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National Vocational & Technical Training Commission, Pakistan

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1 National Vocational & Technical Training Commission, Pakistan
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) TVET CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL PAKISTAN National Vocational & Technical Training Commission, Pakistan

2 (Skill Standards & Curricula)
Muqeem Ul Islam Director General (Skill Standards & Curricula) NAVTTC

3 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
NVQF allows the recognition of skills acquired through informal training system (ustad-shagrid) Issuance of Certificate to Skilled Workforce after assessment of their life experience. Skilled workforce assessed through RPL will have access to better job opportunities in National and International level with enhanced salaries It has recently been launched in Pakistan under National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF)

4 Situational Analysis Under the Umbrella of NAVTTC, the Board of Technical Education and Trade Testing Boards are responsible for conducting RPL Assessment. Assessors are selected from the pool of certified assessors under NAVQF under strict guidelines. Informal TEVT not only covers conventional trades but also it is effectively providing skilled labor force in modern and high-tech trades Informal training system contributes around 80 percent of skilled work force in Pakistan.

5 RPL in Pakistan RPL in Pakistan RPL under PMYSDP
National Skills Strategy (NSS) National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF) Launch of RPL in Feb 2017 RPL under PMYSDP Expansion Pilot test Operationalization Evolution RPL in Pakistan: National skill Strategy document developed in 2009 emphasizes importance of RPL to address the Ustad-Shagrid System in Pakistan. National Vocational Qualification Framework initiated in 2012, implemented in Under the NVQF, a pilot project was launched in Feb In the light experience of the Pilot Project, formal launching of RPL was started under PMYSDP in September 2017 in the light of auspicious guidance and keen interest of Executive Director NAVTTC Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmad Cheema . Since then around 5000 persons have been assessed under RPL system. At end of this year NAVTTC has planed raise this number upto inshaa Allah with special RPL campaign initiative. Success stories of RPL have many delightful and astonishing dimensions. During award of certificates we saw the persons weeping with happiness. Many individuals got salary raised from 5000 to thousands instantly after getting RPL certifications. Many people found opportunities of better salary and jobs in and outside Pakistan.

6 NVQF: Assessment System & RPL

7 RPL entry as per National Vocational & Qualification Framework (NVQF)
L1 Trade Course CS Level 1 Certificate Level 3 Certificate RPL/ RCC Assessment As a result of assessment of RPL/RCC an individual enters at the appropriate level L3 Trade Course Level 2 Certificate L2 Trade Course Legend: CS= Competency Standards

8 Who can avail RPL Certificates?
Informal Workers - intends to get recognized him / herself: The workplace & Life experience Formal uncertified learning Informal or undocumented study In-service training Distance education or open learning Community-based education Overseas education, training or experience

9 Selection of Assessors and Assessment for RPL
NAVTTC has National Pool of trained Assessors to conduct CBT Assessment Individuals are selected from public private sectors to conduct CBT Assessment QABs (TTBs and BTEs) nominate relevant Assessor from National Pool of Assessors Assessors conduct assessment according to the National Skill Standards

10 Process of RPL Assessment and Certification
Obtain RPL/RCC Package and Application Form Prepares Portfolio of Evidence Complete Application and Submit Prepare RPL/RCC Information Package Accept Application Note: RPL &/or RCC Select Assessor Select Assessment center Examine Portfolio of Evidence Conduct Assessment Using appropriate approach RCC/RPL Report Assessment Outcome Record Assessment Results on Information system Provide Guidance/ Advice to the Candidates Issue Certification of: Qualification Record of Achievement

11 Trades Introduced for RPL by NAVTTC
Automobile Mechanic Heavy Machinery Operator Mason General Electrician Heat Ventilation and Air-conditioning (HVAC) Plumbing Welding Machinist Beauty Therapy Cooking Auto Electrician Dress Making

12 Conducting RPL/RCC RPL campaigns/adverts/ one-to-one contacts
RPL Unit with RPL coordinator in assessment Centers/ Partner Institutes (VTI/ Polytechnic Institutes) Registered Assessors and Trade Testing Boards Monthly schedules of conduct of RPL RPL Assessments in NVQF information system Ensured validity, reliability and transparency NVTTC issues certificates through NVQF online registry System

13 RPL in Progress




17 RPL in Progress


19 RPL in Progress

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