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Egeuse e. Kreeta-Mükeene kunst

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1 Egeuse e. Kreeta-Mükeene kunst

2 Lingid Kreeta-Mükeene kunstist:

3 Home-rose-aegne Kreeka



6 Highly schematic, nude human figures produced during the Bronze Age are typical of Cycladic culture. Their simplicity influenced artists of the early 20th century, such as Constantin Brancusi and Amedeo Modigliani. This figure, made about 2000 BC, comes from Amorgos, one of the many Aegean islands on which Cycladic culture flourished. It is now in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.

7 Seated harp player, ca. 2800–2700 B. C
Seated harp player, ca. 2800–2700 B.C.; Early Cycladic I–II Cycladic; Grotta-Pelos culture Marble; H. with harp 11 1/2 in. (29.2 cm)

8 group of three figurines, Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany, marble, H 19 cm, W 15,4 cm, D 3,7 cm, cycladic figurines, bronze age, from the early cycladic II period, early spedos type.

9 Kreeta kunst Jumalanna madudega Knossose lossist. Terrakota, u.1600 e.Kr

10 Kreeta kunst Kultuslikud sõnnisarved Knossoses

11 Kaksikkirves e “labrys”

12 Kuningas Minose palee Knossoses ca. 1600 e.Kr

13 Kreeta kunst Aerofoto Knossose lossist

14 Knossose lossi puust makett

15 Knossose lossi rekonstruktsioon

16 "Palace of Minos", Knossos: North Propylaea [view from SE. ], orig. ca
"Palace of Minos", Knossos: North Propylaea [view from SE.], orig. ca. 16th century B.C.E


18 Kreeta kunst "Palace of Minos", Knossos: North Propylaea [view from SE.], orig. ca. 16th century B.C.E.

19 Knossose lossi sambad (nn. kreeta sammas)

20 "Palace of Minos," Knossos: South Propylaea with bull's-horn altar [right foreground], orig. ca. 16th century B.C.E.

21 Kultuslikud sõnnisarved Knossoses


23 Kreeta kunst Palace of King Minos, Knossos c B.C. This stairway leads to an upper story in the eastern wing


25 "Palace of Minos," Knossos: West wing, underground magazine with storage pithoi, ca B.C.E.

26 Knossose loss, kuninglik troon

27 Kuninganna ruum Knossose palees (fresko delfiinidega) u. 1700 e.Kr.


29 Kuninganna ruum Knossose palees (rekonstruktsioon)

30 Seinamaal “Akrobaatilised mängud härjaga” Knossose lossist u.1400 e.Kr
Herakleion, Arheoloogiamuuseum

31 Kreeta kunst nn. Pariisitar (Knossose loss) u.1500 e.Kr. kõrgus 22 cm
fresko Herakleion, Arheoloogiamuuseum

32 Kreeta kunst “Liiliaprints” Knossose lossis

33 Jumalannad madudega Knossose lossist. Terrakota, u.1600 e.Kr

34 Phaistose loss




38 Phaistose loss, kuninganna megaron

39 Kree-ta kunst Hagia Triada lossi plaan

40 From a chamber-tomb near The palace of Hagia Triada c. 1400 B. C
From a chamber-tomb near The palace of Hagia Triada c B.C. Museum of Herakleion, Crete





45 Kreeta kunst Octopus Vase (Marine Style), c B.C.

46 Mükeene kunst


48 Tirynsi kindlus

49 Mükeene kunst – megaroni plaan

50 Megaroni rekonstruktsioon

51 Megaroni rekonstruktsioon

52 Mükeene kaart

53 Mükeene linnuse rekonstruktsioon

54 Mükeene linnus

55 Mükeene linnuse rekonstruktsioon

56 Vaade Mükeene akropolile

57 Mükeene kunst Mükeene lõvivärav U e.Kr.

58 Mükeene lõvivärav u. 1300 e.Kr.

59 Mükeene kunst Mükeene lõvivärav U e.Kr.

60 Mükeene kunst "Lion Gate," entrance to the Citadel, Mycenae: detail of side posts showing sockets for door hinges and crossbar, ca B.C.E.

61 Kuppelhaud, nn. “Arteuse varakamber” Mükeenes
Kuppelhaud, nn. “Arteuse varakamber” Mükeenes. Kuppel-kultusruumi läbimõõt 14,2 m, kõrgus 13,6 m. u e.Kr.


63 Mükeene kunst Tholos ("beehive") tomb (called the "Treasury of Atreus"): detail, entrance showing post & lintel construction with relieving triangle above, ca B.C.E.

64 Mükeene kunst Arteuse varakambri interjöör



67 Mükeene kunst Tirynsi kindluse plaan

68 Mükee-ne kunst Tirynsi kindlus lõunast

69 Vaade Tirynsi kindlusele

70 Mükeene kunst Tirynsi kindlus

71 Mükeene kunst Mükeene naine Fresko Tirynsi paleest 13.saj. e.Kr.
National Archaeolo-gical Museum, Athens

72 Mükeene kunst Fresko Tirynsi paleest 13.saj. e.Kr.
National Archaeolo-gical Museum, Athens

73 Mükeene kunst Agamem-noni kuldmask Mükeene 16. saj. e.Kr.

74 Cycladic, Late Bronze Age (Late Minoan I) Boxing Boys and Antelopes, murals from building complex Beta at Akrotiri site on Thera (Santorini), ca B.C.E.

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