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Evaluation Partnership Meeting 12-13 March 2015
Using Counterfactual Impact Evaluations (CIE) for the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) Beatrice d’Hombres Evaluation Partnership Meeting March 2015
What to take home? 1- CIE of YEI-funded interventions is feasable …only if you make NOW the necessary data arrangements 2 - Use administrative datasets for CIE whenever possible 3- Regression Discontinuity Design and Propensity Score Matching combined with a Difference in Differences are appropriate methods for CIE of YEI funded interventions 4 – Contact us if you need advice/help
Outline of the presentation
Why CIE again ? Monitoring of the YEI : a step towards CIE CIE and Counterfactual: data requirements CIE in the context of the YEI: What do we want to evaluate? CIE methods that could be applied to the YEI context CIE Implementation: challenges CRIE: what can CRIE do for you?
I - Why CIE again? …Mainly 3 reasons…
CIE is about quantifying the impact per se of a policy
Why CIE again? 1 - Common interest Need to quantify the effect of the YEI: 6.4 billion Euro! Why Evidence-based policy needed to Improve the quality and effectiveness of employment policies Promote accountability CIE is about quantifying the impact per se of a policy
Why CIE again? 2 – New requirements 2007-2013 2014-2020
Evaluation mainly on implementation issues Two evaluations needed : 2015 and 2018 Regulations stress the importance of Impact Evaluations
Why CIE again? 3 – Need to convince you NOW to make CIE a reality!
Plan and schedule evaluation Make necessary data arrangements
II - Monitoring of the YEI : a step towards CIE
YEI in a snaphot Monitoring : data requirements 13 November 2018
YEI in a snapshot 13 November 2018
Clear eligibility criteria & objective(s) : important for CIE
YEI in a snapshot Clear eligibility criteria & objective(s) : important for CIE Policy Framework Youth Employment Package Link with Youth Guarantee (YG) Budget : € 6.4 billion Eligibility criteria Nuts2 Regions: Youth Unemployment rate (YUR)>25% in 2012 NEETs, Individuals<25 Measures Pathways/packages of measures with the long term (LT) objective of active labour market integration SEE YEI COMMUNICATIONS Eligibility criteria Nuts2 Regions: Youth Unemployment rate (YUR)>25% in 2012 MS where YUR by more than 30% in 2012 Nuts 2 regions with YUR > 20% in 2012
II - Monitoring of the YEI : a step towards CIE
Monitoring of the YEI: data requirements 13 November 2018
Monitoring: data requirements
Indicators to be reported: financial, output, result indicators Output indicators Cover personal data: gender, employment status, age, educational level, household situation Result indicators: related to participants only Immediate result indicators: situation when the participant leaves the operation All participants Long term result indicators: 6 months after the participant left the operation Based on representative samples Micro data
Monitoring: data requirements
Long Term Indicators Representative sample of treated participants Store data in computerized form Micro data ID identifier Intervention identifier Treated individuals Situation 6 months after participants left operation
CIE and Counterfactual: data requirements
Particularity of CIE with respect to other monitoring and evaluation tools? CIE : data requirements
CIE and Counterfactual: data requirements
Particularity of CIE with respect to other monitoring and evaluation tools?
CIE: quantifying the Impact
Impact (or net effect, treatment effect) of an intervention – “the contribution of a certain policy to the change in the result indicator" (Gaffey (2012), p. 6) CIE: particular type of evaluation, seek to answer cause-and-effect questions CIE: one tool among others Must be associated with a theory-based impact evaluation Must be complemented by monitoring/process evaluation Limits of CIE Examines "the effect of the cause“ but does not explain "the causes of an effect“ Can be only applied to some specific policies/interventions
Ingredients for a CIE Well defined intervention targeted at a well defined population Some units i are exposed to the policy intervention treated unit others are not untreated/control units Di=1 if treated Di=0 if untreated Expected effect: change of the outcome Yi for the units i exposed to the intervention Yi=Y1i if treated Yi=Y0i =if untreated
Ingredients for a CIE The treatment effect for individual i is defined by Y1i- Y0i Problem: only one potential outcome is observed which implies that we cannot measure Y1i- Y0i Consequence: we must build a counterfactual to be able to estimate the impact of the treatment Counterfactual: if we observe Y1i in the treatment group, we need to estimate Y0i , the “value of the outcome variable for individual i in the treatment group had it been assigned to the control group instead'
CIE in practice Individual causal effects are impossible to estimate, hence we rely on average treatment effects Treated units: average outcome Ave(Y1i) Control units used for the counterfactual: average outcome Ave(Y0i) Impact of the intervention: Ave(Y1i) -Ave(Y0i) Data: it is necessary to have information on treated and untreated units
CIE: Data Requirements
Data with information on treated and not treated individuals Just looking at the change in the employment/education status of participants is not enough to measure the effect of the intervention Need to find a control group
CIE: Data Requirements
CIE objective: identify a good comparison group to calculate a summary measure of the impact of the intervention Without a control group, it is impossible to quantify the impact of the intervention Bad control group: biased estimate of the impact of the intervention because of the selection bias Constructing the control group can be challenging especially in terms of data access because of legal and other barriers
CIE – How to collect information for the control group?
