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Personnel Tracking for Confined Space Entry

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1 Personnel Tracking for Confined Space Entry
XPressEntry Personnel Tracking for Confined Space Entry

2 XPressEntry XPressEntry – the Confined Space Entry management system from Telaeris: Increases Safety Saves Time Improves Record Keeping

3 XPressEntry Features Provides audited access control for vessels and confined spaces Live audited entries and exits Many portals on multi-level structure Provide accurate tracking of personnel Provide improvements over existing paper based systems. Work appropriately in a refinery environment High metal content (vessel wall, pipes, scaffolding) Dirt, oil, grease, and water does not affect systems Provides for Easy Method of Tracking Personnel Locally Controlled Immediate knowledge of entries, exits & occupants Visible from any Internet enabled web browser Full reporting features

4 XPressEntry Architecture
Web Publishing of Access Control Events Information Available on Internet Enabled Computer Mobile Cart Provides Immediate View of Access Control Info Job Foreman at Cart monitors employees entries, exits, and occupancy

5 Increasing Safety with XPressEntry
Know who’s inside with live occupancy count and roster at your fingertips At the entry point (for safety attendants) On-site computer (for safety supervisor) On the web (for project managers) Prevent unauthorized entry Only approved workers allowed

6 Saving Time with XPressEntry
Logging entries digitally is significantly faster than using paper logs For workers: Less time waiting in line to enter More time on the job For safety attendants: Less time making log entries More time monitoring safety

7 Saving Time with XPressEntry
How safety supervisors & project managers save time: Activity history is instantly viewable No time spent reconciling paper logs or entering data Adding new people to the authorized list is fast

8 Better Records with XPressEntry
View occupancy in real time Activity history Updated automatically Easily searchable Reports Available in multiple formats Can be generated from the web Improved accuracy over paper logs Data backed up in multiple locations

9 How XPressEntry works:
The XPressEntry system uses several interconnected components: Handheld readers at the entryways On-site server at the job site Wifi network equipment at the job site Web server (offsite)

10 How XPressEntry works:
At entry point: Safety attendant has handheld reader Worker’s badge gets scanned upon entry or exit Authorized workers will have their entry recorded Information sent wirelessly to on-site server

11 How XPressEntry works:
At the on-site server cart: Safety supervisor sees activity from all handhelds Information sent to web site via Internet connection

12 How XPressEntry works:
On the web, Job Foremen & Project Managers can: View occupancy View activity history Create reports of activity by user, company, or date Add or edit information about users, companies & confined spaces

13 How XPressEntry works:
Wireless network that connects handheld devices to on-site server Secure Portable Modular Designed for outdoor use Battery backup in case of power disruption

14 On-site Server Cart Features:
Mobile broadband Internet connection Printer for reports Battery backup Badge Reader for adding new users Portable cart for all environments Can serve as muster point check-in station during evacuations

15 XPressEntry Handheld Features:
Proximity Card Reader Easy to use interface View Occupants View Activity View List of Authorized Entrants Send Message to Server Drop-proof Optional shoulder strap

16 Comparing XPressEntry
The XPressEntry system provides major benefits over using traditional paper log systems: Saves time during entries and exits Saves time when viewing activity Information at your fingertips

17 Comparing XPressEntry
Let’s see the time difference between XPressEntry and paper logs during an incident requiring evacuation of the confined space

18 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs During an Incident
Comparing XPressEntry and Paper Logs: During a confined space incident, how long does it take to ensure all workers are evacuated and safely accounted for? Scenario: A multi-level confined space has four entryways and twenty workers inside when sparks from a welder start a fire inside XPressEntry Paper Logs Time Elapsed

19 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs During an Incident
The evacuation alert is given The 20 workers start to evacuate: XPressEntry: each worker taps their badge to the attendant’s handheld reader as they exit Paper Logs: the attendant has to identify the worker and record the worker’s name and exit time XPressEntry Paper Logs Time Elapsed

