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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
George Washington University Residency Fellowship in Health Policy October 12, 2016 Kate Goodrich, MD, MHS Director Center for Clinical Standards and Quality Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Agenda Delivery System Reform Goals Progress to data on Improvement
Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA)
During January 2015, HHS announced goals for value-based payments within the Medicare FFS system
As of January 01, 2016, the 30% goal was achieved one year ahead of schedule.
Delivery System Reform requires focusing on the way we pay providers, deliver care, and distribute information “ { } Improving the way providers are incentivized, the way care is delivered, and the way information is distributed will help provide better care at lower cost across the health care system. “ FOCUS AREAS Pay Providers Deliver Care Distribute Information Source: Burwell SM. Setting Value-Based Payment Goals ─ HHS Efforts to Improve U.S. Health Care. NEJM 2015 Jan 26; published online first.
CMS has adopted a framework that categorizes payments to providers
Category 1: Fee for Service – No Link to Value Category 2: Fee for Service – Link to Quality Category 3: Alternative Payment Models Built on Fee-for-Service Architecture Category 4: Population-Based Payment Description Payments are based on volume of services and not linked to quality or efficiency At least a portion of payments vary based on the quality or efficiency of health care delivery Some payment is linked to the effective management of a population or an episode of care Payments still triggered by delivery of services, but opportunities for shared savings or 2-sided risk Payment is not directly triggered by service delivery so volume is not linked to payment Clinicians and organizations are paid and responsible for the care of a beneficiary for a long period (e.g., ≥1 year) Medicare Fee-for-Service examples Limited in Medicare fee-for-service Majority of Medicare payments now are linked to quality Hospital value-based purchasing Physician Value Modifier Readmissions / Hospital Acquired Condition Reduction Program Accountable Care Organizations Medical homes Bundled payments Comprehensive Primary Care initiative Comprehensive ESRD Medicare-Medicaid Financial Alignment Initiative Fee-For-Service Model Eligible Pioneer Accountable Care Organizations in years 3-5 Maryland hospitals Source: Rajkumar R, Conway PH, Tavenner M. CMS ─ engaging multiple payers in payment reform. JAMA 2014; 311:
CMS is aligning with private sector and states to drive delivery system reform
CMS Strategies for Aligning with Private Sector Convening Stakeholders Convened payers in 7 markets in CPCI Convening payers, providers, employers, consumers, and public partners for the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network Incentivizing Providers In Pioneer ACOs, agreements required Pioneers to have 50% of business in value- based contracts by the end of the second program year Partnering with States The State Innovation Model Initiative funds testing awards and model design awards for states implementing comprehensive delivery system reform The Maryland All-Payer Model tests the effectiveness of an all-payer rate system for hospital payments CMS is working stakes and stakeholders to drive market transformation, extending the effects of Medicare and Medicaid changes. CMS as convener: CMS convenes payers, provider, employers, consumers, state and federal partners to align on alternative payment models Example: Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network Incentivize Providers: CMS requires providers to bring other payers to the table Examples: Pioneer ACOs, Health Care Innovation Awards Round 2 Partner with states: CMS works with states, which have broad regulatory authority to drive payment and delivery system reform Examples: State Innovations Model, Maryland All-Payer Model, Multi-Payer Advanced Primary Care Practice, system-wide Medicaid transformations such as Oregon
Six Years Later - Affordable Care Act
Results: Higher Value, Lower Costs
According to the Congressional Budget Office, federal spending on major health care programs in 2020 will be $200 Billion lower than predicted in 2010.
'Jaw-dropping': Medicare deaths, hospitalizations AND costs reduced
Sample consisted of 68,374,904 unique Medicare beneficiaries (FFS and Medicare Advantage). 1999 2013 Difference All-cause mortality 5.30% 4.45% -0.85% Total Hospitalizations/ 100,000 beneficiaries 35,274 26,930 -8,344 In-patient Expenditures/ Medicare fee-for-service beneficiary $3,290 $2,801 -$489 End of Life Hospitalization (last 6 months)/100 deaths 131.1 102.9 -28.2 Findings were consistent across geographic and demographic groups. Mortality, Hospitalizations, and Expenditures for the Medicare Population Aged 65 Years or Older, ; Harlan M. Krumholz, MD, SM; Sudhakar V. Nuti, BA; Nicholas S. Downing, MD; Sharon-Lise T. Normand, PhD; Yun Wang, PhD; JAMA. 2015;314(4): ; doi: /jama
Major Reductions in Harm AHRQ 2010 Baseline & Results to Date
145 Harms/1,000 Discharges 2010 142 Harms/1,000 Discharges 2011 132 Harms/1,000 Discharges 2012 121 Harms/1,000 Discharges 2013 2014 Source: Secretary Burwell announces results of patient safety improvement efforts, HHS News Release, December 2, 2014.
