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Leones et Tigres et Ursae Eheu!

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Presentation on theme: "Leones et Tigres et Ursae Eheu!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leones et Tigres et Ursae . . . Eheu!
Lingua Latina I

2 Fill in your handout with the following Latin names (and descriptive phrases) for animals. Also on your sheet, you will make a statement about where each animal lives.

3 Animalia 1st declension: Ursa, ursae, f., bear Simia, simiae, c., monkey Lupa, lupae, f., wolf Formica, formicae, f., ant Aquila, aquilae, c., eagle

4 Animalia 2nd declension: Ursus, ursi, m., bear Elephantus, elephanti, m., elephant Camelopardus, camelopardi, m., giraffe Lupus, lupi, m., wolf Taurus, tauri, m., bull Cygnus, cygni, m., swan

5 Animalia 3rd Declension: Leo, leonis, m. lion Tigris, tigris, m., tiger Feles, felis, f., cat Canis, canis, c., dog Mus, muris, c., mouse Avis, avis, f., bird

6 Animalia Serpens, serpentis, c., snake Piscis, piscis, m., fish Apis, apis, f., bee Bubo, bubonis, m., owl Pavo, pavonis, m., peacock Testudo, testudinis, f., turtle

7 Now, let’s describe each of our animals with one Latin adjective: Ursa bruna Ursus brunus Simia curiosa Lupa fera Lupus ferus Formica minima Aquila fortis

8 Elephantus magnus Camelopardus altus Taurus saevus Cygnus niveus

9 Leo magnificus Tigris celer Feles atra Canis bonus Mus silens Avis gracilis

10 serpens viridis piscis aureus apis mellifera bubo sapiens pavo superbus testudo tarda

11 Now, let’s talk about where these animals live
Now, let’s talk about where these animals live! Habito, habitare, to live Silva, silvae, f., forest/woods Aqua, aquae, f., water Harundinetum, harundineti, n., jungle Arbor, arboris, f. tree Cubile, cubilis, n., hive Terra, terrae, f., earth, land Casa, casae, f., house

12 Ager, agri, m. , field Rus, ruris, n. , country Fundus, fundi, m
Ager, agri, m., field Rus, ruris, n., country Fundus, fundi, m., farm Spelunca, speluncae, f., cave

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