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AWG 17 April 2012 Candidate Topics

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1 AWG 17 April 2012 Candidate Topics
Artifact applicability to scope Core vs Top-Level Scope Plan for 30 April deliverable CA Appendix E Blend with DoDAF v2.03 Downselect to Core / Top-Level Scope only? Names only? “One-liners”? Description sketches? High-level Metamodel? Low-hanging fruit? Post 30 April phases? Assignments / volunteers (by individual, topic area?) Next meeting? 17 April 2012 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO

2 Artifact applicability to scope
Sub-Architecture Domain Core Artifact Strategy Concept Overview Diagram Business High-Level Process Diagram Data High-Level Logical Data Model Applications Application Interface Diagram Infrastructure High-Level Network Diagram Security Control List Core vs Top-Level Scope Remove for 30 April deliverable 17 April 2012 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO

3 Plan for 30 April deliverable
CA Appendix E Blend with DoDAF v2.03 Downselect to Core / Top-Level Scope only? No Names only? “One-liners”? Description sketches? High-level Metamodel? Low-hanging fruit? Post 30 April phases? 17 April 2012 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO

4 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO
“One liners” Model Description CV-1: Capability Effects Presents effects caused by capabilities and measures for these effects. CV-2: Capability Hierarchies Presents one or more hierarchies of capabilities and the types of hierarchical relationships between these capabilities. CV-3: Capability Schedules Presents schedules for the deployment of capabilities in terms of timelines. CV-4: Capability Dependencies Presents dependencies among effects caused by capabilities. CV-5: Capability Deployments Presents schedules for the deployment of capabilities in terms of organizations and locations. CV-6: Capability Activities Presents activities that are performed to cause the desired effects of a capability. CV-7: Capabilities and Services Presents a mapping of capabilities to services. 17 April 2012 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO

5 Description sketches? – in an Appendix later
17 April 2012 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO

6 High-level meta model – post 30 April
Figure 3.3.1‑1: DoDAF meta-model diagram for CV-1 models 17 April 2012 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO

7 Low-Hanging Fruit – use to harvest some “one liners”
17 April 2012 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO

8 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO
Others? 17 April 2012 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO

9 Next Steps & Assignments / volunteers
Start with 17 DoDAF “one liners” that match (~freebies) Look through other 33 CA artifacts and see which ones you’d like to nominate for 30 April. Others as well, e.g., from DoDAF, CPM, or other agency sources ones Informal criteria is we think it’s Important in your agency Fills a vacuum in the CA domains. Rule: Nomination must accompanied by a “one liner”. (ALL, 20 April) Add the one-liners to the new lists (DoD) Review and iterate (ALL, 25 April) Modify domain descriptions to be consistent (lead, co-lead, members) 26 April Send signup matrix (DoD, 17 April) Strategic (TBD, TBD, TBD) Business (TBD, TBD, TBD) Application (TBD, TBD, TBD) Data (TBD, TBD, TBD) Infrastructure (TBD, TBD, TBD) Security (Bill Garvin lead unclass, TBD, TBD) Review whole package (ALL, 28 April) Deliver 30 April Next meeting DCO and GTM 20 April AM 17 April 2012 AWG Working Papers -- FOUO

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