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Course Builders Meeting

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1 Course Builders Meeting
July 25, 2018

2 Agenda General Education Winter/Summer Course Building Course Fees On-Line Courses Important Dates General Overview Finals Large Rooms Cross Listing Updates on Changes Questions

3 General education General Education website
General Education Course Submissions Form Liz Abate 7-2146 Remember, do not include references to Gen Eds in course descriptions Requests for Harpur W should be sent to

4 2019 Winter Session Course Building
Call for Proposal packet to departments: 8/27/18 Departments enter courses into CAMS: 8/27/18-10/15/18 CLT (i.e. Anita Cipolla) begins building in Banner: 9/14/18 Winter Session schedule goes “live:” 10/15/18 Course cancellations: the week of 12/10/18 (finals week)

5 2019 Summer Session Course Building
Call for Courses packet to departments: 10/1/18 Departments build in Banner: 10/29/18 through 11/14/18 CLT (Anita) maintains summer schedule: 11/15/18 Summer Session schedule goes “live:” 11/26/18 Term 1 course cancellations: week of 5/20/19 Term 2 course cancellations: 6/26/19 through 7/3/19

6 Helpful Reminders Parts-of-term: please try and fit courses, internships, and independent studies into the established Terms 1, 2 or 3. If you need changes to the schedule (including course details, instructor-of-record, etc.) please let Anita make them in Banner. Contact us with questions: Murnal Abate, , (607) Anita Cipolla, , (607)

7 Course Fees Erin Neske, Director of Budget and Finance
Department submits fee request paperwork by deadline Summer/Fall – February 15th Spring – September 1st While the fee request is pending, the requesting department is responsible for fee advertisement In the Bulletin (aka Catalog), course descriptions must include a generic statement that reads, “Course fee applies. Refer to the Schedule of Classes.” In the Schedule of Classes, the last sentence in the course description must read, “There is a $___ fee associated with this course.” Approval to charge the fee is granted by SUNY System Administration Summer – by June 1st Fall – by July 1st Winter – by November 1st Spring – by December 1st Department works with Accounting (Katie Keesler) and Student Accounts (Celeste Tyler) to setup an account to receive fee revenues and a detail code to bill students with

8 Course Fees Cont’d For each term the department is responsible for ensuring that the fee is attached to all course sections for which it received approval Prior to registration: During course building the department must attach the fee to applicable course sections After course building is closed, the department must CBASM to add the detail code and fee amount to the course in Banner After registration begins: All requests to add fees to courses will be referred to the Business Affairs Office If Business Affairs approves the fee to be attached to applicable courses, CBASM will add the associated detail code and amount If the approved fee and fee amount are not attached to the course prior to billing, the fee will not be charged for that academic term and no revenue will be received by the department Department is responsible for reconciling revenue activity in their account and ensuring that expenses in that account are directly associated with the fee purpose as reported in the approved fee request Departments must review all courses for advertisement and proper course building each academic period If a course number changes, the department must Business Affairs explaining the nature of the change. Business Affairs will notify System Administration of the change and update campus inventory.

9 On-Line Courses Susan Kirwan, Director Student Accounts Office
Non-resident (non-NY state) students will be charged a different, lower tuition if they are taking all on-line courses. This is a new SUNY policy in effect beginning with the Academic Year. To qualify, all the courses for which a student registers must have an instructional method of OA (on-line asynchronous), OS (on-line synchronous) or OC (on-line combined, both asynchronous & synchronous). OH (on-line hybrid) courses do not qualify since these courses are on line and also require a face to face meeting. This applies only to on-line courses and not to Independent Studies, Internships, Practicums and other courses held off-campus.

10 Important Dates Spring 2019 Course building
Spring 2019 Course Building open Now through Aug 19 Aug 27 through Sept 30 No changes to courses Oct 1 through Oct 16 CBASM will only make changes to correct errors. Inactivating courses/building independent study courses will be done, time permitting. Large Rooms Spreadsheets will be sent out July 30 Requests due back Aug 31 Back to Back, Disability & Tech Requests due Sept 18 Final Exams-Fall 2018 Aug 1 CBASM will distribute courses without instructors Aug 8 CBASM will distribute spreadsheet of courses Aug 24 changes from departments are due (send updated spreadsheet to Sept 21 Fall 2018 Final Exam schedule available on the final exam website/BU Brain Meet Pattern Percentage Reports Aug 1, 15, 29, Sept 12 & 26 Spring 2019 Schedule on-line Oct 17

