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Final noon Thursday May 5

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1 Final noon Thursday May 5 I will post answers for any remaining questions ed to me by noon on Tuesday May 3

2 Imprinting results from pre-programmed
differences in DNA methylation of selected genes in the sperm and egg H19 function?

3 Imprinted genes affect fetal growth
Insulin growth factor Insulin growth factor 2 (Igf2) receptor (Igf2r) growth growth

4 What happens if dad’s copy of Igf2 is deleted?
Insulin growth factor Insulin growth factor 2 (Igf2) receptor (Igf2r) growth growth

5 copy of Igf2 isn’t imprinted?
What happens if mom’s copy of Igf2 isn’t imprinted? Beckwith-Weidemann syndrome Insulin growth factor Insulin growth factor 2 (Igf2) receptor (Igf2r) overgrowth growth

6 What if mom’s copy of Igf2r is deleted?
Insulin growth factor Insulin growth factor 2 (Igf2) receptor (Igf2r) overgrowth growth

7 T F A mouse that inherits a mutant maternal copy of Igf2 exhibits fetal undergrowth.
T F A mouse that inherits a mutant Igf2r gene from its mother is born 40% smaller than normal. T F Maternal imprinting of the human Igf2r gene prevents fetal overgrowth. T F Maternal imprinting of the human Igf2 gene prevents fetal overgrowth. T F Mutations in the paternal copy of the mouse Igf2 gene cause mice to be born 40% smaller than normal.

8 Experiment #2 Chromatin transferred from myoblasts can transform untreated fat cells. Transformation frequency suggests only one or few of the genes have this ability

9 C3H/10T cells = fibroblast cells (make connective tissue, synthesize the extracellular matrix and collagen) If treated with azacytadine, C3H/10T cells can be induced to form muscle, fat and cartilage cells.

10 Ultimately a single gene was identified- myoD
-whose expression could convert any other cell type into muscle cells


12 Getting the terminology down: C. elegans Vulva
Early larval stage Figure 6.27 Anchor cell (AC) Gonad VPCs P3.p-P8.p are the Vulva Precursor Cells (VPCs) AC Basement membrane Gonad Figures\Chapter06\DevBio7e06191.jpg Later larval stage P5.p,P6.p and P7.p lineages make the vulva P3.p,P4.p and P8.p lineages non-vulval P6.p P7.p P5.p P3.p P4.p P8.p

13 The Ras pathway is abnormally activated in many human tumors
eg: pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, lung adenocarcinoma, gall bladder cancer, bile duct cancer and thyroid cancer Another representation of the RAS pathway (VPC cells) LIN-3 signal

14 Inductive and lateral signals induce the vulva
gonad Anchor cell VPCs P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 VPCs after induction Figures\Chapter06\DevBio7e06191.jpg The primary and secondary cells form the vulva

15 A signal from P6.p actives notch (lin-12) in P5.p and P7.p
Figures\Chapter06\DevBio7e06192.jpg Figure 6.27

16 The transmembrane receptor is the Lin-12 protein, a receptor protein related to Notch
“ Primary cell” “ Secondary cells” Both membrane and receptor are membrane bound!

17 Generation of Different Cell Types From Equivalent Cells in C
Generation of Different Cell Types From Equivalent Cells in C. elegans: Initial specification of the Anchor Cell also requires Notch The signal: lag-2 (delta) The receptor: lin-12 (notch) Figures\Chapter06\DevBio7e06300.jpg Figure 6.28


19 If anchor cell signaling is disrupted, all VPCs cells adopt a non-vulva fate
gonad 3° cell 3° cell 3° cell 3° cell 3° cell 3° cell no vulva


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