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Meteorological Service of Canada

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Presentation on theme: "Meteorological Service of Canada"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meteorological Service of Canada
Test Readiness Review Tom McElroy Meteorological Service of Canada

2 What are We Testing? Functionality Alignment Noise Level Responsivity
Spectral Purity Field of View Performance Characterization

3 Functionality Commanding Data Transfer Light Detection
Wavelength Scanner Heater Operation Light Emitting Diode Operation Housekeeping Outputs Nominal Power Consumption

4 Alignment Laser Alignment Test Compare Solar Tracker to Imager
Compare FTS to Imager Adjust as Needed Measure as a Function of Temperature

5 Responsivity Determine Responsivity
(Ratio of Light Intensity to Counts) Use Regulated QI Lamp Linearity Test (High Light Levels)

6 Spectral Purity Slit Function Measurement (Pixel Dependent)
Stray Light Characterization Video Line Leakage Test

7 Field of View Define FOV Limits Sensitivity as Function of Position
FOV Stray Light

8 Characterization Dark Count Temperature Dependence (TD)
(Dark Count Model Validation) Wavelength and Focus TD Linearity Correction Parameters Scan Rod Calibration Response to Absorbers Comparison to FTS

9 Testing Concerns Dark Count Methodology Resolution
Light Emitting Diode Problem Table Interface from Model Software For linearity test For stray light / electrical leakage test Dark count prediction model validation

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