National Momentum on Patient Safety Substantial Progress Thru 2014, Compared to 2010 Baseline
17 percent reduction in overall harm; 39 percent reduction in preventable harm 87,000 lives saved $19.8B in cost savings from harm avoided 2.1M fewer harms over 4 years Source: Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality. “Saving Lives and Saving Money: Hospital-Acquired Conditions Update. Interim Data From National Efforts To Make Care Safer, ” December 1, 2015.
PfP National Scorecard by AHRQ Earns “Geppetto Checkmark”
Significant omissions and/or exaggerations President Obama uses AHRQ analysis in remarks on 5th anniversary of ACA “Fact Checker” awards Geppetto Checkmark One of three Geppettos awarded* Most popular “Fact Check” for April 2015 AHRQ analysis published in December 2014 on the impact of the Partnership for Patients Fact Checker, by Glenn Kessler The Geppetto Checkmark “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” One Pinocchio Some shading of facts Two Pinocchios Significant omissions Three Pinocchios Significant factual errors *97 “Fact Checker” articles published January 2015 through April 15, 2015 see:
Medicare all-cause, 30-day hospital readmission rate is declining
Legend: CL: control limit; UCL: upper control limit; LCL: lower control limit
Beneficiaries move to MA plans with high quality scores
Medicare Advantage (MA) Enrollment Rating Distribution Sent prompt to beneficiaries enrolled in plans with 2.5 star rating or lower Letters only sent to beneficiaries in consistently low-rated plans Switch rate 44% (prompt) v. 21% (no prompt) 20% 29% 5-star 45% 4-star 3-star 2-star 61% 57% 45% Beneficiaries are making choices based on quality—each year more and more beneficiaries are selecting 4 and 5-star MA plans. 9% 5% 1% 2012 2013 2014 % 4 or 5 star 29% 37% 55% % 2 or 3 star 71% 63% 45%
Using Information to Make Better Decisions
Quality comparison websites for nursing facilities, hospitals, physicians/clinicians and ultimately all major provider types Data releases on spending, quality, charges, and other consumer-relevant information Quality rating system for qualified health plans Electronic Heath Record adoption Participate in the learning and action network
The Medicare Access & Chip Reauthorization Act of 2015 QUALITY PAYMENT PROGRAM
Quality Payment Program
Repeals the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) Formula Streamlines multiple quality reporting programs into the new Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Provides incentive payments for participation in Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) or Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) The proposed rule is the next step in actually putting the new system envisioned by MACRA into place, in the form of the new Quality Payment Program. I want to thank you for all that you did to make this happen. It was thanks to strong support from medical associations and other stakeholders, that MACRA was signed into law last year. I also want to ask for your continued help, support, and input as we move forward with implementation. MACRA replaced a patchwork collection of quality programs with a single system where every Medicare physician and clinician has the opportunity to be paid more for better care. Doctors will be able to practice as they always have, but will also have the chance to get paid more for high quality care and investments that support patients. There are two paths to quality in this program: O The Merit-based Incentive Payment O The Advanced Alternative Payment Models In developing the rule, we were guided by the core goals of the legislation –streamlining and strengthening quality-based payments for all physicians; rewarding participation in Advanced Alternative Payment Models that create the strongest incentives for quality and coordinated care; and giving clinicians flexibility to choose how to participate in the new system. We will be providing tools and education to help you get ready for performance year Clinicians can visit for more information. In addition, we’re organizing groups across the country, so you can have local help as you get ready. First step to a fresh start We’re listening and help is available A better, smarter Medicare for healthier people Pay for what works to create a Medicare that is enduring Health information needs to be open, flexible, and user-centric
Medicare Payment Prior to MACRA
Fee-for-service (FFS) payment system, where clinicians are paid based on volume of services, not value. The Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) Each year, Congress passed temporary “doc fixes” to avert cuts (no fix in 2015 would have meant a 21% cut in Medicare payments to clinicians) Unfortunately, costs regularly exceeded predicted targets, and since 2002 Congress has regularly passed temporary so-called “doc fixes” to avert cuts. The fix meant that the deficit or cut would roll over to the next year, compounding the problem. For example, no “doc fix” in 2015 would have resulted in a 21% payment cut across the board to clinicians. Instead of relying on these last minute “doc fixes,” MACRA replaces the SGR with a more predictable payment method that promotes value over the long term. MACRA replaces the SGR with a more predictable payment method that incentivizes value.
