.
Polyandry Where a WOMAN has two or more husbands at one time. Typically found in societies where men greatly outnumber women because of high rates of female infanticide In Nyinba, an ethnically Tibetan population living in northwestern Nepal, fraternal polyandry is the norm and is highly valued culturally and passed on through generations

4 Think – Pair – Share What might be some issues experienced by the following parties within a polygamous relationship? Being one of several spouses Being the sole gendered spouse

5 Both Sides of Polygamy Managing tension Competing for attention
One of Several Spouses The Spouse Managing tension Competing for attention Protectiveness of kids Financial strain Lack of intimacy Dealing with conflict Managing household work Time management Keeping levels of IPC with all spouses Conflict resolution Establishing equity Holidays with extended family Living conditions

6 Polygamy and the Law Polygamy is widely accepted and practiced in many cultures around the world. Polygamy is illegal in Canada. Section 293 of the Criminal Code of Canada bans polygamy and threatens offenders with a 5-year prison term. Canadian immigration officials have turned down applications from men in legal polygamous unions abroad to bring more than one wife to the country under a family class visa.

7 16:9 Video – Insight into Bountiful
As you are watching the video, please answer the following questions in your notes: What inequalities exist within Bountiful? Use conflict theory to analyze Bountiful.

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