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Ocean Pollution How Pollutants Get into the Oceans

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1 Ocean Pollution How Pollutants Get into the Oceans
Preventing Ocean Pollution Who owns the Oceans? March 3, 2009 Sanders

2 Homework Questions Where does most pollution ocean come from?
What kind of pollution is it? What are the three sources of oil pollution in the ocean? Why is plastic considered to be a pollutant? What are its sources?

3 Ocean Pollution Styrofoam cups Plastic Bottles Plastic bags
November 13, 2018 Sanders

4 How Pollutants Get into Oceans
85% of the ocean pollution comes from land. Materials dumped into rivers and streams pour into oceans as runoff. Polluted water November 13, 2018 Sanders

5 November 13, 2018 Sanders

6 Directly Dumped into the Ocean
Sludge from sewage treatment plants get dumped directly into oceans. Oceangoing vessels dump wastewater and garbage directly into ocean. November 13, 2018 Sanders

7 Accidental Spills of Oil
Oil spills also contaminate the ocean. Account for 5% of spills Oil spills also occur not only from large tankers small oil leaks in ships oil rigs. November 13, 2018 Sanders

8 Biologic Effects of Oil Spills
Oil spills destroy plants in the ocean Poison the animals Birds coated in oil cannot fly. Animals ingest oil through bioamplification. November 13, 2018 Sanders

9 Plastics Plastics do not readily degrade.
Animals eat plastics and starve. At right is a baby albatross that died from eating plastic. November 13, 2018 Sanders

10 Seals November 13, 2018 Sanders
this seal is 15 or 16 years old, he was rescued as a baby, he had a plastic ring that holds six packs of soda around his neck November 13, 2018 Sanders

11 MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. Prohibits discharge of oil form ships Prohibits discharge of garbage Open Ocean Coastal Waters November 13, 2018 Sanders

12 1974 Helsinki Convention 120 nations seeks to control land-based sources of ocean pollution Toxic dumping Runoff Toxic Chemicals DDT Cadmium Mercury November 13, 2018 Sanders

13 Who Owns the Oceans? Open Ocean is open to everybody.
Law of the Seas Treaty states that the laws of a coastal nation extend 22 km or 12 nautical miles This is the nation’s economic zone. Nation has control over economic activity environmental protection research November 13, 2018 Sanders

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