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Canada Responds to the Depression

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1 Canada Responds to the Depression
Lesson 4

2 Read Textbook p. 80-85 Answer questions #1-2 on p. 81 #1, 3 on p. 84
And #1-3 on p. 86 Answers will be checked for completion tomorrow


4 Decline in Average Annual Income
Province Income Income 1933 % Decline Alberta $548 $212 61 British Columbia $595 $314 47 Manitoba $466 $240 48 New Brunswick $292 $180 38 Nova Scotia $322 $207 36 Ontario $549 $310 43 PEI $278 $154 45 Quebec $391 $220 44 Saskatchewan $478 $135 72

5 The Dust Bowl

6 Locusts

7 What were some hardships faced by Canadians during the 1930’s?
As a result of the hard times people were experiencing, many came to believe that the country’s two main political parties — the Liberals and the Conservatives — were not doing enough to help. As a result, people began to turn to new political parties that were proposing new ways of solving problems. Read p in your textbook Answer Questions #1,2

8 Social Credit William Aberhart
Provide everyone with $25 each month, this will increase spending, which will increase production and then increase jobs. Won the 1935 Alberta Election. Also popular in BC and Quebec Disappeared in the early 1980’s

9 Union Nationale Maurice Duplessis
Defend French language, religion and culture, improve working conditions, provide cheap loans to farmers, and build low income houses Won the 1936 Quebec election. Remained popular only in Quebec until the 1970’s when it disappeared

10 Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
J. S. Woodsworth Believed in democratic socialism – the government should own key industries so everyone can benefit from the profits. Wanted to introduce social programs such as unemployment insurance, and public works to create jobs Got seven Members of Parliament elected in the 1935 federal election. Changed its name to the New Democratic Party in 1961, which still exists today.

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