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Evolution Process where a species may change over time

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1 Evolution Process where a species may change over time
Individuals w/traits better suited for their environment are more likely to survive Organisms better suited tend to pass on traits Survival of species and inherited traits are result of natural selection

2 Darwin’s Travels Decent with modification

3 Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
Number of individuals that have “strong” traits will increase in a population Overproduction (more offspring than will survive) Variation (more than one form of trait) Selection (trait increase/decrease survival rate) Adaptation (trait increase survival will be more common) (txt uses differential reproduction)

4 Natural Selection

5 What Darwin Explained Fossils Biogeography Developmental Biology
Pattern of gradual change from past to present Biogeography Similar environments shape organisms in similar ways Developmental Biology Development of embryos Biochemistry and Anatomy

6 Evidence of Whale Evolution transitional species

7 Forelimbs of Vertebrates Homologous (same) and Analogous Structures (different)

8 Darwin’s Strengths Lots of data Testable material
Showed that organisms changed Evidence Mechanism Variation

9 Darwin’s Theory Updated
Can an individual evolve? Populations evolve when natural selection act on genes Is evolution the survival of the fittest? The “fittest” is not always formed, just those that “fit” well enough to have offspring Is evolution predictable? We cannot predict the exact path that evolution will take

10 Natural Selection of Anole Lizard Adaptive Radiation

11 Evolution at ALL Scales
Speciation (formation of new species) Natural population that can interbreed and produce healthy fertile offspring Also classified by their physical features, ecological roles, and genetic relationships Microevolution Macroevolution

12 Microevolution Inherited traits over time in a population
Natural selection Migration Mate choice Mutation Genetic drift Hardy – Weinberg Principal (Genetic Change)

13 Macroevolution Patterns in which new species evolve
Convergent evolution (strongly directed) Coevolution (organism involved) Adaptive Radiation (split into lineages) Extinction (fail to reproduce, die off) Gradualism Punctuated Equilibrium

14 Natural Selection of Anole Lizard Adaptive Radiation

15 Species Formation Geography Niche Behavior and Timing of Mating
Hybridization Polyploidy


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