Administrative datasets when possible Population, tax, unemployment records Link the datasets together using ID identifier (social security number for instance) Link with the data from YEI funded interventions providers (PES, educational structures, etc.) Follow-up surveys to collect data on long term outcomes (if different from those already included in administrative datasets)
CIE in the context of the YEI
What do we want to evaluate ? Methods to identify a proper control group
CIE in the context of the YEI
What do we want to evaluate ?
What do we want to evaluate?
Objective Sustainable integration in the labor (LM) of the NEETs In practice Labour market outcomes after a certain period of time (6 months, 12, 24 months) Employment status Quality of the job (remuneration level, part time job, open-ended contracts, relevance of the job, etc) Education and training related outcomes after a certain period of time (6 months, 12, 24 months Evidence on SH exists. Scant evidence on the LT effects
What do we want to evaluate?
1 Are YEI funded interventions a success story in roughly all its components for the integration of NEETS on the LM? 2 Effect of a specific YEI interventions (effect of start up support for young entrepreneurs for instance) 3 Effect of alternative YEI interventions (reduction of non wage labour costs versus wage & recruitement subsidies)
CIE in the context of the YEI
Methods to identify a proper control group
CIE – Methods to identify a good counterfactual
Experimental approach Quasi-experimental methods Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) Propensity Score Matching (PSM) Difference in Differences (DiD) Instrumental Variables (IV) Choice of the method(s) depends on: Eligibility criteria to the intervention Data availability
Regression Discontinuity Design - RDD
CIE of the YEI Regression Discontinuity Design - RDD
RDD: intuition Eligibility for a program determined by a rule treatment assignment based on the value of a continuous variable Si called the forcing variable Treatment=1 if Si<c Treatment =0 if Si>=c Participation to the program is not voluntary In the YEI context Si : Age c=25 Yi: LM outcome
RDD: intuition Without the intervention, linear case
In the YEI context Si : Age c=25 Yi: LM outcome
RDD: intuition After the intervention, linear case In the YEI context
Si : Age c=25 Yi: LM outcome Possiblity to extend the target group, NEET under the age of 30 There are not other policies (in addition to the YEI intervention) using the same eligibility criteria and which will affect the outcome
RDD: intuition After the intervention, linear case In the YEI context
Si : Age c=25 Yi: LM outcome Possiblity to extend the target group, NEET under the age of 30 Need of a large sample size
RDD: intuition Eligibility rule: On either sides of c, individuals have very similar characteristics, but some are treated and others are not Counterfactual: units above the cut-off who did not participate, i.e marginal non beneficiaries Effect of the intervention: difference in the average performance between marginal beneficiaries and marginal non beneficiaries In the YEI context Marginal beneficiaries NEETs below 25 Marginal non beneficiaries NEETS 25 or more
RDD: Example of an application (1)
RDD: Example of an application (1)
Implementation of a Youth Guarantee (YG) in 1994 Obligation to offer unemployed aged a full time activity after 100 days of unemployment Duration of the program capped at 12 months Major programmes: labour market training and practice program YG also includes job search assistance/counselling Impact of the YG? Possiblity to extend the target group, NEET under the age of 30
RDD: Example of an application (1)
Administrative data Handel database: data on all individuals registered at the PES including time of registration, program placement reason for leaving registers, some background characteristics Statistics Sweden: information about earnings, welfare receipts, etc
RDD: Example of an application (1)
Short term impact Outflow to work from unemployment registers
RDD: Exemple of an application (1)
RDD: Example of an application (2)
Presented at COMPIE
RDD: Example of an application (2) YG in Finland
Before 2005 From 2005 on PES offered similar services for the youths and the adults No draft job-search plan Signed job-search plan within 5 months NO Guarantee Specific service for youths (below 25) Draft job-search plan within 1 month Signed job-search plan within 3months Activation measures Activation measures: subsidized employment, labour market training , work practise etc. Possiblity to extend the target group, NEET under the age of 30
RDD: Example of an application (2) YG in Finland
Register-based data on individuals over the period of e.g. Population Register Centre, Local Register Offices, Tax Administration, Social Insurance Institution, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Centre for Pensions, Labour administration, National Board of Education 20 per cent random sample of birth cohorts Each year a 20 per cent random sample of new entrants in the population register is added to the sample Identification based on the age limit of 25 years Assume: no self-selection between the treated and the controls Possiblity to extend the target group, NEET under the age of 30
RDD: Example of an application (2)
Heterogeneity of the results according to the level of education – the unemployed youth (aged 23-27)
RDD – Wrap up Possible if assignment to the program only determined by a rule If probability to be treated <1 if NEETs below 25 (capacity issues), then sharp RDD measures the intention to treat effect No sharp RDD if participation also depends on individual characteristics (motivation, priority based on individual characteristics); in this case, other CIE methods need to be used No other policies using the same eligibility criteria and which will affect the outcome Possiblity to extend the target group, NEET under the age of 30
CIE – How to identify a counterfactual?