Medicare Reporting Prior to MACRA
Currently there are multiple quality and value reporting programs for Medicare clinicians: Medicare Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program Physician Quality Reporting Program (PQRS) Value-Based Payment Modifier Another thing to know about Medicare today is that there are currently a number of different quality and value reporting programs—for example the Physician Quality Reporting Program, Value Based Payment Modifier and Medicare Electronic Health Record Incentive Program [TRANSITION]
Medicare Reporting Prior to MACRA
MACRA streamlines these programs into MIPS. Medicare Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program Physician Quality Reporting Program (PQRS) Value-Based Payment Modifier MACRA streamlines these programs into one new quality reporting system, known as the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System, or “MIPS.” Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)
2 : a MIPS: First Step to a Fresh Start MIPS is a new program
Streamlines 3 currently independent programs to work as one and to ease clinician burden. Adds a fourth component to promote ongoing improvement and innovation to clinical activities. MIPS provides clinicians the flexibility to choose the activities and measures that are most meaningful to their practice to demonstrate performance. 2 : a Talking points: MIPS Principles Use a patient-centered approach to program development that leads to better, smarter, and healthier care Develop a program that is meaningful, understandable and flexible for participating clinicians Design incentives that drive movement toward delivery system reform principles and APMs Ensure close attention to excellence in Implementation, operational feasibility, and effective communication with stakeholders Quality Resource use Clinical practice improvement activities Advancing care information
Who Will Participate in MIPS?
Affected clinicians are called “MIPS eligible clinicians” and will participate in MIPS. The types of Medicare Part B health care clinicians affected by MIPS may expand in the first 3 years of implementation. Years 1 and 2 Years 3+ Secretary may broaden Eligible Clinicians group to include others such as Affected clinicians are known officially as “eligible professionals” (EPs). In years 1 and 2, EPs will include physicians, PAs, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists and nurse anesthestists. But the types of Medicare Part B clinicians who will participate in MIPS will likely expand during the first three years of implementation of the law. For example, in years 3 and beyond, the group of EPs will be expanded to include a much larger group, ranging from physical therapists to dieticians. The exact groups included will be defined in rule-making, expected to be released later in 2016. Physical or occupational therapists, Speech-language pathologists, Audiologists, Nurse midwives, Clinical social workers, Clinical psychologists, Dietitians / Nutritional professionals Physicians (MD/DO and DMD/DDS), PAs, NPs, Clinical nurse specialists, Nurse anesthetists
1 Who will NOT Participate in MIPS?
There are 3 groups of clinicians who will NOT be subject to MIPS: 1 So what are the exceptions to participation in MIPS? There are actually three groups of clinicians who will NOT be subject to MIPS. These include Those in their first year of Medicare Part B participation Those that have a very low volume of patients. (The exact threshold for “low volume” is also yet to be defined, but will likely be defined in rulemaking to be released later in 2016) And certain participants in eligible alternative payment models, or “APMs” (we’ll talk more about this later) In addition to these three groups, it’s very important to clarify that MIPS does NOT apply to hospitals or facilities – it applies to individual clinicians. FIRST year of Medicare Part B participation Below low patient volume threshold Certain participants in ELIGIBLE Alternative Payment Models Medicare billing charges less than or equal to $10,000 and provides care for 100 or fewer Medicare patients in one year Note: MIPS does not apply to hospitals or facilities
Alternate payment models (apms)
What is an Alternative Payment Model (APM)?
APMs are new approaches to paying for medical care through Medicare that incentivize quality and value. CMS Innovation Center model (under section 1115A, other than a Health Care Innovation Award) MSSP (Medicare Shared Savings Program) Demonstration under the Health Care Quality Demonstration Program Demonstration required by federal law As defined by MACRA, APMs include: So what is an alternative payment model, or APM? Some of you may have heard of this term or even be in an APM yourself. Alternative Payment Models are new approaches to paying for care in ways that incentivize quality and value. Broadly speaking, these models differ from regular fee-for-service in that providers are accountable for both the cost AND the quality of care of patients in their model. It’s important to note that MACRA has a specific definition for APMs. According to MACRA statute, APMs include: CMS Innovation Center models, the Medicare Shared Savings Program, demos under the Health Care Quality Demonstration program, and demos required by federal law.