20 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs During an Incident
After the workers appear to have evacuated, the safety monitor needs to ensure that everyone is outside, and accounted for: XPressEntry: The handheld devices have already updated the on-site server. Safety monitor takes a quick look at live information and sees: Vessel occupancy is zero Each worker’s exit time and entryway used Paper Logs: The safety monitor radios all the attendants and they start manually cross-checking logs to make sure that all entrants eventually exited somewhere – or has to do a roll call at the evacuation point XPressEntry Paper Logs Time Elapsed

21 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs During an Incident
Emergency crews enter the vessel to put out the fire, and know that no one is trapped inside the vessel. In the time it takes the paper log users to record all the workers as they evacuate, the XPressEntry users have: Recorded all workers as they evacuated Ensured that all workers are accounted for Allowed emergency crews to start incident containment Time Elapsed XPressEntry Paper Logs

22 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs During an Incident
XPressEntry saves time over paper logs – when every second counts XPressEntry Paper Logs Time Elapsed

23 Comparing XPressEntry
Now let’s compare the time savings between XPressEntry and paper logs in a routine procedure: Having workers enter the confined space at the start of a work shift

24 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs Start of the Shift
Comparing XPressEntry and Paper Logs: During a routine work shift for a confined space, how long does it take to have all the workers enter properly? Scenario: Ten workers need to enter the confined space through a particular attendant-monitored entryway XPressEntry Paper Logs Time Elapsed

25 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs Start of the Shift
Each worker taps their badge to the safety attendant’s handheld reader. Reader instantly records their name, company, time of entry, and where they entered. The attendant verifies that the ID matches the worker, and the worker enters. XPressEntry Paper Logs Time Elapsed

26 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs Start of the Shift
Safety attendant reviews the badge and writes down the worker’s name, and time of entry on their log. Attendant verifies that the ID matches the worker, and the worker enters. XPressEntry Paper Logs Time Elapsed

27 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs Start of the Shift
The ten workers reach the entryway: XPressEntry: Tapping the badge, verifying the worker – takes about 5 seconds. Last worker waits 50 seconds before entry Paper Logs: Writing down worker name and entry time, verifying the worker – takes about 20 seconds. Last worker waits more than 3 minutes before entry XPressEntry Paper Logs Time Elapsed

28 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs Start of the Shift
Total time spent waiting and entering: XPressEntry: 4.6 person-minutes for 10 workers A shift of 20 workers entering takes less than 2 min., total time spent for 20 is 17.5 person-minutes Paper Logs: 18.3 person-minutes for 10 workers A shift of 20 workers entering takes more than 6 min., total time spent for 20 is 70 person-minutes Time Elapsed XPressEntry 10 workers in 20 workers in 10 workers in 20 workers in Paper Logs

29 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs Start of the Shift
Extra benefits over Paper Logs: XPressEntry protects data: Data backed up to server and web Occupancy and activity information at your fingertips Paper Logs prone to data loss: Paper logs easily lost or damaged Handwritten log entries may be illegible Time Elapsed XPressEntry 10 workers in 20 workers in 10 workers in 20 workers in Paper Logs

30 XPressEntry VS Paper Logs Start of the Shift
XPressEntry saves time at the start of the shift – meaning that workers spend more time on the job, sooner. Time Elapsed XPressEntry 10 workers in 20 workers in 10 workers in 20 workers in Paper Logs

31 XPressEntry The XPressEntry system is ideal for sites with:
Complex or multiple permit-required confined spaces Multiple workers entering and exiting

32 XPressEntry XPressEntry is suited for:
Petrochemical refinery turnarounds Manufacturing plant maintenance Storage tank farm maintenance Underground utility access

33 XPressEntry XPressEntry for monitoring entry to confined space
Increasing Safety Saving Time Improving Record Keeping

34 XPressEntry For more information about XPressEntry from Telaeris, contact us: (858)

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