Experimental approach Quasi-experimental methods Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) Propensity Score Matching (PSM) Difference in Differences (DiD) Instrumental Variables (IV) Choice of the method(s) depends on Eligibility criteria to the intervention Data availability
Propensity Score Matching - PSM
CIE of the YEI Propensity Score Matching - PSM
PSM: under which conditions?
Applied when participation to a program is in part determined by the decision of the units (self-selection) Example: YG offer: training versus apprenticeship, choice in part decided by the participants Match participants to the program with non participants sharing similar observable characteristics Previous labour market experience, Age, education Gender, family composition, etc. Crucial difference with a sharp RDD: match based on observable characteristics and not an exogeneous assignment rule
PSM: Intuition Ideally match each treated unit with a non treated one with exactly the same characteristics relevant for the selection process Problem: As the number of characteristics determining selection increases it is more and more difficult to find comparable individuals): curse of dimensionality Propensity Score Matching: Matching on a single index (propensity score, PS) reflecting the probability of participation.
PSM Intuition Propensity score Probability of participating in the intervention, conditional on the characteristics
PSM Intuition Counterfactual: non participants with similar propensity score characteristics as the participants Matching based on the propensity score
PSM Intuition Different ways of matching treated with non treated units Impact : average of the difference in the post treatment period between each treated and matched units
Combine PSM and Difference in Differences (DiD)
PSM valid if and only if no systematic differences in unobservable characteristics that influence the outcome and the participation to the program (motivation, ability, etc) Possible to combine PSM with the DiD method to remove any time invariant characteristic DiD: graphically
PSM and DiD Impact = B-A Possible to combine PSM with DiD PSM
Impact : average of the difference in the post treatment period between each treated and matched units PSM + DiD A- Compute average of the difference in the pre-treatment period between each treated and matched units B- Compute average of the difference in the post treatment period between each treated and matched units Impact = B-A
When does PSM apply in the YEI context?
Impact of the YEI funded interventions (set of measures) Treatment based on elegiblity criteria and case worker/participant decisions Impact of the alternative activation measures Conditional on being eligible to the YEI interventions, treatment (specific activation measure) based on case worker/participant decisions
PSM: Example of an application
PSM: Example of an application (1)
Implementation of a Youth Guarantee (YG) in 1994 Obligation to offer unemployed aged a full time activity after 100 days of unemployment Duration of the program capped at 12 months Major programmes: labour market training and practice program YG also includes job search assistance/counselling Impact of labour market training versus practice program?
PSM: Example of an application (1)
Administrative data Handel database: data on all individuals registered at the PES including time of registration, program placement reason for leaving registers, some background characteristics Statistics Sweden: information about earnings, welfare receipts, etc
PSM: Example of an application (1)
Variables used for the PSM Education, family situation, labour market history, demographic characteristics Assumption Conditional on the variables above, the only difference between treated and non treated participants is the treatment status
PSM: Example of an application (1)
PSM– Wrap up Data Hungry method: need of datasets with many variables on the characteristics of the individuals Assumption that no unobserved confounding factors affect the outcome enhanced by incorporation of a rich range of variables into the estimation of the propensity scores Possibility to combine a PSM with a DiD to remove time invariant unobserved characteristics such as motivation When? Rich dataset Participation to YEI funded interventions also depends on participants/caseworker decisions
CIE Implementation - Challenges
CIE Implementation - Challenges
Starting point: policy questions and hypotheses to be tested. Evaluation design operationalization: Evaluation design: define comparison group; rules of programme operation (but not ):CIE method. Evaluation team: partnerships (policy makers + private/public agencies). Evaluation timing and budget definition data collection. Outsourcing vs. in-house CIEs: can outsource any of sample definition, data collection and CIE implementation but crucial to develop in-house CIE knowledge.
CRIE: what can we do for you?
Training Collaboration
CRIE: what can we do for you?
1 - Regional Workshops Paper and Pencil Training on CIE methods Computer-based training Presentation and discussion of CIE performed by MA Practical sessions to design CIE The RWC must involve several Member States Share of good practices of CIE performed by peers Need that EMPL+JRC & MS work as a team to make CIE happen Need for building capacity: CIE Trainings in PL, ES, HU, CZ, BG, EE, SK, LV, LT
CRIE: what can we do for you? Possible data analysis collaboration
2- Collaboration with the quantitative analysis Example: Latvia Finance Ministry Possible data analysis collaboration
What to take home? 1- CIE of YEI-funded interventions is feasable …only if you make NOW the necessary data arrangments 2 - Use administrative datasets for CIE whenever possible 3- Regression Discontinuity Design and Propensity Score Matching combined with a Difference in Differences are appropriate methods for CIE of YEI funded interventions. 4 – Contact us if you need advice/help
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