Advanced APMs meet certain criteria.
As defined by MACRA, advanced APMs must meet the following criteria: The APM requires participants to use certified EHR technology. The APM bases payment on quality measures comparable to those in the MIPS quality performance category. The APM either: (1) requires APM Entities to bear more than nominal financial risk for monetary losses; OR (2) is a Medical Home Model expanded under CMMI authority. So that’s what APMs in general include. But now we want to talk about advanced APMs, which are the most sophisticated APMs. According to MACRA, advanced APMs have to meet certain criteria which include: basing payment on quality measures comparable to those in MIPS, requiring use of EHR, and either bearing more than nominal financial risk OR being a medical home model expanded under CMMI authority. That all might sound pretty technical – the main takeaway point here is that advanced APMs are the most advanced APMs and must meet these specific criteria. It is a very high bar to be an “advanced APM.”
Note: MACRA does NOT change how any particular APM functions or rewards value. Instead, it creates extra incentives for APM participation. So how do these special alternative payment models fit into the broader changes in MACRA? The key point is that MACRA creates extra incentives for APM participation. It does NOT change how any particular APM rewards value. That is, its goal is not to replace existing incentives, but to supplement them. You entered an APM to practice care in responsible ways, and MACRA is a way to acknowledge and reward you for that commitment.
In Advanced APM, but not a QP
Note: Most practitioners will be subject to MIPS. Subject to MIPS QP in Advanced APM Not in APM In non-Advanced APM While the financial incentives for participating in an advanced APM and getting the bonus are large, it’s important to note that most people will likely not be QPs and therefore will not receive the bonus and instead will be subject to MIPS. No matter which side of the dotted line you fall on in this picture, however, the Quality Payment Program provides multiple ways for practitioners to be rewarded for responsible practice, and multiple incentives to participate in APMs. In order to avoid duplicative reporting across APMs and MIPS while still holding APM participants accountable for MIPS goals to the extent feasible, we propose unique reporting and scoring standards for APM participants who do not become QPs. In Advanced APM, but not a QP Some clinicians may be in Advanced APMs but not have enough payments or patients through the advanced APM to be a QP. Note: Figure not to scale.
Maximum MIPS Payment Adjustment (+/-)
MIPS adjustments and APM Incentive Payment will begin in 2019. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 +4% +9% +5% +7% MIPS -4% -5% -7% -9% Maximum MIPS Payment Adjustment (+/-) QP in Advanced Bonuses to qualified participants in advance APMs will also begin in 2019 and last till That 5% bonus payment will be based on the estimated total payment received by the provider for the prior year. So that means that a clinician’s bonus in 2019 will be based on payment for services in 2018. APM +5% bonus (excluded from MIPS)
The Quality Payment Program:
The Medicare Access & Chip Reauthorization Act of 2015 The Quality Payment Program: Pick Your Pace!
Advanced Alternative Payment Models
Quality Payment Program: Pick Your Pace in Year One Clinicians will pick their pace for the first year – both in how they participate and when. We expect that everyone who is eligible for the Quality Payment Program will participate. We’ve announced four options that we plan to further describe in the final rule: Test Participation or Partial Participation or Full Participation Pick Your Pace: Physicians will pick their pace for the first year – both in how they participate and when. We designed the final rule to allow physicians to pick how they phase into the program. We’ve announced three choices: Test: Physicians may choose any point in 2017 to begin. As long as they submit some 2017 quality information to Medicare by March 2018, they will avoid a negative payment adjustment. This first option is designed to help physicians test their systems and prepare for broader participation in 2018 and 2019. Partial: Physicians may choose to participate for part of the calendar year. This means they could begin later than January 1, 2017 and their practice could still qualify for a small bonus. Full: For practices ready to go on January 1, 2017, they may choose to participate for a full year and may qualify for a modest bonus. We've seen physician practices of all sizes successfully submit a full year’s quality data, and expect many will be ready to do so. Of course, clinicians can also choose to join an Advanced Alternative Payment Model in 2017 and potentially qualify for a 5 percent bonus. or Advanced Alternative Payment Models
Contact Information Kate Goodrich, MD MHS Director, Center for Clinical Standards and Quality
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