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Political Behavior Do Nows

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1 Political Behavior Do Nows
Government 12A

2 DN21: Free Write 10/10/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder
Today you can choose your topic. Write about whatever you like, use five lines in your notebook to do this free write, and do not write this prompt. Keep it school appropriate, and remember that I am a mandatory reporter.

3 DN22: Plagiarism 10/11/16 In the NOTES section of your folder write the following: Plagiarism – the act of presenting the words, ideas, images, sounds, or the creative expression of others as your own. Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional. The purpose of the sentence builder is to attribute evidence (say where it comes from) so that I am not plagiarizing.

4 Two Types of Plagiarism
Intentional Unintentional Copying a friend’s work Buying or borrowing papers Cutting and pasting blocks of text from electronic sources without citing Media “borrowing” without citing Web publishing without permission of creator Careless paraphrasing Poor documentation Quoting excessively Failure to use your own voice

5 DN23: Best Evidence 10/12/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder
Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports this claim. Why? Claim: Gary Johnson and Jill Stein should be allowed to participate in presidential debates. "The two candidates face a classic catch­22: They won't be included until they prove they are competitive in the polls, but can't compete without the attention and name recognition a prime­time presidential debate would bring." "Johnson is polling at an average of 8.8 percent, while Stein is at 3.4 percent." "This year, if the election proves tighter than polls currently indicate, it's possible that Johnson and Stein could cost Clinton enough votes in a key battleground state or two to alter the outcome of the election."

6 DN24: Free Write 10/13/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder
Today you can choose your topic. Write about whatever you like, use five lines in your notebook to do this free write, and do not write this prompt. Keep it school appropriate, and remember that I am a mandatory reporter.

7 DN25: Week in Rap 10/17/16 Our Do Now today will be to watch the Week in Rap on Flocabulary

8 DN26: Federalism 10/18/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder answer the following questions in complete sentences and embed the question in your answer. What effect does the Electoral College have on the ability of a third party candidate to win the election? In your own words, what is federalism? How does the Electoral College preserve the federalist system?

9 DN27: Write a claim 10/19/16 In the Do Now section of your notebook…
Write a claim to answer the following question: Who should be the next president of the United States? Find evidence from one a recent Article of the Week to support your claim. Make sure you use the sentence builder.

10 DN28: Why the Electoral College is bad 10/20/16
In the DO NOW section of your folder answer the following questions in complete sentences and embed the question in your answer. According to Edwards in Doc D, how does the Electoral College violate political equality? How does Doc D show that the Electoral College should be abolished?

11 DN29: Are there restrictions on who the Electors can vote for? 10/24/16
In the DO NOW section of your folder respond to the following quote from in at least three complete sentences. “There is no Constitutional or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states. Some states, however, require Electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote… The US Supreme Court has heled that the Constitution does not require that Electors be completely free to act as they choose and therefore, political parties may extract pledges from electors to vote for the parties’ nominees. Some state laws provide that so-called “faithless Electors” may be subject to fines or may be disqualified for casting an invalid vote and replaced by a substitute elector... Throughout our history as a nation, more than 99 percent of Electors have voted as pledged.

12 DN30: Claims Again 10/25/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder
Write a claim to answer the following question: Should “faithless electors” be disqualified and replaced? Why or why not?

13 DN31: Tie 10/26/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder answer the following questions in complete sentences and embed the question in your answer. What happens if there is a tie in the Electoral College in a presidential election? Why does Bradford Plumer (the author of Document F) argue that this is a bad system?

14 Should the Electoral College be abolished?
5 paragraph essay: Intro Body paragraph 1 Body paragraph 2 Body paragraph 3 Conclusion Each body paragraph has: Mini claim Evidence Reasoning Conclusion sentence

15 Outline - claim Write a claim that answers the following question:
Should the electoral college be abolished? The Electoral College should be abolished. The Electoral Collee should not be abolished.

16 Evidence Look through your packet to find evidence to support your claim. Highlight any evidence you may want to use You will need at least six pieces of evidence total (3 body paragraphs with two pieces of evidence in each)

17 Outlines/graphics

18 Outline/graphic - evidence
Look at the evidence you have selected Can this evidence be grouped together? Do certain pieces of evidence talk about similar things? For example, to support the claim that the Electoral College should not be abolished: “The multiplication of splinter parties would make it hard for major-party candidates to win popular-vote majorities.” ”The system bolsters the two-party system by discouraging independent candidacies that splinter the electorate.” Can we see a pattern here? Can these quotes be used together? If so, what should our mini-claim for this paragraph be?

19 Outline/graphic - evidence
Continue to group your evidence in your outline Title each group or write a mini claim for it

20 Intro Write your introduction paragraph Hook/grabber
Background information (where can you look to find this?) Claim

21 Body Paragraphs Mini claim
Evidence (don’t forget to use the sentence starter) Reasoning (use your sentence builders) Evidence Reasoning Conclusion

22 DN32: Free Write 10/27/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder
Today you can choose your topic. Write about whatever you like, use five lines in your notebook to do this free write, and do not write this prompt. Keep it school appropriate, and remember that I am a mandatory reporter.

