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Chapitre 2 LeÇon 2 Le vocabulaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapitre 2 LeÇon 2 Le vocabulaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapitre 2 LeÇon 2 Le vocabulaire

2 La balle le ballon nouns

3 ball Noun

4 La batte Noun

5 bat Noun

6 La bibliothÈque noun

7 library Noun

8 Le centre commercial noun

9 mall Noun

10 Le lycÉe noun

11 High school Noun

12 La maison des jeunes et de la culture (MJC)

13 Recreation center (similar to the YMCA)

14 Le parc noun

15 park Noun

16 Le stade noun

17 stadium Noun

18 Tu prÉfÈres ___ ou____?

19 Do you prefere _____ or _____?
2 nouns or 2 verbs in the infinitive go in the blanks.

20 Tu aimes ____ ou___?

21 2 nouns or verbs in the infinitive go in the blanks.
Do you like __ or __? 2 nouns or verbs in the infinitive go in the blanks.

22 Mais…

23 But…

24 Quelles sont tes activitÉs prÉfÉrÉes?

25 Which (what) are your favorite activities?

26 Et….

27 And….

28 Tu aimes ____ rÉguliÈrement?

29 Do you usually like ____ ?
A verb in the infinitive goes in the blank.

30 Oui, souvent

31 Yes, often

32 De temps en temps

33 From time to time

34 Non, rarement

35 No, rarely

36 Non, jamais

37 No, never

38 Verb in the infinitive form
Aller À la piscine Verb in the infinitive form

39 Verb in the infinitive form
To go to the pool. Verb in the infinitive form

40 Verb in the infinitive form
Aller au cafÉ Verb in the infinitive form

41 Verb in the infinitive form
To go to the coffeeshop Verb in the infinitive form

42 Verb in the infinitive form
Aller au cinÉma Verb in the infinitive form

43 Verb in the infinitive form
To go to the movies Verb in the infinitive form

44 Verb in the infinitive form
danser Verb in the infinitive form

45 Verb in the infinitive form
To dance Verb in the infinitive form

46 Discuter (avec des amis)
Verb in the infinitive form

47 Verb in the infinitive form
To chat (with friends) Verb in the infinitive form

48 Verb in the infinitive form
Faire du sport Verb in the infinitive form

49 Verb in the infinitive form
To play sports Verb in the infinitive form

50 Verb in the infinitive form
Faire la fÊte Verb in the infinitive form

51 Verb in the infinitive form
To party Verb in the infinitive form

52 Verb in the infinitive form
Faire les magasins (m.) Verb in the infinitive form

53 Verb in the infinitive form
To go shopping Verb in the infinitive form

54 Verb in the infinitive form
Faire un pique-nique Verb in the infinitive form

55 Verb in the infinitive form
To have a picnic Verb in the infinitive form

56 Verb in the infinitive form
Jouer au base-ball Verb in the infinitive form

57 Verb in the infinitive form
To play baseball Verb in the infinitive form

58 Verb in the infinitive form
Jouer au foot(ball) Verb in the infinitive form

59 Verb in the infinitive form
To play soccer Verb in the infinitive form

60 Verb in the infinitive form
Jouer aux cartes Verb in the infinitive form

61 Verb in the infinitive form
To play cards Verb in the infinitive form

62 Verb in the infinitive form
Jouer aux Échecs Verb in the infinitive form

63 Verb in the infinitive form
To play chess Verb in the infinitive form

64 Verb in the infinitive form
nAGER Verb in the infinitive form

65 Verb in the infinitive form
To swim Verb in the infinitive form

66 Verb in the infinitive form
sortir Verb in the infinitive form

67 Verb in the infinitive form
To go out Verb in the infinitive form

68 Verb in the infinitive form
Voir un film Verb in the infinitive form

69 Verb in the infinitive form
To see a movie Verb in the infinitive form

70 In the blank, one adds a verb conjugated in the tu form.
Tu ____ bien? In the blank, one adds a verb conjugated in the tu form.

71 Do you _____well?

72 _____assez bien/bien/trÈs bien.
In the blank, one adds a verb conjugated in the Je form.

73 I _____ rather well/well/very well

74 In the blank, one adds a verb conjugated in the Je form.
_____mal/trÈs mal. In the blank, one adds a verb conjugated in the Je form.

75 I____ badly, very badLy







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