11 The final exam schedule will be posted on Sept 21st
The final exam schedule will be posted on Sept 21st. Instructors should check the final exam website before announcing final exam times to students. Final exam scheduling Final Exam/End of Semester Exam Policy: staff-handbook/handbook-vii.html#C5 It is the University's policy that all faculty members administer their final or end-of-course examinations during the official Examination Period, at the time scheduled by the Office of Course Building and Academic Space Management. Faculty who wish to administer final or end-of- course examinations outside the official Examination Period must have permission of the deans of their schools. Except examinations for labs, students shall not be required to take examinations or turn in take-home finals during the week preceding the official Final Examination Period. If there is no comprehensive final examination but rather a series of examinations or quizzes, the last examination, test or quiz must take place on the assigned day during final examination week. Students should not have to take three or more final examinations in one 24-hour period. In cases in which a student has more than two examinations scheduled during a 24-hour period, faculty are urged to arrange a time for a make-up exam. In cases where a conflict arises, the faculty member teaching the largest course will be expected to arrange a make-up examination because s/he has the greatest probability of offering another make-up for other valid reasons.

12 Final Exam scheduling Our Assumptions What you need to tell us
After the exam scheduler is run, any changes to exam times require approval by the department chair and dean’s office representative and must follow standard final exam times. Our Assumptions What you need to tell us All courses will be scheduled an exam Courses that will not have a final All sections of a course will be scheduled together in one or more rooms at the same time. Specifics about scheduling sections together -Do some get scheduled together and others separately at different times? -Do some get scheduled together in one room and others scheduled together in a different room, but all at the same time? All exams will be scheduled in a general purpose classroom Any special locations/room features needed for an exam, e.g., computer pod, departmental room, multi-media The exam scheduling software will select the date and time Any courses that require a specific day/time for the exam Exams will be scheduled in rooms that match the enrollment of the course Double seating or other seating requirements Exams will be scheduled for a 2 hour block Courses that need an exam scheduled for more or less than 2 hours

13 Once classrooms are assigned, do not make changes to dates/times/limits without consulting with CBASM staff. Large room request Classes with 80 or more students Make changes directly to spreadsheet Only need to know what your request is for the upcoming semester, including special technology/room requests Send updated spreadsheet to by Aug 31st CBASM will assign classrooms and send you your large room assignments We will add the classroom assignments to your courses in Banner, correcting day/time/limit information based on information provided on your spreadsheet.

14 Cross-listings Must follow rules for cross-listing with graduate level courses: Cannot cross-list doctoral courses (600 level) with undergraduate level courses 500 and 600 level courses can be cross-listed 400 and 500 level courses can be cross-listed Cross-listing 500 level courses with 300 or lower requires approval by the Graduate Council Must follow rules for cross-listing lower division and upper division undergraduate courses: 100 and 200 level courses can be cross-listed 300 and 400 level courses can be cross-listed 100, 200, 300 and/or 400 level courses can be cross-listed if all the same subject.

15 Updates on Changes Classroom Renovations/Changes Banner
Banner 8 ending December 2018 Portions of Banner 9 will be implemented in Sept of Course Building & Catalog forms will remain in Banner 8 until a later date. New web-based interface New look & feel New keyboard shortcuts CASified sign-on (use pods ID & Password) Infosilem-new scheduling software R25, including the R25 webviewer, ending December Will begin using Infosilem for event scheduling in late November. Will schedule academic classes using Infosilem for Fall (in March 2019) All rooms used for classes will be in Infosilem. There will be some changes to course building processes. For example, requests for room types/features can be made in Banner on the course. Still early in the planning stages and will have more updates at the January course builders meeting. Classroom Renovations/Changes Fall 2018 Pharmacy School Building on-line S2 Classrooms and Computer Pods off-line for building renovation beging in December (total reconfiguration of east wing) Classrooms G38, G39, G42, 138, 140, 143, 144, 145, 243 & 260 and Pods 134 & 135 Developing plans to upgrade technology in the remaining non-digital classrooms (running fall through summer 2019) Spring 2019 EB N22 and N25 will be eliminated Summer 2019 EB 110 renovation SAS Implementation- Hyperion Replacement Continuing to convert canned Hyperion queries to SAS Hyperion will remain in use until that process is complete No firm date for the transition

16 conclusion Reminders: Questions????
Use office s, and when requesting changes to courses and/or classroom assignments Refer to the CBASM website for helpful information Refer to the daily schedule reports: \\report\report\schedule_of_classes Questions????

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