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Washington Unified School District Educational Services Division

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Presentation on theme: "Washington Unified School District Educational Services Division"— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington Unified School District Educational Services Division
Curriculum and Instruction Department Assistant Principals and Vice Principals Academy February 22, 2016

2 Breakfast and Networking

3 Breakfast and Networking 7:30-7:50
Journal-Write and Share-Out 7:50-8:10 Review Group Norms and Expectations 8:10-8:15 Book Study: Instructional Rounds :15-9:30 Break :30-9:45 Superintendent’s address :45-10:20 For the next meeting :20-10:25 Evaluation and dismissal :25-10:30

4 Journal-Write and Share-Out
7:50-8:10 Journal-Write: 10 minutes Choose one word that describes you as an instructional leader Next, identify one professional roadblock that interferes with leadership In your journals, explain what word you chose to describe yourself as an instructional leader and why. Discuss a roadblock that you are facing in your work. What is your vision to overcome it? Share-Out: 10 minutes Break out in triads and discuss your chosen word, your roadblock, and your vision to overcome it

5 Review Group Norms and Expectations
8:10-8:15 Group Norms Today, we will select Listen to Understand and will demonstrate and practice it during book study. Expectations Communication and engagement in leadership were the group’s top two expectations. Today, Superintendent Luna will address the Academy.

6 Book Study 8:15-9:30 Define and practice say the last word protocol
Internalize four key points of instructional core: Focus on the core Task predicts performance Accountability begins in the task We learn the work by doing the work Say the last word protocol Form groups of 4, number off, A, B,C, D. Partner A goes first. For three minutes partner A uninterrupted comments and responds to the chapters, one part of the chapters that resonated with them, questions they have, disagree with etc. Partner B comments on partner A's comments, builds on them, offers another perspective, disagrees/agrees etc. Partner C and D do the same. Finally partner A finishes for two minutes commenting on the other partners contributions, comments, has the last word. Repeat cycle until everybody has had the opportunity to 'Say the Last Word’

7 Break 9:30-9:45 9:15-9:30 7

8 Superintendent’s Address
9:45-10:20 9:15-9:30 8

9 For the Next Meeting 10:20-10:25 Re-read chapter 2 and start chapter 3 of Instructional Rounds in Education Contact Connie VanDorien to schedule a one-on-one coaching session on Instructional Rounds with Edwin Manson before the next meeting 10:00-10:10 9

10 Evaluation On an index card write the following: One aha moment
10:25-10:30 On an index card write the following: One aha moment One question that you still have One recommendation for the next meeting One commitment for yourself 10:25-10:30 10

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