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Apartheid Prime Ministers

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1 Apartheid Prime Ministers

2 Apartheid (in South Africa) a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race. There were several men that supported this movement, these were: Daniel Francois Malan Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd Johannes Gerhardus Strijdom National PArty: was a political party in South Africa founded in 1915 and first became the governing party of the country in 1924.The policies of the party included apartheid, the establishment of a republic, and the promotion of Afrikaner culture.

3 Connection Nazi Germany
Nazi-Germany men and those who were in support of apartheid shared similar ideas. They both believed that Their groups should be in power over any minorities. These men were not born in Africa, they came to South Africa with these ideals of separating the Whites from the Blacks. Their ideals were violent and harsh because they had roots from the Nazi’s. Only 20% of the population was white, 70% was black and the other 10% was mixed races.

4 Daniel François Malan

5 He then created the first Afrikaner government of South AFrica.
May 22, 1874 statesman and politician who formed South Africa’s first exclusively Afrikaner government and instituted the policy of apartheid. In 1919, he became a leader and spokesman for Africa and he went to Versailles Peace Conference declaring for independence. Here he instituted laws that established a South African nationality and a flag and recognized Afrikaans as an official language of the Union. 1939 he left the government and founded the “Purified National Party, this became the official opposition to Hertzog’s National Party. Later this year, Hertzog and him reconciled and they created the “RE-united National Party.” He then created the first Afrikaner government of South AFrica. Soon after this his only concern was creating a definite grounds of apartheid.

6 After this failed attempt the NAtional Party began to build a stronger support system in the 1953 elections. Separation Separate residential and business sections in Urban Areas. Ban on sexual relations between the races. The establishment of separate residential educational standards. The removal of the Natives REpresentative Council. The attempt to remove Coloured people from the common voting rolls of Cape Province...Fail.

7 Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd

8 September 8, 1901 Once the National Party won, he became a senator and had much to do with the legislation of apartheid. He refined apartheid policies further into a system that he referred to as “separate development.” The Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act of 1959 Separating black South Africans from each other enabled the government to claim there was no black majority, and reduced the possibility that blacks would unify into one nationalist organization

9 the government forcibly removed black South Africans from rural areas designated as “white” to the homelands, and sold their land at low prices to white farmers. From 1961 to 1994, more than 3.5 million people were forcibly removed from their homes and deposited in the Bantustans white voters by a small majority approved his recommendation that South Africa leave the Commonwealth, and Verwoerd’s dream of a republic came true on May 31, 1961. Verwoerd was stabbed to death in the parliamentary chamber by a temporary parliamentary messenger

10 Johannes Gerhardus Strijdom

11 July 14, 1893 He is mostly known for his uncompromising Afrikaner sympathies He became one of the ministers of land and irrigation in Malan’s Cabinet. Strijdom became well known for advocating white supremacy in South Africa. Strijdom’s rise to power represented a victory for the party’s more extreme Transvaal faction over the moderate Cape faction during his term "Coloured" voters were removed from the common voters roll and put on a separate Coloured voters roll

12 He was only prime minister for three years, due to illness.
he moved full steam ahead to remove ties with the British monarchy and deepened the Afrikaner ascendency in South Africa, while strengthening the policy of apartheid. Strijdom's government also severed diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union He was only prime minister for three years, due to illness.

13 Connection Civil Rights
Ross Barnett was the 53rd Governor of Mississippi segregationist Orval Faubus was the 36th Governor of Arkansas Stood against the desegregation of integrating schools Both of these men supported segregation during the Civil WAr, they wanted life to be separated by color and their race be the superior one. These men can be compared to these Prime Ministers who were in full support of there being a separation between race. They both had groups that supported them in their decisions. Their main goal in this was to have white rule a main factor in why they fought so hard for segregation

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