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Visualization (also known as Picturing)

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1 Visualization (also known as Picturing)

2 What is Visualization? Visualization requires you to picture in your head what you are reading. And then, put that picture onto paper. You must go beyond what is just told to you by the words in the book – what else do you see/picture?

3 You have two choices of response type:
For both response types, choose a scene from the text that you were able to clearly visualize (picture) in your head while you were reading it. Then…. Draw a detailed picture of how you pictured that scene looking. If necessary, you may have to label some of the items in your picture. Your picture must be coloured using pencil crayon. OR 2. Write a detailed paragraph of how you pictured that scene looking. When I read your paragraph I should be able to clearly picture what you saw when you read that scene of the text.

4 Let’s Do a Visualization!
Mud By Mary Lyn Ray

5 Mr. Ego’s Visualization
When I read the story Mud by Mary Lyn Ray, I pictured the story taking place somewhere in the country. There are very few people around. It is mostly wilderness with a lake and mountains in the background. When the character awakes in the morning it is a beautiful, sunny day. The type of day that, even though it is still technically winter, it seems warm enough to take off you jacket and run around. The trees around him/her still have some snow on them, but it is very wet snow that is now dripping off of the tree branches. The ground in front of the girl/boy has very little snow left. The snow that is left in sloppy and wet, causing the ground to become a thick, dark mud. As the boy/girl walks forward to a clearing in the woods, his/her boots keep sinking into the thick, dark mud, making it almost impossible to walk without loosing their boots or slipping. As they slowly move further into the clearing, the mud becomes mixed with leaves that had been frozen into the ground from the fall before. As he/she stands there looking around, sun beating down on their face, birds begin to chirp, water flows and it is almost like they can see the last of the snow disappearing and the grasses, shrubs and trees becoming greener before their very eyes.

6 Your Turn! Make a written visualization for: Night in the Country By Cynthia Rylant OR Splish, Splash, Spring By Jan Carr

7 Find your partner Visualization examples on your:

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