23 DN33: Sentence Builder 10/31/16
In the DO NOW section of your folder take the following quote from the new Article of the Week and use the sentence builder to attribute it. “The Bush administration purposely sent the detainees to Guantánamo because it represented an "island outside of the law," free from U.S. constitutional protections.”

24 DN34: Electoral College 11/1/16
In the DO NOW section of your folder answer the following questions in complete sentences and embed the question in your answer How does a candidate win a state’s electoral votes? In which states do you think a candidate would spend the most time campaigning?

25 DN35: More Evidence 11/2/16 In the DO NOW section of your notebook…
Find evidence from your Article of the Week to support the following claim. The detention centar at Guantanmo Bay should remain open. Make sure you use the sentence builder to attribute your evidence.

26 DN36: Senior Project 11/3/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder answer the following questions in complete sentences and embed the question in your answer. What is your senior project going to be about? Why did you pick this topic? (answer this question in at least two sentences). Is there anything that you don’t understand about the senior project? Explain.

27 DN37: Free Write 11/7/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder
Today you can choose your topic. Write about whatever you like, use five lines in your notebook to do this free write, and do not write this prompt. Keep it school appropriate, and remember that I am a mandatory reporter.

28 DN38: Reflection 11/9/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder answer the following questions in complete sentences and embed the questions in your answer. What is your grade in this class? What are you doing well in this class? What are you doing poorly/what do you need to improve?

29 DN39: Claims 11/10/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder
Use your Article of the Week to write a claim to answer the following question: Should a GED be considered equivalent to a high school diploma? Then find evidence in your Article of the week to support our claim

30 DN40: Electoral College 11/14/16
In the DO NOW section of your folder answer the following question in at least three complete sentences and embed the question in your answer. Now that you have seen the Electoral College in action, and see what can happen if a candidate wins the popular vote and not the electoral vote, what do you think? Should the Electoral College be abolished?

31 DN41: Meditation Evidence 11/15/16
Find evidence in your Article of the Week to support the claim below Use the sentence builder to attribute your evidence Meditation is a better option than giving students detention in schools.

32 DN42: Political Parties 11/16/16
In the DO NOW section of your folder Define “political party” in your own words

33 Why Political Parties? Number the paragraphs in your reading
Skim the article to look for words you don’t know and circle them Kristen will read the article to you

34 Why Political Parties? 20-25 min
Work as a group Read one section of the article at a time Annotate One person with a cell phone is in charge of looking up words you don’t know Take notes on words you don’t understand Highlight What does the article say about political parties? Literally and figuratively Record words in grid/Padlet Find words that describe political parties Write words in your packet Another person with a phone visit and add your words to the Padlet

35 DN43: Political Parties Grid
Today make sure that the grid from your worksheet is filled in with the words your group selected from our reading yesterday You should have at least 15 words Everyone has to write the group’s words on their worksheet If you need to write any definitions of words you don’t know on your text continue to do so now Check with your partners, particularly the one assigned to look words up in the dictionary yesterday, to see if they have any definitions you need

36 DN44: Free Write 11/21/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder
Today you can choose your topic. Write about whatever you like, use five lines in your notebook to do this free write, and do not write this prompt. Keep it school appropriate, and remember that I am a mandatory reporter.

37 Main Ideas With your group reread the article “Why Political Parties”
In the margin next to each paragraph write one phrase or sentence that summarizes the paragraph

38 Categorize your words in 2nd table, then add them to the padlet in categories: Category Each row must have a category at the top Example category: Team Look at your initial words and find things they have in common Example words: Machine nucleus Must have at least 3 categories, but no more than six No “miscellaneous” categories

39 Complex Definition On the next page in your packet
With your group use the words you have selected and categorized to write a complex definition for “political parties”

40 DN45: Squanto 11/22/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder answer the following question in at least three complete sentences. Who is Squanto and what is he remembered for? Use the following video to help you answer this question:

41 DN46: Why Political Parties? 11/28/16
In the DO NOW section of your folder, and using the reading “Why Political Parties?” answer the following question in complete sentences. In your reading “Why Political Parties” find two reasons the author gives that political parties are useful in the U.S.

42 DN47: Democracy 11/29/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder, and using the reading “Why Political Parties?” answer the following question in complete sentences. What is democracy? Do you think there can be democracy without political parties? Explain.

43 DN48: Sentence Builder 11/30/16
Use the sentence builder to attribute the following quote: Ambitious politicians turn to the political party to achieve such goals only when parties are useful vehicles for solving problems that cannot be solved as effectively, if at all, through other means.

44 DN49: Claim Practice 12/1/16 In the DO NOW section of your folder, write a claim to answer the following question: Should parents be allowed to choose the sex of their baby? Claims should be: short, concise, debatable, and should embed the question in the claim. Claims should not contain an explanation, and should not contain I statements

45 DN50: Define Political Parties 12/5/16
In the DO NOW section of your folder Now that you have thoroughly explored and defined political parties as a class… In your own words, what is a political party? Answer in at least 3 complete sentences

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