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The Psychological Impact of Abuse on Hmong Youth

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1 The Psychological Impact of Abuse on Hmong Youth
Alyssa Kaying Vang, PsyD, LP UW Whitewater August 20-21, 2018

2 Highly publicized cases of abuse and trauma in Hmong community:
Suicide-homicide cases with children exposed to the trauma, witnessing the deaths of both parents

3 Unexposed cases of abuse:
College graduate Hmong who struggle with anxiety, social skills, self-esteem, and dating. College graduate Hmong who struggle with interpersonal relationships and find herself in abusive relationships

4 What is trauma? Experiences or situations that are emotionally painful and distressing Overwhelm people’s ability to cope Powerlessness Examples: ABUSE, war, death, accidents, natural disasters, rape, chronic illnesses

5 Hmong conceptualization and treatment of “trauma"
Trauma = war, accident, incident causing startled respose --“poob plig” or “ceeb, ntshai” Muscle tension, body tension Xais ceeb Nchos ceeb Loss of soul Spiritual ritual/ceremony (shaman, soul calling healer, ‘hu plig” prayer

6 Hmong conceptualization, decision-making and treatment of “trauma"
Accident, mass killing, exposure to death = “poob plig” (soul loss) or “ceeb, ntshai” (frightened, startled) Muscle tension, body tension, shivers, jumpy Xais ceeb (massage the fright) Nchos ceeb (shake the fright) Sleep problems, weight loss, fatigue, nightmares, changed personality, withdrawn, jumpy, vigilant Spiritual ritual/ceremony (shaman, soul calling healer, ‘hu plig” prayer Domestic Violence, sexual abuse, verbal/physical abuse Traumatic event Physical evidence No physical evidence Talk with clan leaders Nothing Herbs, massage No mental health/talk therapy services for trauma (example here). However, talk therapy or something along this line is not new to us. We have had it in the form of elders meeting, but it is merelly to provide structure and direct guidance, in many cases, and not for self-exploration.

7 Hmong children and youth:
Blessing, add to wealth of family lineage Prescribed roles vs. mainstream identity formation and critical thinking Filial piety Collectivistic vs. Individualistic

8 Case example: Reclaiming sense of self
Making sense of bicultural identity Working through forgiveness of self and of family through a cultural lens Identifying resilience in spite of adversity Embracing the self

9 Funding for this conference was made possible by NITT-HT grant, CFDA from SAMHSA.  The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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